It’s Nick’s Birthday!!!!

Nick and I are the same age. But he is 3 months older.

Wiser. Stronger. Faster.

I have more gray hair, but I swear he’s gonna
go bald first. Or not. He does have an amazing
head of hair.

This year we turn 27.

The 27th year is cursed.

All the greats die at 27. Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin,
Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain.

Nick will not die. Not on my watch.

I’ve already hired a militia to watch him
around the clock. They are lurking, making sure
that no radios fall in his bathtub. They are there
to assist him crossing the street. They sit next to him
at dinner to ensure that he doesn’t choke on the veal
cheeks at Caprice Bistro.

They’ve even replaced all the do-dads in his medicine
cabinet with placebos.

Yes, my darling is under close watch, because 27
is going to be his year. This is the year he will
get his movie made. The year he will win a radio call in
contest. The year he will find a hundred dollar bill on
the street.

The year he will save a baby from a burning building
and get the key to the city. I see big
things for Mr. Gray. And I see things. A lot.

On the anniversary of his great birth, please celebrate
with us and tell us what you see for our dear, talented,
dashing Nick.

Love you madly, my friend.

122 Responses to “It’s Nick’s Birthday!!!!”

  1. Kaitlin Says:

    I don’t know but I’ve been told…someone here is getting old! Good news is I sing for free, bad news is I sing off key!! This is a great day to have a birthday because you share it with a good friend of mine who passed away last April…just two weeks after his 27th birthday. I’m glad I have someone else to celebrate too!

    Today is your day to be as silly so embrace it!


  2. Heather Says:

    I see this wordsmith's wonderful vision brought to life. I see another groundbreaking work of fiction on it's way. But most of all I see many fun adventures filled with unique and interesting people. Happy Birthday Nick. Wishing you many, many more!!!
    <> <> darkhowler69

  3. Stephanie Says:

    Being a fellow Aprl baby, I say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! The elementary teacher in me wants to sing you the song (complete witht the awesome but annoying cha cha chas)… Happy Birthday to you…cha cha cha… Happy Birthday to you…cha cha cha… Happy birthday to Nick!!.. Happy birthday to you… cha cha cha…ooh la la… Pizza… Scooby doo on channel two… Frankenstein on channel 9… a big fat lady on channel 80… a whole lot more on channel 4…

    So fellow April baby… Happy birthday!

    I see not just one baby being pulled from the burning building but two!


  4. Jeadane naoual Says:

    Happy Birthday to Nick… Happy Birthday to Nick… Happy Birthday to our dear, nice Nickkkk… Happy Birthday To you!!!

    I wish u everything u wish for!
    I wish u happy birthday In 3 languages:
    Gelukkig verjaardag (Dutch) Bonne anniversaire (Francais) Gut Geburtstag (German)

    Enjoy ur 27th Birthday
    Have a great day


  5. Nicole Says:

    These late 20 years are the best! Truly – I had the most fun during those years. Because, let’s face it, as you get into your 30’s responsibility stinks 🙂 Right now, you guys are having a blast and loving life. Not to say you won’t going forward but these are the years that you tend to look back on forever.

    Nick – have a great birthday. Although – veal cheeks? I am thinking something chocolate and lots of yummy wine.

    Oopps…almost forget — I do see lots of professional success for you this year. I don’t really see like Hilarie does but everything is in line. Rock it!


  6. sparklegirl1 Says:

    Happy Birthday dear Gray! This WILL be YOUR year. Your star will shine bright, you’ll have a hugely succesful play and guess what, you’ll even have super powers for a day!! The gods will be smiling upon you this year!

    Have a good one!


  7. MichelleBell16 Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick!!!!!! 😀

    I hope this is the year of dreams for you. I'm so excited for you and for Pedestrian. Your words and ideas are so special and I know they're going to continue to matter to people. You, Hilarie, Kelly, Austin…you change lives, it's what you do 🙂 Thanks for changing mine.

    ❤ Michelle

  8. FlightOfDeath Says:

    Happy Birthday, Nick! 27 is a lucky lucky number.

  9. Elise88 Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick and avagoodday as us Aussies would say!!

    This is your year Nicholas… enjoy every moment of it!


  10. Missa Says:

    Happy Birthday, Nick!! Your lucky year is 27, I’m sure of it!

