No Line On The Horizon


There is an old industry adage that gets knocked around as a sorta joke/sorta truism that I want to share with you:

The Seven Stages of Production

  1. Wild Enthusiasm
  1. Distribution of T-Shirts

(excess baggage deliberately omitted, go ahead and Google other 5)

I’ve done quite a few shows since those humble days at WECT and have seen those stages in various forms via production to production. The one thing I have learned about that is that the truly great managers know how to build on the positive and solve potential problems before they get any bigger than they need to. In this business, a mole hill can turn into a mountain pretty damn fast for worse – or better.

Remember your first job, or even your latest job, somebody had to teach you the ropes… right? Most probably gave you only enough information to get by, nothing more… you learned the rest yourself. A few people go the extra mile, go above and beyond what is traditionally called “getting the new guy up to speed” and those folks are called mentors…

I’ve been incredibly lucky to have had some amazing mentors – mentors who have become friends: Garrett (who you’ve met), Bob Girolami, Jim Dyer, Jim Davidson (see IMDB)… and of course, Mark Schwahn and Joe Davola and most importantly my business partner Hilarie Burton. Each of them has taught me to see the humor in awkward situations, creativity in solving crisises, show resiliency and professionalism at all times – and above all treat everyone with respect.

My mentors know how to surround themselves with talented, positive people. I’m still learning how amazing that can be.

As I write this, I’m seeing 234,500 page reads, from 146 countries along with 769 Registered Followers,

And enough T-shirts selling in one day to be able to finally see a self-sustainable company… all in the last 3 months.

Shout from the rooftops with me:
The SoGoPro Crew Rocks!

Infinite possibilities…


Share with us some of your Mentors… and how they have enriched your lives…

59 Responses to “No Line On The Horizon”

  1. sparklegirl1 Says:


    Oh my goodness what incredible milestones! So happy to be part of this journey!

    And yay for good, nay GREAT mentors!


  2. Ella Press Says:

    Congrats! I’ll be shouting that very soon!
    I hear that shouting is very liberating…

    xo, Ella

  3. Ella Press Says:

    Congrats! I’ll be shouting that very soon!
    I hear that shouting is very liberating…

    xo, Ella

  4. niamh Says:

    For those too lazy to google: 😛

    1. Wild Enthusiasm
    2. Total Confusion
    3. Utter Despair
    4. Search for the Guilty
    5. Persecution of the Innocent
    6. Promotion of the Incompetent
    7. Distribution of the Gifts.

    I always really enjoy your posts kt, and i don’t know what to say other than that i’m genuinely so happy for SGP’s success. I love to believe that it can all work out, and it couldn’t happen to better people :).

  5. Elise88 Says:

    The SoGoPro Crew DO Rock, Kelly!!

    So glad to see/hear the T-shirts are selling so so well. 146 countries is amazing.

    Fantastic mentors are such a gift. Glad you’ve found some great ones.

    Thanks for letting us all join you on the SoGoPro journey!


  6. Neera Says:

    SoGoPro rocks and so does the crew. How awesome is it that there were enough shirts sold in one day to cover original costs of the t-shirts and printing? This is so awesome and thrilling to be a part of.

    Thank you guys for including us 🙂

  7. becca16 Says:

    Beautifully put KT. It’s a great thing to have so many people that inspire you. I’ve met so many on this blog even. Congratulations on every success. It’s been well deserved to say the least.


  8. Andrea Smith Says:

    So it all comes together now.. you were at WECT before you made the move over to OTH?

    I work for the Raycom Media affliate in Columbus, Ga so I have always had my eye on WECT for potential move. When I saw this, I wondered if you had worked under Karl Davis, but I looked back and noticed he had only been with ECT for a little over three years.

    Working at the station was my second real job and I got into it by accident and fell in love with it. But I digress, KT there are several of us that are learning from ya’ll and the fact that all of you have let us see this production copmany start where it has and then progress and the fact that you have been so interactive.. make me feel like there is a mentor to be found in ya’ll.

