
Hilarie and Nick tell us secrets… what one aren’t they telling us?

60 Responses to “Secrets”

  1. Neera Says:

    Aww, now that’s just plain mean. You enjoy leaving us hanging don’t ya?

    Please grow a handlebar mustache, those are so awesome! There was a guy in my class last semester who had one, the day he shaved was the day I died a little on the inside…joke.

    Can’t wait to find out the other secret! What could it possibly be!?!

    have a great one!

  2. Vicki Says:

    Cruel, Cruel World.

    Nick is charming, and Hilarie, beautiful. Both as per the usual.

    Don’t keep us hanging too long!

  3. Andrea Smith Says:

    That was so not fair. Someone should put you guys in the time out corner for cutting us off like that.

    HA. HA. good one. we are all patiently waiting. Ha.

  4. ¤¤Marion¤¤ Says:

    Well , well
    Nick you should defo grow the mustache .
    Can’t wait to hear what the secret is ; thanks for sharing guys.

  5. titania Says:

    If we only have to wait until tomorrow… nice cliffhanger!!! I’m nervous… what it could be? You guys are going to keep us wondering what it is… good post!!!


  6. JaclyneJaye Says:

    haha aw man another cliffhanger!! I do love secrets! I also love Susan Sarandon and the California Raisins! ‘I heard it through the grapevine’. The mad faces were great! Haha Thanks for the Vlog, cant wait for tomorrow!! 🙂

  7. littlechristy32 Says:

    Curiosity killed the cat, and it kills me. Thank you for yet again dangling another cliffhanger out there.

    But seriously thank you for continuing to share with us.


  8. Missa Says:

    Gasp! That was just evil.
    and yet I loved it, cliffhanger and all.
    Is it tomorrow yet?

  9. niamh Says:

    Love Hilarie’s evil laugh at the end!

    And Nicholas, don’t feel bad. I’m pretty sure we all want Susan Sarandon to be our mother.

    I feel like I should tell you both a secret now too, but i don’t know what to tell. Hmmm.

    I once had a dream in which Aaron Carter was my boyfriend. This was Aaron post fifteen minutes of fame, but pre DUI controversy. So. Make of that what you will. It was about five years ago now, and nice and all as i’m sure he is, I have genuinely never been a fan of “Nick Carter – The Sequel.” I still haven’t gotten over the feeling that my subconscious betrayed me somehow.

    So, there you go, tell me your other secret now! 😀

  10. Bellatrix Says:

    you guys are so cruel! I can’t wait to hear the secret!!
    Nick, I think Hilarie is right, you’d look so great with mustache.

    Thanks for the vlog, you’re awsome as always.

  11. Ella Press Says:

    Nice way to keep us hanging like this, giving us sth to chat about in the Cbox!
    I love cliffhangers, I actually write good ones, I’ve been told…

    Can’t wait until tomorrow!

    ps.: Nick, you sure you’re ill? you don’t look like you are…


  12. PDJack Says:

    C'mon guys, let's get some imagination going. What could the secret be?

    Could it be something big and significant like SGP having successfully raised the funds to make Pedestrian?

    Could it be something smaller but just as signficant like having finished filming for Boyfried & Girlfried?

    Or could it be something strange and unexpected like the news that Nick has discovered that he's actually Paul Johansson's secret love child (sorry, Nick, just kidding) or that he and Hilarie are going to elope together with Austin and Kelly as bridesmaids?

    OK, perhaps something a little less surreal, but… 🙂

  13. melrec Says:

    You are so good at keeping us hanging!!
    both of you are too cute!

    Can’t wait to hear more!!!!


  14. Nicole T Says:

    ha.ha.ha. FUNNY…. i’m laughing on the inside.
    that’s semi-cruel. but i guess i’ll have to forgive you two if I want to know the secret.

    secrets, secrets, are no fun…

    love always,
    Nicole T

  15. Frida Says:

    oh, I love secrets 🙂
    Can´t wait until tomorrow!

    YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING! just so you know 😉

  16. Michelle Says:

    hahaha…you guys rock! Can’t wait til tomorrow! (:

  17. Lauren Says:

    Hilarie, you look so pretty here! Love the hair. =)
    And poor Nick, hope you feel better!

    This was cute.
    You mean he isn’t?

    Evil laugh = hilarious.

    Why do we have to wait? =(

    Can’t wait to hear the secret!!

  18. Maygen Says:

    That was so F&*^ing cruel you guys! Way to tear down our excitement.
    Hmm, although this makes me very curious.
    So I cannot wait until tomorrow when we hear "THE BIG SECRET". It better be big
    &worth it!! =]]

    You guys are really awesome, so thank you,

  19. isbutteracarb Says:

    I hope you keep continue to post these videos long into the future. Peyton is a character I relate to very much. I’ve found so much strength in her storyline, and it’s going to be so hard not getting to see her every week anymore. But getting to watch your charismatic personality shine in these videos really lights up my day. They’re funny, entertaining, and bring a smile to my face. These videos really do bring light into a sometimes dark world. thank you!