  11. Kristen Says:

    I’ve got nothing witty to say unfortunately, But happy birthday sir! I hope 27 treats you beyond well and leads you into 28 (and far far beyond!)

  12. Lily's Poet Says:

    If you think mathematic, you will see that 27 is a special natural number, “three cubed”. If you think music, you will see that Mozart complet 27 concerti for piano and orchestra.But I’ve found even better, considering the gothic alphabet have 27 letters! 😉

    So twenty seven is a cool number and I wish you all the luck and success for this next years.
    I see a lot !

    And I see…#####…Ohh, I just got my crystal broken and I don’t drink coffea.It is hard to see the future in tea cup but I can guess new big adventures, great people along the way and dreams come true! And yeah I agree on baby and a dog saved…

    To finish with a “french touch”…
    “Bon anniversaire, mes voeux les plus sincères,
    et qu’à l’an fini nous soyons tous réunis,
    pour chanter encore…Bon Anniversaire M. Nick Gray :)”


  13. Holly Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick!

    I’m sure this year will be amazing for you. I’m so excited for Pedestrian and to see all of your work come together. 🙂

    Have a wonderful day!


  14. Bridgett Terran Says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICK!!!! This year I see your amazing writings and visions being brought to live through film and many other venues. I see you going on many adventures, and laughing so hard you cry. I see you having your best year yet, so kick it off today knowing your fabulous and don’t ever look back! Have a GREAT day, kicking off all the new possibilities and living changing journeys coming into your life. and eat lots of cake! and make lots of wishes, because wishes really do come true. Happy 27!!!

  15. hope0414dmc Says:

    Happy Birthday. I see a year filled with amazing dreams coming true. Memories of wild and crazy days/times spent with friends and family as well as SGP. So go out there and chase the lepruchan, find your hidden treasure,just take care of that great head of hair.
    Love and prayers,

  16. Bekah Says:

    Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Nickkk! Happy birthday to you!!!
    It’s your day! Live it up! Go crazy! But not too crazy. I don’t think Hilarie would be very happy if you went and injured yourself from all your excitement and partying.
    But have fun, nevertheless!

    love from guam

  17. JessQC Says:

    Ah, the month of April… Such a lovely one! The best birthdays happen during that time (*cough* the 19th *cough*)

    Nick, it’s been a pleasure to discover your work, your personality, you likes and dislikes, etc. I hope we get to hear a lot more from you and something tells me that this is it, this is the year it’s going to happen.

    Why? Because you have amazing friends who care deeply for you and a great bunch of supporters who spread the word around that an amazing writer is slowly changing our worlds. Your words matter.

    Here’s to hoping that being 27 really is a lucky year… although, come to think of it, I believe that both you and Hilarie, the ones turning 2-7 this year, have the power of making any year magical. You have so much determination, anything can happen!

    Happy birthday, Bonne fête,

    Jess xoxo

  18. Emily Says:


    I’m no fortune teller but I feel that this year holds great success for you.

  19. blueaeryn Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick. Your birthday is 20 days before mine. April is a GREAT month. 🙂

    A year is what you make it. So go forth with boldness and brightness of soul and live life without regret.

    “Podcaster Denise”

  20. ¤¤Marion¤¤ Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick 🙂 I wish you all the best . 27 will definitely rock for you !

  21. Rosa Says:

    Feliz cumpleaños Nick!!!
    (Happy Birthday Nick!!)

    I wish you the best,
    I see a great future for Nick an a great success with this film and all the projects that you will do!

    Have a nice day!!

  22. nadine. Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick!

    I hope you will have a great day and I hope you get tons of presents and I hope you won’t ever go bald.
    Be great and rock on!

    – nadine.

  23. jenniferfreil Says:

    Personally, I ( Jennifer Freil The Great 😉 ), see great things for Nich this year.

    I see a girl, aged 18, from Scotland! Who’s in wilmington for a break.. I see Nick out in the sun walking the streets hunting for SoGoPro.

    Nick see’s Jennifer, he see’s her looking at him.. he notice’s she’s to scared to walk up to him and walk, so he makes the first move.