    I know we say it all the time.. but truly, can not wait to see what the future holds and THANK YOU for sharing all that you do with us!


  9. Andrea Smith Says:

    So it all comes together now.. you were at WECT before you made the move over to OTH?

    I work for the Raycom Media affliate in Columbus, Ga so I have always had my eye on WECT for potential move. When I saw this, I wondered if you had worked under Karl Davis, but I looked back and noticed he had only been with ECT for a little over three years.

    Working at the station was my second real job and I got into it by accident and fell in love with it. But I digress, KT there are several of us that are learning from ya’ll and the fact that all of you have let us see this production copmany start where it has and then progress and the fact that you have been so interactive.. make me feel like there is a mentor to be found in ya’ll.

    I know we say it all the time.. but truly, can not wait to see what the future holds and THANK YOU for sharing all that you do with us!


  10. PDJack Says:

    I think most followers are, happily, still at the first stage. Let’s hope you guys don’t spend too long at stages two and three.

    The theory of the swan says that although SGP may generally give the appearance of floating serenely downstream, there’ll be a group of people paddling like crazy below the surface to make sure the damn thing stays afloat and travels in the right direction. Here’s to those people!

    Oh, and for those that can’t be doing with googling the stages, here they are in full

    1. Wild Enthusiasm
    2. Total Confusion
    3. Utter Despair
    4. Search for the Guilty
    5. Persecution of the Innocent
    6. Promotion of the Incompetent
    7. Distribution of T-Shirts

    The First Follower 🙂

  11. PDJack Says:

    Don’t you just hate it while you’re writing your post someone’s done something similar just above you before you press play and you only see it afterwards?!
    Quedos to Niamh 🙂

  12. BrwnEyedGirl Says:

    Totally PDJack 🙂

    I'm still at stage 1. 😀 And after that I'm just going to skip to stage 7 because I don't like the other ones. 🙂

    I'm officially ordering my shirt tomorrow! I'm super excited! I'm a college kid with no money, but I love this company so its totally worth it. ❤

    I can't believe how much has happened in just 3 months! Wow! Keep up the good work guys and keep telling your friends to support SGP! 🙂

    ❤ kels

  13. Charlotte Says:

    Thank you.

    This was a really great post, and i’m really excited for you folks at SGP. We’re so lucky you guys have shared this with us. Very inspiring to watch people do what they’re passionate for, and taking risks, because they believe in it.

  14. Charlotte Says:

    Thank you.

    This was a really great post, and i’m really excited for you folks at SGP. We’re so lucky you guys have shared this with us. Very inspiring to watch people do what they’re passionate for, and taking risks, because they believe in it.

  15. Meaghan Says:

    WILD ENTHUSIASM!! I will def be sticking with this one for a long time!!! I can’t wait to see where this company goes!! As for the 7th… I already bought my shirt, and I cant wait to get it!!!!

    Happy Easter Everyone… Don’t forget to tell someone new about SoGoPro tomorrow!!!

  16. Nicole T Says:

    This post makes me smile BIG.

    “And enough T-shirts selling in one day to be able to finally see a self-sustainable company… all in the last 3 months.”
    wonderful, amazing, heart-warming, totally deserving statement.

    gotta LOVE the SoGoPro team.

    love always,
    Nicole T

  17. JaclyneJaye Says:

    I think we could take stage 1 and show it throughout the other stages, a lot of wildly enthusiastic people around here! So much inspiration and passion around SGP. Congratulations on everything! Thank you for sharing your journey with us, and letting us be a part of it!

  18. peytonmellissa Says:

    I haven’t commented in a while, but i’m glad to be part of this journey.
    I bought my shirt yesterday, but it’ done with my brothers name 😛

    Y’all i was follower #500 however i lurked around a long tim before.

  19. peytonmellissa Says:

    I haven’t commented in a while, but i’m glad to be part of this journey.
    I bought my shirt yesterday, but it’ done with my brothers name 😛

    Y’all i was follower #500 however i lurked around a long tim before.