  20. a-shiningstar Says:

    Well now…I know something that is certainly no secret…you guys like your cliffhangers don’t ya?

    Anxiously awaiting The Secret revealing…


  21. a-shiningstar Says:

    Well now…I know something that is certainly no secret…you guys like your cliffhangers don’t ya?

    Anxiously awaiting The Secret revealing…


  22. hannah Says:

    hey, thats just playing mean.
    Allthough it did cheer me up. Nick’s secret was funny. The secret tomorrow better be really good. can’t wait.

  23. Lisa from Sparks Says:

    That’s just wrong… but I love it!
    Be back manana!

  24. becca16 Says:

    I’m not gonna lie- I backed away from the screen a bit at Nick’s “MAD” face. very intimidating.

    Can’t wait to see what secrets tomorrow brings.
    Thanks guys.


  25. Tiffany Says:

    Guys not funny .. well .. maybe a little haha 🙂

    Nick I wish my dad would have came up with the California Raisins .. Those little guys were AWESOME!!

    Hil nice evil laugh I liked it .. Lol

    This is so exciting ..
    Can’t wait for tommorrow!!

    Keep on Keepin on!!
    Tiffany ..

  26. MichelleBell16 Says:

    Ahh you guys are no fair! hahah Loved your secrets! And random side note, but whatever room you guys were in seemed really nice 🙂

    I'm so excited I don't have class tomorrow so I can keep checking back on what the secret is! 😀 Can't wait!

  27. Sue Says:

    Ok – I think this is like the third time im going to say this but

    HIL – your hair *JEALOUS!*

    I think you need to start wearing hats so I don’t get so jealous – its not fair. There is so much volume.

    Also, ANOTHER cliffhanger – not cool guys. You keep me wanting more!
    Oh wait…isn’t that the point! 🙂

    Good work lovelies, keep it up!

  28. Tyshera Says:

    Awesomeness, thanks for the cliffhanger. Now, I’m totally hooked into visiting the website again. You guys and your masterminds.

  29. Jenny Says:

    Hm. I believe Nick should go for the full on ZZ Top style beard.
    Then, he can sit in the street wearing an old army jacket with a shopping cart close by and convince people that he is an old, poor homeless man and tell interesting anecdotes (er, lies) about his life.
    You know, how he made a fortune and gave it all to his ex-lover who left him to be with his best friend. Or, how he never realized his true dream of being in the circus.

    Seriously, he would be the ultimate pedestrian.

  30. Ana Says:

    Your guys are cruel, but awsome at the same time!

  31. kr1stee Says:

    Brilliant! Can’t wait until tomorrow. You guys are awesome. 🙂

  32. ashbee904 Says:

    Id take a stab at the next secret and say that the short film is dare i say…FINISHED!!! ha luv!!

  33. Kate Says:

    ahhh no!! I hate waiting!!

    Loving the moustache idea, in Ireland we call it a ronnie and if anyone has seen the Irish film “Intermission” (which is hilarious and amazing) they will understand! One of my favourite movie lines: “do i have a ronnie?…well you’re no Burt Reynolds or Tom Sellock!” Brilllliant, never gets old!!

  34. L.O.V.E Says:

    grrr to cliffhangers! lol
    Can’t wait till tomorrow, though 🙂


  35. Danielle Says:

    Until next time! Woo, something to look forward to tomorrow!

    Hopefully it’s not one of those anticlimactic scenes where you build it up and build it up and then… THAT’S IT? haha 😉

  36. askforme Says:

    I hate cliffhangers! now I have to know what is the secret is! you guys are mean! lol

    I have this thing with secrets, when someone tells me they have a secret to tell me and then they just don´t share it, I spend my whole days just annoying the person until they agree to tell me! haha

    so consider yourselfs lucky as I live a millon miles away 😛 this is just as annoying I can get through the internet!

    you guys are AWESOME! 😀

  37. Naoual Says:

    Why keeping us waiting? u already know uve got like millions of people watching your videos and ur website 😀 thats so not fair. I`m like really impatient now.

    U guys are amazing
    Keep it up coming all this amazing videos and the most important THE BIG SECRET…! U so cool guys


  38. Hillary Says:

    Alright, not fair.

    Nick–I say go for the beard. You can definitely rock it.

    And i’d have to agree with everyone else–Hilarie looks gorgeous as usuaal.

    can’t wait for tomorrow 🙂


  39. calina15 Says:

    oh cliffhangers… I could be mad for having to wait but I’m not gonna lie, I now have a splendid Beatles song stuck in my head to hold me over.
    *cue “Do you want to know a secret?”

    so… I’m looking forward to the answer tomorrow!


  40. LaurenHeartsOTH Says:

    Ahhhhhh Man!!! I hate secrets!
    I actually admit, I'm rubbish at keeping them!
    & when I find out someone has a secret, I just NEED to know what it is….