    Nick walk’s accross to Jennifer and ask’s “Have you ever heard of Southern Gothic?” she respond’s “Of course I have Nick :)” Jennifer then ask’s Nick with great confidence “are you looking to cast anybody off the streets? For extra’s or anything at all for your company’s movies?” Nick respond’s to Jennifer who’s smiling away and looking at Nick with her peircing blue eye’s, he says “We are! We want anyone and everyone, are you looking to do some work for SoGoPro?” Jennifer say’s yes, and the discuss the details in the sun.. 🙂

    That’s what I see for Great Nick 😀

    Happy Birthday Nick!!

    Hope to meet you sometime this year!

    -Jennifer xoxo

  24. Alexandria Lynn Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick!! I see you making hundreds of supportive friends this year via SoGoPro blog! Have another great birthday full of love, friends and gothic!

  25. Nickie Says:

    Go shorty it’s your birth day, we gonna party likes it’s your birthday….

    sorry just had to do it.

    I foresee you making a marvelous film!

    Happy 27th Birthday Nick!!

    Be careful standing so close to the llamas cage, I once posed just as you were and the next thing I knew the llama had a mouthful of my hair… I at the time was about 6, and all my mom could do was laugh while my grandmother screamed someone help her. I can’t blame my mom for laughing it was funny but painful…lol

  26. Lovely35 Says:

    Happy Birthday, Nick!!!
    I wish you the best and hope that this year, you get everything you desire: your first movie made, your first real dream coming true.

    Happy Birthday, Bonne Anniversaire, Feliz Cumpleanos!!

    Remember 27 years old is very young and you have a long life ahead of you.

  27. JaclyneJaye Says:

    Happy Birthday dear Nick, hope it’s wonderful! I see grand things my friend. I see the greatness you have inscribed, I see the believers and the inspired, and I see a great success! Dream your dreams!! Enjoy your year, and the many more to come! 🙂
    -Jac xoxo

  28. Jess Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick.
    May the next year of your life be full of lots of special memories.
    Thanks for you and the SoG0 team inspiring me.
    J x

  29. mynameiskate Says:

    ‘Almost dying changes nothing, dying changes everything’. But, on the other hand, see how many artists have managed to live longer!

    Ok, so much for sad stuff.

    Dear Nick,

    You are 27 now, and you’ve seem to grown a very fine men, so I wish you all the happiness, satisfaction from your work and life! I hope you will get where you want to in life, find happiness and love, and always remember you’ve got the best support!

    All the best!


  30. Neera Says:

    Dearest Nick,

    Happy birthday! Or in Hindi: Janam Din ki badhai! Or Arabic: Eid milaad saeed! 27 is the new 21, I just made that up but lets go with it :-). The best is yet to come! This year, the movie will be made and, what the heck, you’ll save a baby, or two, or three, from a burning building.

    Have a fantastic birthday and have a drink or two for me!


  31. Juc Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick! In my language it’s: Boldog Születésnapot! Try to pronounce it! 🙂 I wish I would hear! 🙂



  32. Let it be Awesome Says:

    Happy 27th Birthday, Nicholas Gray !!!

    what do I wish for you? I wish you a great day! To enjoy your life and follow your dreams … I’m sure it won’t be a problem for you to achieve all of them … you are a pedestrian, right? But so am I, a good one too, so I will make sure to follow and support you and SoGoPro every step of the way.

    All the best from the other side of the world.


  33. Megan Mary Says:

    Happy Birthday Nicholas Gray!!

    I’m no fortune teller but I think if you want Gray to keep his full head of hair your militia needs to stand between him and that llama on the left – that ugly dude is DEFINITELY eyeing Nick’s hair for an afternoon snack.

    But I’m pretty sure we ALL see big things happening in his 27th year… He’s going to get his movie made and I bet he’ll even get a chance to play Eliza Doolittle at some point!! (put that on your militia’s agenda… it HAS to happen)

  34. mega Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick!
    That is one awesome militia! Winning a call in radio contest, getting his movie made, he is so going to make the history books this year.

  35. GeOh Says:

    On this day, a bundle of Literary AWESOME was unleashed on the world, and that little AWESOME bundle of joy was you, good sir. Happy Birthday, Mr. Gray.

    Have a good one, and dont booze TOO badly.


  36. frakone Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick!! =D

    Today is Bethany Joy’s birthday as well.