  20. titania Says:

    I love the tittle of the post… and you, as alwyais, speak beautifully… thanks for sharing this, besos.


  21. Maygen Says:

    niamh. i love you for posting that. i was seriously “too lazy to google”

    but kt, im really happy that would could be such a moral boost for you and your team. i have a feeling that we’ll be around for a while, giving our mental pat on the back and hand shake. if it help even more so, im so proud of southern gothic productions success. (so much that i would make an sgp easter egg…) and i cant wait to see where you and hilarie take this company. may the t shirt sales help financially. i hope my 40 bucks helps out. it was the lease i could do! concidering you’ve done so much more for me.

  22. calina15 Says:

    this post was so great to read. I’m so happy and excited for you guys… I knew you wouldn’t have a problem selling shirts.
    Thanks for sharing


  23. a-shiningstar Says:

    Awesome KT! I’m so glad things are really looking great for SoGoPro! 🙂

  24. meghan Says:

    It’s so nice to be part of the onward journey of this amazing company! I can’t wait to get my shirt and wear it daily. And when this company hits it big, with more movies that we can count, we can all say “Remember when..”

    Congrats and here’s to the years to come!


  25. vally Says:

    If only we could all truly shout from the roof tops that SoGoPro truly does rock. I am happy that we were able to play our part in helping all of the people involved in the daily workings of SoGoPro know that we are truly here to help this little company grow into a well oiled money making machine. Keep up the great job everyone.


  26. gem Says:

    I’m very glad that we can play our part in this project…It’s just wonderful how guys you’re implicated in SOGOpro and all this love you put in it… Thanks to trust us!
    we’re so proud to fall in love with this project and with you guys!
    sogopro, his team, and his crew rock!!!
    xoxoxo erika from france

  27. Holly Says:

    I am so happy to see everything falling into place for SoGoPro. Thanks for letting us be a part of the “crew” and allowing us to follow the journey with yall. Can’t wait to see what all is coming up with SGP!


  28. melrec Says:

    I glad things are going well.

    I can’t wait to get my t-shirts!!


  29. blueaeryn Says:

    And others are noticing. Check out the tweet from the twitter site for WriteBrain Media. It is about three down.

  30. BrwnEyedGirl Says:

    Totally random.. but I met the creator of Twitter (Evan Williams) on Friday! 🙂 He's super cool and went to the college I currently attend. 🙂

    And I bought my shirt! 😀

    ❤ Kels

  31. BrwnEyedGirl Says:

    Totally random.. but I met the creator of Twitter (Evan Williams) on Friday! 🙂 He's super cool and went to the college I currently attend. 🙂

    And I bought my shirt! 😀

    ❤ Kels

  32. Hillary Says:

    sogopro crew definitely rocks, I couldn’t agree more! 🙂

  33. "loic" Says:

    kelly and yes that’s a see her baby become a big without losing the lead at the point of beginning and forgot unfortunately is what happens .but not you sgp is too prestigious for that . In any case, I am very happy for you that it works and it works very long time (I recall my one episode where Peyton said that if it was for the money it would have lost its way and would have betrayed his conscience) will be a great mentor and entrepreneur, without forgotten the whole team because that’s also a entrepreneur = a team.
    a long life to sgp

  34. mynameiskate Says:

    I’m really happy that SoGoPro came to life and all of you follow your dreams. So , yes, SoGoPro rocks! 🙂 Never doubt it could be otherwise!


  35. Arely Says:

    Mentors are the greatest aren’t they?!! I’ve had some pretty great ones. Most of those are in my current job. These people you will always remember. 🙂

    I’m glad you’ve had really great mentors Kelly. And Mark Schwahn is pretty great isn’t he?! I hoped he would be, as well as Joe Davola, because it definitely shows in the work that they put out to us and from the cast and crew who work wonders.

    I’m so proud of what you’ve accomplished Kelly so you definitely deserve all the success and happiness you’ve received and will forever receive.

    ps. I’m sure Hilarie has got a fabulous business partner in you also.

