Proof of the High Tech t-shirt process in ILM

Hello All,
A couple of pictures… proof of the T-shirt “sweatshop” in Wilmington, moving SGP shirts. Caught red-handed in the act are James Burton and Hilarie.. looks like they are busy rolling shirts… whoops.. I better get back to work before they notice that I’m goofing off…

68 Responses to “Proof of the High Tech t-shirt process in ILM”

  1. Nicole T Says:

    haha oh man that looks harsh.
    i hope you guys know how much we appreciate it though =]
    seriously, you guys are just awesome.

    and I will pray for Hilarie’s hands from signing… and James’s wrists from folding…

    love always,
    Nicole T

  2. vally Says:

    wow that’s a lot of shirts, keep up the good work just don’t work too hard.
    ps I like James’ shirt just thought i would mention that lol


  3. Amber Rae Says:

    Oh my. Lol that looks insane yet awesome. Hmm hopefully fun as well πŸ™‚

    These shirts are going like hotcakes…really scrumptious hotcakes lol

    Keep up the awesome work. Hil’s probably gonna have to sell tickets to the “gun show” after packaging and sending all these out πŸ˜‰

    ~Amber Rae

  4. Neera Says:

    What Amber said :-). You guys are very hard workers.

    Can’t wait to get my shirt!

    Much love from Boulder CO,

  5. JaclyneJaye Says:

    Haha KT! Wowzahs that is a lot of shirts! Good luck with the signing and folding! May need to ice those hands. Echoing Nicole, yes, we appreciate all you guys do soo much!! πŸ™‚

  6. titania Says:

    Wow… good luck!!! I’m sure people is buying t-shirts like crazys so you’re going to be busy with all this…
    thanks for the work, guys, you’re great!!!


  7. chantarelle Says:

    hehee that’s what i like to see, working hard πŸ™‚

    can’t wait to get mine!!

  8. melrec Says:

    WOW.That is alot of shirts. They will be busy for a while.

    Hilarie don’t forget to stretch those hand muscles.

    I can’t wait to get my 2 shirts


  9. melrec Says:

    WOW.That is alot of shirts. They will be busy for a while.

    Hilarie don’t forget to stretch those hand muscles.

    I can’t wait to get my 2 shirts


  10. melrec Says:

    hey did you notice the jump in numbers for # of followers of the blog

  11. niamh Says:

    Looks like they have a good little conveyer belt going on there!

    Hope everyone is not too stressed and having fun along the way :P. If you have to be in a sweatshop, i guess it may as well be with people you love, working towards something great…

    right? πŸ™‚

  12. Stephanie Says:

    Okay, so I’m just going to say thanks for the shirts… I got to school today and I was telling everybody how I just bought a new car, cause that’s exciting to do, but I have to confess that right after I said it, I totally blurted “and I got a SoGo T-shirt too!!”.

    Some were amused that my excitement over the Southern Gothic t-shirt matched that of the brand new car. If that isn’t love, I don’t know what is!

    Seriously thank you guys, and if I lived anywhere near North Carolina, I would so help you roll and pack (I have a 2nd job in retail so I’m good at that)… but I live in Chicago…

    Good Luck and take frequent breaks!

  13. xo-maris-xo Says:

    THANKS!! for doing all the hard work you guys do!!!

    Yay! Now I can't wait till my shirt comes into the mail!!!! I bought a black one πŸ˜‰

    Don't work too hard guys πŸ˜€

    ❀ Marissa

  14. Southern Girl Says:

    You guys are literally elbow deep in shirts…

    Looks like a lot of work…but must be a great feeling…knowing each shirt you send out is a little nod of support for your “company that could”

    Thanks guys!!

  15. Southern Girl Says:

    You guys are literally elbow deep in shirts…

    Looks like a lot of work…but must be a great feeling…knowing each shirt you send out is a little nod of support for your “company that could”

    Thanks guys!!

  16. Emily Says:

    All I can say is whoa thats a lota shirts.

    Its good to see that this movie is getting money behind it.

  17. BrwnEyedGirl Says:

    Wow! That is a lot of shirts! I love the pics and I totally see the kind I bought! I can't wait to get it in the mail!! πŸ™‚

    And James, I love your shirt! It's awesome! πŸ˜‰

    ❀ Kels

  18. Megan Mary Says:

    How amazing are you guys!? Seriously – you’re unreal.

    P.S. Can you please send me James’s shirt along with my SoGoPro shirt.. k thanks


  19. Ella Press Says:

    What everyone else said…
    Love what you’re doing, how much effort you’re putting into this, and please know that we are very (!) grateful for it all!