  37. Ella Press Says:

    I send you all my love from a little town in Argentina. And also, I wanted to let Hilarie know that I’ve also hired people to watch over him, so they’ll help your militia. They are… The Power Rangers! Hahaha, I loved them when I was little, so I asked them to help me out, and luckily, they’ve said yes. So if you see anyone dressed as the Blue or Red Ranger, know that I’ve sent them.
    Haha, have a good day!
    Great things are coming your way!


  38. Ella Press Says:

    I send you all my love from a little town in Argentina. And also, I wanted to let Hilarie know that I’ve also hired people to watch over him, so they’ll help your militia. They are… The Power Rangers! Hahaha, I loved them when I was little, so I asked them to help me out, and luckily, they’ve said yes. So if you see anyone dressed as the Blue or Red Ranger, know that I’ve sent them.
    Haha, have a good day!
    Great things are coming your way!


  39. sach Says:

    Happy birthday Nick.

    Hilarie, you’re so awesome and hilarious.

  40. "loic" Says:

    I wish you a happy birthday this year you will be beneficial at any point, your success is I’m on

  41. Danielle Says:

    No cursed year for you, Nick. It shall be the best one ever!! Enjoy your day!

    Happy Birthday – alles Gueti zum Burzeldaag 🙂

  42. Camila Says:

    Congrats Nick!!
    Wish you a Happy Birthday!!!!
    In my native language: “Feliz Aniversário!!!!”
    Best Wishes,

  43. Andrea. Says:

    you live in a zoo, you look like a monkey annndd you smell like one too.
    That’s for the tradition.
    I also wish you lots of happiness, love, success for this new year that has started for you. 🙂
    I’ll always be here to support your and SGP work.


  44. Katie Says:

    Happy Brithday Nicholas – Lá Breithe Shona Dhuit(in irish)

    April baby just like me – only 15 days in the difference.

    This year has been good so far and I’m sure great things lie in store for you over the next few months!!!All my support for a great 2009 for you and the SGP Team!!!


  45. Southern Girl Says:

    “Happy, Happy Birthday Baby”…it’s Ronnie Milsap…you should listen…it will make you laugh:)

    Have a fabulous day Gray…27 was an awesome time!! Oh, what do I see….I see young people starting to call you Mister…Ha! I also see one kick-ass movie coming from your 27th year…can’t wait…

    p.s. – I’ve had the veal cheeks at Caprice..they rock!

  46. Dee Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick.

    27 will be good. I know this b/c I’ll be 27 soon too!!

    So here’s to a good 27….
    Have a great day!!


  47. Charlotte Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick!!

    I see nick winning a radio contest and the radio dj person going gaga for him. And nick laughing at your gorgeous gray hair and showing off his full head of hair.

    Great people have birthdays in April!

    ps, i LOVE llamas!!

  48. Kari Says:

    Happy Birthday dear Mr. Nick

    I see him changing people’s lives with his movies. I see him exploring new world’s with his work.

  49. askforme Says:

    Hey, happy birthday Nick! wow you guys look so young, I wouldn´t have guessed you were 27!

    Nick I wish you the best in this new year, like Hilarie said.. I can see great things coming your way this year 🙂


  50. Hayley Tonner Says:

    I I think if on my 27th birthday, I could say “I wrote a script and it’s in the process of becoming a movie,” I would have plenty of reason to celebrate.

    You bring great joy to your friends and your fans.
    Thanks for being born.


  51. Ann Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick!!!
    Have a great day..

  52. Michelle Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick! I have a feeling this will be an amazing year for you! Wishing you all the great things in life! have a fun day! (:

  53. littlechristy32 Says:

    Happy 27th Birthday Nick.

    I see big things for you this year. Your movie getting made, your writing getting more awesome than it already is, you will get to play Eliza Doolittle, and you will become a superhero. I’ll let you pick your superpower but I see you saving the world and getting the girl.

    In all seriousness I hope your 27th year does lead to big things in your life. Happy Birthday again.


  54. Lisa from Sparks Says:

    Happy birthday Nick!
    I wish for you in this coming year until your next birthday…
    much success, much love, many new ideas, and lots of new updates blogs.
    Have a wonderful 27th year!