  36. Sue Says:

    Amazing post kt.

    You rock, Hil rocks, the whole crew rocks!

    Amazing about the T Shirts – I am so glad they are selling well!!!!

    I’m going to go shout from the rooftops (well maybe not – because of my broken leg)…I’ll stand in the street and shout really loud:

    (hey if I get really excited I might even throw in a YEEEHAH)


  37. Lyly Says:

    Great, as usual.

    I’m glad to be in the follower list, and I’m very happy to see this list grow again and again.

    SoGoPro crew rocks !


  38. Lily's Poet Says:

    This post was the first thing I read this morning, and it was great way to begin a beautiful day!
    Your writing was amazing to read, and I’m really glad tee-shirt sells works well and it help you!
    Iadmire what you’ve done and what your doing! And amazed by the success of SGP that is still growing all around the world!
    I’m gonna shout out from the top of a sand dune, cause yeah:

  39. Bellatrix Says:

    Yeah, SOGOPRO CREW ROCKS!! It’s awsome to see this amazing project growing so fast and I’m really proud to be part of it! Can’t wait to get my T-Shirt.

    KT, your writing is amazing, I really loved this post…thanks for sharing this with us.

  40. Jess Says:

    Yey for you guys.
    It is so fantastic to watch this evolve. You are all so inspiring – we should all be so lucky to have people like you to mentor us in our lives.
    Thank you for letting us be a part of it.
    J x

  41. Olivia Says:

    You guys are the absolute best. I am a faithful follower of your blog and never fail to find wisdom, wit and inspiration in every single post. Thank you so much for letting me join you on this journey. I’m so excited to be part of the “crew”. :o)

  42. ¤¤Marion¤¤ Says:

    Great post ! beautiful words , Thanks for sharing ….

  43. Stargazer Says:

    THE SoGoPro CREW ROCKS!!!!!!

    Thank you Kelly for that wonderful bit of inspiration! Good news regarding t-shirt sales … I ordered mine and can’t wait to wear it proudly!

    Kelly ~ you’re still not off the hook for keeping us hanging by the tiniest of threads from your last blog (Humble Beginnings). We definitely want to know more about you and how you got your start. I know, I’m a quiet person myself … but your fans are waiting … no pressure 🙂


  44. Stargazer Says:

    THE SoGoPro CREW ROCKS!!!!!!

    Thank you Kelly for that wonderful bit of inspiration! Good news regarding t-shirt sales … I ordered mine and can’t wait to wear it proudly!

    Kelly ~ you’re still not off the hook for keeping us hanging by the tiniest of threads from your last blog (Humble Beginnings). We definitely want to know more about you and how you got your start. I know, I’m a quiet person myself … but your fans are waiting … no pressure 🙂


  45. Lonae Says:

    Yes, Onward!
    Your followers will stick to you right to the end!
    I will be here, reading the news and participating as often as I could at the realization of your plans and at the fulfilment of your dreams..
    Just love you.


  46. Alexwoman Says:

    Thank you guys for including us in this amazing and beautiful story !!!

    Yes We love you !!!

    SoGoPro crew rocks !


  47. Beth Says:


    I truly believe that surrounding yourself with positive and enthusiastic people will ultimately make you successful in all that you encounter! I’m glad that you have had the oppurtunity to work with amazing mentors and people who have inspired you to be the best you can be and to treat everyone with respect!

    Go team go!

  48. NatalieR Says:


    But like we all didnt know that already! You guys are all amazing!!!

    Only good things ahead guys and im so happy to be apart of it!

  49. Lisa from Sparks Says:

    You guys give us common folk so much heads up about “the business” it’s great. I think from all the comments you get with every blog you post you know that you are doing something good. Southern Gothic Productions seems to be such an amazing group of people. You all seem to work well together and mesh with your ideas. I wish you guys much success. My only fear is that you will get so big that you will forget the small people. But I would rather have you succeed beyond your beliefs and put out wonderful product and not have time for us.
    SOGOPRO does rock that is for sure!