    So now, the suspense is 'killing' me…
    That 'saying'…"curiosity killed the cat"… SO TRUE!!!

    As harsh as this is…you guys still rock!!! =)
    Especially now tomorrow seems kinda exciting!


  41. Stephanie Says:

    Totally glad we had parent teacher conferences, cause I’m home ALL day tomorrow… checking the blog… that will be my job tomorrow, and I’m telling you right now, that I’m going to ROCK at it!

    Way to leave us hanging guys…

  42. megdreams Says:

    That’s just mean! Here’s to hoping for early morning secrets.

  43. mega Says:

    dun dun dun…..
    cliffhangers are fun!

  44. vally Says:

    ooh how i love secrets, I loved the California raisins when i was younger. nice secrets but cant wait to find out what the big secret is.


  45. niamh Says:

    ^^Good song Raquel! Gotta love a bit of The Beatles, and i haven’t heard that one in ages.

    On a more contemporary note, i’m also loving Secret by The Pierces:

  46. Charlotte Says:


    not a fan of cliffhangers.
    but I’m positive it’ll be worth the wait.

    however, thank you, for another great vlog!

  47. Says:

    Aww you guys suck! ha. Nick you are such a trouble maker, lol… I vote you grow the beard out and become super awesome. You'd be SO hardcore btw. Pretty please! lol ❤ LOVE YALL

    P.S.- You guys are my favorite (:

  48. Nickie Says:

    Ooooh another secrete! you two are taking a liking to these cliffhangers…lol

    California Raisins haha love it… now I have the image of the California Raisins with their sunglasses on singing away, I think this calls for a youtube search lol.


  49. emmykling Says:

    1) If I didn’t love you guys so much, I would totally HATE you for always leaving us hanging.
    2) I used to have a stuffed California Raisin guy with bendy arms and legs when I was a kid.

    Oh, and Hilarie…I just say some of your interviews and such and was wondering if your house/car are still haunted? What did you say her name was..Hester? I think SGP should put a vlog up about that. Sorry, this really isn’t related to anything, but I was curious. Stuff liek this always peaks my interest. If anyone is going to have a haunted house, it doesn’t suprise me that it’s you. 🙂

    Em Kling

  50. jojangles Says:

    Lol I’m so impatient it’s the next day can you tell us now pleeeeeeeeease…..
    Love ya guys, Jo xxx
    Ps can you tell me Hilarie are any of the myspace sites under your name actually yours??? As there is a good one and rumour is it’s some random pretending to be you!!! Odd, but I guess it happens.
    Love Jo (UK) xxx

  51. jojangles Says:

    Lol I’m so impatient it’s the next day can you tell us now pleeeeeeeeease…..
    Love ya guys, Jo xxx
    Ps can you tell me Hilarie are any of the myspace sites under your name actually yours??? As there is a good one and rumour is it’s some random pretending to be you!!! Odd, but I guess it happens.
    Love Jo (UK) xxx

  52. Lily's Poet Says:

    I’m so glad today is “tomorrow” lol!Can’t wait for the cliffhanger and secret to be told!
    Awesome video! Even though hilarie’s evil laugh and nicks face frightened me…a little 🙂


  53. Larns Says:

    I don’t want to speculate but I really hope what I have in mind is the big secret 🙂

    BTW Nicholas, I totally agree with Hilarie, you do look appealing with that hair growing in your face. It’s scruffy and nice 😀

  54. Barbara Says:

    I’m french so sorry for my english :s
    I just wanna say that i love your videos guys 🙂
    and I admire you Hilarie for your talent … your simplicity, your beauty anyway a lot of things :p
    I can’t wait the Big secret ! :d
    Kiss from france

  55. Danielle Says:

    Like everyone else already said… this is really NOT funny at all. You can’t just let us hang here. So mean 😉 But what can we do … just being really patient here .. really, I AM trying *lol*

  56. Elysia Says:

    Did your father NOT invent California raisins?? Haha.

    Can’t wait to hear your other secret!

  57. Sam Says:

    um… dont know why you think you have to do loads of cliffhangers to keep everyone coming back. SOOO not necessary!! MEANIES!!!!!!
    but yeah, you do look really great with the beard coming in. Bit more and you won’t be able to keep all the girls away!!!! But PLEEEEAAASE no moustache, they freak me out a bit!

  58. "loic" Says:

    What more, simply beautiful, but I think for me nick you should shave it (I’m a guy and I know it scratching) do you prepare to leave on a deserted island, and it will hilarie too?

  59. Karen Says:

    So cute together.

  60. Ashley I Says:

    Awww hahah you guys looove cliffhangers! Can’t wait to find out what the secret is 😀

    And like a lot of other people already said, Hilarie you look gorgeous like always and your hair is soo pretty, god I’m so jealous 😉
    Kiss from the Netherlands, x

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