  55. Alaina Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick!!
    You make 27 look incredible!
    I hope you’re day is awesome, and the next year continues to be positive for you.


  56. Kaitlan.Olivia Says:

    Every time my friends or I have a birthday we go and Celebrate at TGI Fridays, they have the best birthday song ever! My friend and I would so take you there, if we So to make up for it…

    I don’t know what I been told,
    Someone here is getting Old,
    I don’t know but its been said,
    Someone’s face is turning red.
    Sound Off…Happy
    Sound off…Birthday
    Happy YOU dear Nicholas Grey!

    I have no worries about you making the most of your birthday, not on Hilarie’s watch..haha. She has everything under control. Just remember to have fun and go CRAZY!! 🙂

    Have a wonderful day Nicholas Grey(hey that!


  57. marie~josephine! Says:

    hahay! hope you have a wonderful birthday!!
    have a blast!
    best wishes from tather sunny england 😀

  58. gem Says:

    Happy birthday to our favourite writter!! I wish you a lot of things for your 27!!!
    and just because telling you in french is really nice all I have to say is: “joyeux anniversaire nick!!”

  59. Andrea Smith Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick! Hope you have a great one!

  60. Emilie Says:

    Happy Birthday to you Nick or “Joyeux Anniversaire” !!!

    I wish you a wonderful day and the best for this new year !

    A lot of hugs.


  61. Tina Says:

    Hope you have a great birthday Nick! ur awesome 🙂

  62. Maygen Says:

    Happy Birthday Handsom!
    27! Wow, getting old aren’t we. I’m happy to hear that you are taking such precautions Hilarie. I’ll be sure to send my Super Hero Uncle your way. He’ll be happy to help out.

    So how are we celebrating this fine day Mr. Gray? Any big plans? Places to go? People to see?

    This is a very big year for you! With Pedestrian and the short film which we are all dying to see =]] Please don’t get annoyed when the team of militia is hounding you for putting too much salt on your food, we’re just preventing a heart attack.

    Have a wonderful day Nick,

  63. a-shiningstar Says:


    I hope your birthday is simply wonderful! This year will be great for you. Clearly we are all in agreement about this… I mean it already has the makings of a fantasic year! Adding to the long list of wonderful things that will happen this year:

    You will change lives.
    You will take your dream vacation.
    You will fall in love.

    Or maybe you have already done some of these things already…ah well they are definately worth doing more than once.


  64. a-shiningstar Says:


    I hope your birthday is simply wonderful! This year will be great for you. Clearly we are all in agreement about this… I mean it already has the makings of a fantasic year! Adding to the long list of wonderful things that will happen this year:

    You will change lives.
    You will take your dream vacation.
    You will fall in love.

    Or maybe you have already done some of these things already…ah well they are definately worth doing more than once.


  65. alyssa. Says:

    Happy Birthday, Nick!
    I definitely see your movie becoming a reality this year with tons and tons of people coming to see Pedistrian. All of those people will be influenced, inspired to great things in the world…all because of you and the extraordinary script that you wrote :]
    I cant wait to see all of this magic come to life first hand.
    Your awesome, Nick, and have a great year!


    PS just be careful of all those drugs and that darn barbiturate and you shouldnt die at the age of 27 ;]
    …especially with all the watch that Hilarie has hired for you.

  66. siringe Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick!!

    Muchas Felicidades. I wish you all the best. Have a great day.

    1982 was a great year I was born that year too…

  67. Elizabeth Says:

    Dear Nick,

    Feliz cumpleaños! Happy birthday!
    I hope all your dreams come true. Enjoy your 27 🙂 In my opinion, it’s a good age 😉 You look so good! Keep writing and surprising us with your magic mind.

    Remember: You are a pedestrian walking the road of our lives. (Everybody is connected here).

    Just fly…just dream

    Kind regards,

  68. Ingrid Says:

    Gratulerer med dagen!!
    (That was me wishing you happy birthday in Norwegian.)

    What I see for you this year? I see you learning three new Norwegian words. Yup, those three words I wrote above. Go learn them. Or not…Ha ha!
    I also see tons of other things for you. Just keep on doing what you’re already doing, and you’ll be awesome!

    Have a good one!