  50. niamh Says:

    Hmm, mentors…

    My sister is 14 years older than me, and I think – and have always thought – that she is as close to perfect as a person can get. She is beautiful, and funny and intelligent and my best friend. For anyone to say i am anything like her is the biggest compliment i can receive.

    How many people in a lifetime can you say anything to? My sister is the only person in the world that I know i could say anything to. Literally anything. She has been so influencial in my life, from my taste in clothes to the books i read, from my sense of humour to the career i have chosen.

    She took me to Paris when i was 14.

    She gave me 16 presents for my 16th birthday.

    She did 80% of the art homework i ever got. :p

    And I’m so proud she’s my sister :).

  51. Nicole Says:

    What a great post, KT. Having worked in Corporate for ten years I was lucky enough in my sixth year to have the greatest mentor. He was brilliant and there wasn’t a financial question he could not answer. He gave me a professional confidence I didn’t know I had and the strength to lead my own team. He became one of my closest friends and confidants. It was my most rewarding corporate job and the one where you would hang around on a Friday night having cocktails in your office because you just wanted to be with your crew. Circumstances beyond both of our controls caused a lengthy separation but we are working our way back.

    Still, not a day has gone by that I don’t think of what he meant to me especially now that I have been in the position of mentoring my own employees who are beginning their young journey in life.

    Keep up the great work and continue to surround yourself with sunshine.

    Boston, MA

  52. becca16 Says:

    I’ve had several amazing influences in my life but I have two that have ultimatley helped me to become the person that I am.

    In high school, I had an art teacher named Dr. Dunnahoo (another favorite name). He actually believed in sharing the arts, of all kinds with his students and encouraging us to find our niche, our inspiration from it. His was the first class I ever really felt taught me more than what I was required to learn. He was such a calm man that really encouraged my strengths and helped me to work with my flaws. I know that whatever career I have in the future, his influence and passion is going to be a part of it.
    My other one would have to be my Grandmother. She and my Grandfather live next door and ever since I was a child, she’s been my favorite person in this world. She taught me to bake and always let me have the spoon. She taught me poetry and always listened to my own. She taught me kindness and defended me and loves me with her whole heart. She’s still my favorite person, and she’s still the person I most aspire to be like. She has friends, family, and God-and to her that has always been enough. She’s my grandmother, my friend, and my mentor, but she’s also my inspiration.

  53. titania Says:

    About the last question that KT has added to his post, our mentors, I was trying to think about someone who has inspired and guided me in my life… well, some of my work mates helped me a lot and I remember a teacher who teached me to love literature and poetry, awesome woman… but there is one person that showed me to fight, to love life and to be a good person, and she is my grandmother. She survived a war (spanish civil war) and a post-war, wich is more difficult. She is a strong and caring woman, she helped my parents to raise me and I love her with all my heart. So yes, I think everyone has a mentor (or at least someone special) and I want to say thanks to my “yaya” for be that person for me.


  54. "loic" Says:

    for me, I had the opportunity to work with great chef that I learned a lot about my craft, they take us to the direction of those things that draw our professionnelle.Nos vis mentors we serve also analyze their mistakes because they are also, some may seem trivial, but they can affect our career, so it must be remembered that very often no one is infallible.
    and thank to my different mentor for the experience whose given me

  55. Bish.Ruth. Says:

    Mentors, Life mentors..?

    I think alot of people have guided me and helped me get where I am now, but I think in particular I have 2 special people who have guided me more than anyone else can.. My art/It teacher she was such a great lady she helped me get through high school and teach me that it’s not the end of the world she taught me to love life as you only do it once, she helped me over come problems and helped me to reach into myself and believe in me and not hide inside myself. Miss Stevens, she metored me alot. Number 2) Alice Friery, it’s hard to believe sometimes that i have known her 19 months yet she is my mentor she teaches me more about myself and my world and THE world everyday.. She has helped me when no-one else could and has got me through so much.. I can’t imageon my life without her.

  56. "loic" Says:

    I would add that the only true guide, it will be you, I know it’s old flap joy, there are many young people on this blog, I soon forty-one years and a small experience of the life.Et although you have the only mentor to guide your decision,it’s, do not hang up so many things that you see through the other, wait what you come to make decisions that they will affect your future. While your life is very long and rich as all the world deserves.
    thoughts of the Easter weekend

  57. acrosstheuniverse Says:

    wow i’m so glad the shirts are selling well! and as for mentors… there are a few standouts. a history teacher i once had who taught us not so much about history but to question everything, to not accept anything just because it was handed to you but to strive for something better. from her i acquired a real thirst for knowledge and truth … another teacher this time my yr 12 english. the first year we really got to do a lot of creative work. she was the first person who didnt get stuck on the weirdness of my stories, or dismiss it as merely something other than the norm and therefore not as good… but really appreciated the different style of my writing and my whacky (occasionally bordering on disturbing) sense of humour..she lived and breathed creativity and i really learned that it was ok to break the mould… and squish it into tiny pieces and kick it under the couch. i found the joy in writing again mostly just because someone actually got it for once… for the most part i would like to think i march to the beat of my own drum (and make my own drums…) but they were two people who really had a profound effect on my life.
    you are lucky to work with people who inspire you kt! totally makes you an unstoppable creative force in my opinion… – zoei xxx

  58. Kaitlan.Olivia Says:

    I absolutely loved this post. To be honest I would have to say, that I never really though who my mentors are or have been. Now that I think about it I would have to say that there have been many people who I would consider my mentor, but one in particular really stands out. That would most definitely be my mom.

    I truly don’t know what I would be without her. She is my rock when I feel the world is falling apart around me, and she has taught me everything that I know. How to bake, to be a strong independent woman, to live each moment for what it is, and so much more.

    Some one else that I though of would be my 3rd grade music teacher Mr. Wilson. He made music so much fun! Some music teachers can be really mean, and make you dread going to class. I guess that can be for any teacher But anyway it’s because of him that I fell in love with music. I have been in the band and choir since 6th grade, and still continue to do it in college. Well I was only in the bad till about 7th grade, but music has always been a part of my life. I have always done something that dealt with music. Granted I really can not sing a note, but just being on stage with all of those people it just brings joy to my heart.

    So because of your lovely post Kelly after posting my reply I am going to go and Shout from somewhere high ..


    I can not say thank you enough for everything that you guys have introduced us to. Its truly outstanding and amazing! We love you guys!



  59. JaclyneJaye Says:

    Ive been doing some thinking about this. I have quite a few mentors. My parents first are my biggest mentors, they’ve encouraged me every step of the way to do my best, they never pressured me but guided me through everything. Everyone of my art teachers were huge mentors, they helped me think on larger scales, and pushed my creativity level further than I thought I was capable of. They helped me understand the arts at an early stage so I’ve had many years to appreciate them, and constantly want to better myself. Then there was my grade 10 english teacher Mr Mueller, he was hard, but for good reason. And I now appreciate that so much. I liked literature, but he helped me understand it on different levels. He also introduced me to the theatre. I was so in to art and film that the theatre got bypassed, my time was consumed with art/graphics/film tech. But he opened the eggplant doors, and a whole new world for me. I found a place that really fit for me. I fell in love with the talent, and the comradery. Now I really love art in all its forms. Bill was one of my baseball coaches, I had him for a couple different seasons. He was the first coach to really push me. Other coaches woulnd’t push as hard for me to get in front of the ball, knock it down, run hard, hit hard, ignore the pain in your hand when the ball smacks the glove haha. He pushed as hard as he could, and somedays it hurt, I’d be bruised, I’d be tired, but in the end I was so proud of myself for doing it, and I was a better player because of it. There are so many more that have showed me the ropes, showed me discipline, and that I respect, and who helped build my character in to who I am today. But these are the ones that pushed me the hardest, and stand out as to really guiding me, making me stronger, opening my eyes to the things I love now.

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