  69. Steph Says:

    I see many great things for our friend Nick in this coming year. He has accomplished a lot in his 27 years of life and I’m hoping I can have even half that by the time I reach 27 and I’m 22 now. So To Nick I hope you have a Fantastic Birthday filled with Happiness, Love , and maybe some Drunken Escapades if that’s your cup of tea.. Happy Birthday..
    XOXO Steph

  70. Liz Says:


    I have a feeling this year is going to be a great one. You’ve got a lot going on and its all so exciting plus Hil seems to have your back so you can’t get into trouble lol. Plus you always have Sarah and Elisa parts apparently waiting for you if you want them 🙂

    Happy Birthday!

    – Liz

  71. Nicole T Says:

    i see drive, determination, charm, wit, and many more in our dear writer, Nicholas Gray.
    Your 27th year will be cursed with good luck and success as long as Hilarie and all your fans have your back 😉
    nobody deserves a swell birthday more than you!
    and i’m sure we will throw you a party in the chat! =]
    I love your lincoln tshirt… your sogoprah recommendations… your hair… your dream role picks… basically EVERYTHING.

    love always,
    Nicole T

  72. calina15 Says:


    I hope today you smile 27 times, eat 27 different cakes, and remember 27 fun memories in your life!

    This 27th year of your life is going to be glorious. Big things are happening in your life and I hope you continue to press forward and enjoy every minute of it 🙂

    Have a splendiferous day!

  73. katehilarie Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick !!
    Hope you’ll have fun !


  74. Tiffany Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick!

    I hope you have a wonderful day.
    Keep on keepin on!

    Tiffany ..

  75. Tiffany Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick!

    I hope you have a wonderful day.
    Keep on keepin on!

    Tiffany ..

  76. fairytalescenes Says:

    Happy birthday, Nick!

    My birthdays are never good, but I hope yours is tons better! 🙂

    This year your movie is going to make it big, and people are going to see just how amazing and talented you are. That’s what you deserve, and it’s what you’ll get!

    ~ Kasey

  77. titania Says:

    ¡¡¡Cumpleaños feliz, cumpleaños feliz, te deseamos todos… cumpleaños feliz!!!
    Put some music in this and you’ll hear the spanish happy birthday song…
    What can I say? well, this is going to be a great year, for sure, and 27 is a good age (I know it for experience)… I wish you love, life, dreams come true, lots of laugh, new and old friends, good books and good music, and a movies, your movie.
    Besos from Spain,

  78. becca16 Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick.

    Welcome to your year.


  79. Vik'e B. Jones Says:

    Happy Birthday to the man with an awesome first and last name! I don’t know why, but your name rocks. And anyone with an awesome name has nothing but success ahead of them!

    Much cake and ice cream to you, (haha)

    Vik’e B. Jones

  80. laurenmichelle Says:

    Happy 27th Birthday Nick!! This year is going to be an awesome year for you, I know it! :] I can’t wait to see what happens with Pedestrian in the next few months! I hope you get to do something exciting tonight!

  81. Sue Says:

    *best singing voice*

    Happy Birthday to YOU
    Happy Birthday to YOU
    Happy Birthday dear NIIIIICK
    Happy Birthday to YOUUUUUU

    Enjoy your 27th year Mr. Gray – laugh, smile, jump for joy. This year will be a good’n.

    Take Care,

  82. megdreams Says:

    Happy Birthday, Nicholas Gray!

    I see laughter, love, and dreams coming true translating into more dreams to pursue.  Thank you for sharing your beautiful writing and for keeping us wanting more.

  83. Niamh Says:

    What a lot you’ve accomplished at only 27! Take a second and be proud, because it’s only going to get better :).

    Happy birthday, hope you have a lovely day!

    With love, Niamh x

  84. Meaghan Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick!!!

    This year you will have so many great things happen for you!!! Your movie will of course be a major hit, and I am sure many other amazing things will happen for you!!!!!!!!!!

    Again Happy 27th Birthday!!!!!

  85. juliakenn Says:

    Happy Birthday, Nick!!
    I see you accomplishing your dreams, because you deserve it!!

    I hope you have a wonderful day and year!!!


  86. juliakenn Says:

    Happy Birthday, Nick!!
    I see you accomplishing your dreams, because you deserve it!!

    I hope you have a wonderful day and year!!!


  87. leytonfan09 Says:

    Happy 27th Birthday! This year you will encounter greatness!

  88. Tori Rae Says:

    Happy Birthday! Hope you eat TONNES of cake! 😛

  89. 3sther* Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick!!
    “Bonne Fête !” from Quebec!

    Let’s dream big this year. With this awesome movie coming soon, with all of your fans all around the world, with your awsome smile and beautiful eyes… You’ll get an Oscar nomination for sure!
    But wait… This isn’t a dream, it’s a prediction! How can this not happen? The movie isn’t filmed yet and how many fans do you have already? You would get tired counting them!
    Hundreds of awards coming soon Nick!!
    Do Gold DVDs exist? I don’t know, but if they don’t, we’ll make you one !!

  90. frissy21 Says:

    Happy 27th Birthday Nick!!!! This year will be the most amazing year thus far. I see Hilarie’s militia kicking butt of anyone getting in the way of your amazing year. I see Pedestrian winning so many medals and awards you need to build an addition on to your house. I see Hilarie glaring at your full head of beautiful hair, angry hers keeps turning grey.

    Amazing things are on the horizon and you deserve all of it and more. Have a great Birthday and have a glass of wine for me!!

    p.s Hilarie if you need any additional back up I have the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on standby.


  91. sunchick116 Says:


  92. chasinglight Says:

    Happy 27th Birthday, Nick!! Hope you have an amazing day because you deserve every good thing. Fed-Ex me some cake. Yum! lol. I’m kidding.


  93. Teo Says:

    Hi!.. Mmm.. Im really intersted in what you do.. and im a big fan from Venezuela!.. my best wishes for you! xD And.. Happy Birthday Nick!

  94. Bianca Says:


  95. Ashley Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick!!!!!!

    i love you hilarie. i love the whole crew that i’ve seen. im a 21 year old broadcasting major at WT in canyon, tx i would love to work have an intership at your production company even for the smallest of times please let me know if you’d consider it for even the smallest of jobs.

  96. valmichleo18 Says:

    im sad i swear i posted a birthday wish earlier but lets see if i can put what i did earlier.

    Happy Birthday Nick!

    I hope you had an amazing day celebrating with those you love and of course with the militia Hilarie hired to protect you today. She is a keeper but you already know that, its rare to find friends you can share anything with and those who are at your side no matter what is happening. Hilarie is right this is your year make the best of it, who knows we could be watching your award winning movies or books you have written cause we all know you are an amazing writer by reading your posts and your introductions to the characters in Pedestrain. Any way i hope you guys celebrated enough to last you a month cause you deserve it.


  97. valmichleo18 Says:

    im sad i swear i posted a birthday wish earlier but lets see if i can put what i did earlier.

    Happy Birthday Nick!

    I hope you had an amazing day celebrating with those you love and of course with the militia Hilarie hired to protect you today. She is a keeper but you already know that, its rare to find friends you can share anything with and those who are at your side no matter what is happening. Hilarie is right this is your year make the best of it, who knows we could be watching your award winning movies or books you have written cause we all know you are an amazing writer by reading your posts and your introductions to the characters in Pedestrain. Any way i hope you guys celebrated enough to last you a month cause you deserve it.


  98. Larns Says:

    Uh-ha! Nicholas gets old at April too, woot! for us April babies!

    Well too bad I ain’t a fortune-teller who sees the future through flipping deck cards but at least I can make a wish for you :P. So to you MR. SCREENWRITER, may all good things come your way — health, career, family and yes! friendship, may that forever last!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND HAVE A GOOD ONE! Oh no, have a whole lot of good ones more 😀

  99. Hillary Says:

    Definitely going to be his year. definitelyy. 🙂 happy birthday!

  100. NatalieR Says:


    Hope you have an awesomely, fantastic, fun filled day! Keep on keeping on! and remember if you guys end up in another bar/pub have a drink this time haha

    I see GREAT things ahead Mr Nick Gray, great marvellous things! Full steam ahead!!

  101. PS.Whatever Says:

    Happy (belated) Birthday Nick 😀

    Hope you had a great day.

    And Hil, don’t talk about death lol.


  102. PS.Whatever Says:

    Happy (belated) Birthday Nick 😀

    Hope you had a great day.

    And Hil, don’t talk about death lol.


  103. babyoth Says:

    hey nick

    happy bday *gives u cake*

    laters ❤

  104. Alicia Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick!!!
    This year is going to be great for you! Keep working hard, and enjoy everything you do.

    I have a quote for you, and it may sound a little cheese considering where it came from, but its one of my favourites so i am going to post it..

    “Make a wish and place it in your heart. Anything you want, everything you want. Do you have it? Good. Now believe it can come true. You never know where the next miracle is gonna come from, the next smile, the next wish come true. But if you believe that it’s right around the corner, and you open your heart and mind to the possibility of it, to the certainty of it. You just might get the thing you’re wishing for. The world is full of magic. You just have to believe in it. So make your wish. Do you have it? Good. Now believe in it. With all your heart”
    –OTH cast

  105. Katie Says:

    Happy belated Birthday Nick.

    Hope you had a great day!

    Kate UK

  106. Alexwoman Says:

    Hey Nick !!!!
    Happy Birthday !!!!!

    Have a great year
    I wish you that all your plans succeed (Love, job !!!)

    Bises et bon anniversaire
    Alexia – France

  107. silvia82 Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick!!!!

    @ Hilarie: Why did you say that? Tomorrow I'll be 27 and now I feel depressed… looool
    Come on, we're the best and you know, the best ones never entirely disappear! 😉

    Hugs & Kisses,

  108. silvia82 Says:

    Happy Birthday Nick!!!!

    @ Hilarie: Why did you say that? Tomorrow I'll be 27 and now I feel depressed… looool
    Come on, we're the best and you know, the best ones never entirely disappear! 😉

    Hugs & Kisses,

  109. Madison Says:

    Many blessings on your 27th year of life, love, and laughter! May this be one of the epic years in your life!


  110. Lonae Says:

    Oh I’m so sorry to be late!
    I wish you all the best Nick, happiness and success in your life and with the SGP team..

    Kisses, kisses, kisses


  111. Lonae Says:

    Oh I’m so sorry to be late!
    I wish you all the best Nick, happiness and success in your life and with the SGP team..

    Kisses, kisses, kisses


  112. meghan Says:

    Happy belated birthday Nick! Hope 27 is treating you well so far. I wish you much success and happiness!


  113. L.O.V.E Says:

    You’re awesome and I hope you had an amazing day! 🙂


  114. L.O.V.E Says:

    You’re awesome and I hope you had an amazing day! 🙂


  115. Siissy&amp;Laury Says:

    Happy birthday to you!

  116. kiki Says:

    noémie, hi everybodyi lives in france and i love hilarie and chad also wanted to say that I’m 100% with you that you remain in the season 7 of one tree hill and should not be that producers saw you. You know in France as you love why you never come in france?
    bye.noémie in france

  117. kiki Says:

    noémie,Ilives in france, hi everyone, I love hilarie and chad, and it is in France on supports you as you remain in the season 7 of one tree hill in France it is said freres scott.

    bye I loves peyton and lucas.noémie

  118. Arely Says:

    A little late, but Happy 27th Birthday Nick!!!
    Hope you had an awesome day! 🙂
    It was my brother’s and sister’s bday on the 28th and 29th of March respectively and then one of my dearest friends’ on the 1st April and then yours! Too many Aries’s I tell ya!

    Again, hope you had a great day, and Hil’s right, this is your year Nick. 🙂

  119. Elke Says:

    Better late then never but I wish you a happy 27th Birthday Nick!
    I hope 27 will be the best year for you.

    Elke, Belgium

  120. Karen Says:

    Happy belated b-day Nick! I’m guessing this year you will either get a blog or a band named after you (i.e. Natalie Portman’s Shaved Head). Wouldn’t that be cool? hehe. Hope you had an amazing celebration and lots of cake.

  121. Jill R. Johnson Says:

    Happy late birthday Nick!

    Um…Hilarie…weren’t all those dead people depressed drug abusers? Nick! Don’t smoke crack this year and smile…a lot!!!!

    With love and admiration for the whole crew…you guys are amazing and your posts are absolutely adored!!!

  122. Nikki Owen Says:

    Heya guys!!! I was just wondering is it possible to get a tshirt in the UK?! If not will It be possible in the future?! =) Thanksss!

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