  20. MichelleBell16 Says:

    Wow! That looks intense, but a lot of fun at the same time! Seriously can't thank you guys enough for all you do for us. I can't wait to get my shirt πŸ˜€

    And if you guys need anymore help, I do need a job for the summer…I'm a great folder/organizer πŸ˜‰


  21. Robin Says:

    Keep up the hard work! I hope Hil’s hand survives all those shirts. I ordered my SoGoPro shirt earlier today and can’t wait to get it! πŸ™‚

  22. peytonmellissa Says:

    Looks like you’ve got your hands full over there.

    Can’t wait till i get my shirt i’m really excited but don’t forget to sleep. xPP
    You guys are amazing! If you need any help lemme know

    – Melissa

  23. laurenmichelle Says:

    Whoa buddy thats a lot of shirts! You guys are seriously amazing and thank you for all you are doing. And the shirts look great! Can’t wait to wear mine :]

    I’m making my 3 month old cousin a SGP onesie. I’ll be sure to send pictures, she’s gonna look so cute representing SGP haha!

  24. littlechristy32 Says:

    You guys amaze me. Thank you for taking the time to do all of this. I’ve been behind a pile of t-shirts like that and know what a daunting task shipping can be. You guys rock!

    Thank you again.


  25. Stargazer Says:

    Thank you so much for taking the time to sign and fold the t-shirts. I’ve done shipping before and I’m not gonna lie … it’s not all that much fun (unless you’re playing some rockin’ music)!

    I hope you sell tons and tons of them … so worth it!

    For all that you do for us, it’s nice to know that we can do this for you, plus get a kick-ass shirt for it πŸ˜›

    Thank you again, from my entire being!


  26. L.O.V.E Says:

    Wow! Good luck with getting all of those done! And thanks so much for doing it! It really means a lot πŸ™‚


  27. HollyElizabeth Says:

    Wow, yall are amazing! Thanks for all the hardwork you're doing. The shirts look great & I can't wait to have one to wear. :]


  28. calina15 Says:

    wow… you guys are so hard core!
    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all the effort you guys are putting into this! It truly means a lot and I’m definitely exciting to get my shirt.

    Good luck in the sweatshop πŸ™‚

  29. xo-maris-xo Says:

    So, I just bought my 2nd SoGo T-shirt! One for me (the black womans T) and one for my brother (the black mens T)!! We are both fans of you, Hilarie!!! and of this Production company!!

    We're both super excited for the signed T-shirts! & can't wait to get them in the mail!!!

    All I'm missing is the white one! But i will most likely buy it in 2 weeks πŸ˜€

    ❀ Marissa Bravo

  30. Maygen Says:

    Uh WOW!
    That is ridiculous. And quite inspiring.
    Would you look at that? I think I’m going to cry for you.

    Look at you guys go. I’m in absolute aw right now.


  31. Liz Says:

    Wow! That’s a lot of shirts… Good work guys! Thank you we appreciate so much all that you all do:) Someone’s hands gonna be hurting…..

    Good Luck,


  32. Michelle Says:

    Awe, look at you guys so hard at work! (: you guys are amazing! thanks for everything! ❀

  33. Michelle Says:

    Awe, look at you guys so hard at work! (: you guys are amazing! thanks for everything! ❀

  34. Polia Says:

    I never had any doubt.

    I do however need to hurry along and order mine!!

  35. "loic" Says:

    good work,guys,long life to sgp

  36. Allison Says:

    I can’t wait to receive my shirts! Keep up the great work!

  37. Hillary Says:

    Haha you all are amazing!

    I think Hilarie Burton may possibly be one of my favorite people in the world…


  38. Hillary Says:

    Haha you all are amazing!

    I think Hilarie Burton may possibly be one of my favorite people in the world…


  39. A_Shiningstar Says:

    Amazing dedication!


  40. Laurene Says:

    awesome how you guys are doing this for us!! i’m currently broke at the moment, but i so would buy a shirt if i had the money!! =) thanks for all that you do for us. If you ever need an extra hand let me know =P i live in Wilmington by the way. haha

  41. Nickie Says:

    WOW that is quite the task, you guys look like busy bees. You guys freakin' ROCK!!!!! We really appreciate it!!! Can't wait to rock my SoGoPro shirt on streets of Kansas City & Nashville!!!!!


  42. sparklegirl1 Says:

    wow, you guys are incredible. we really do appreciate all your hard work!

    cannot wait to see the fruits of your labour!


  43. NatalieR Says:

    Thanks guys! πŸ™‚

    You know if we could all be there we would, helping you out! You guys ROCK!

  44. Alexwoman Says:

    Thanks guys!! for all the effort , we appreciate all that you do
    I help you with the thought!

    I can’t wait to receive my tee-shirt !

  45. Says:

    It’s so amazing to see Hilarie so into this.. and keeps us updated with daily things. She’s such an amazing person!!!

  46. Says:

    It’s so amazing to see Hilarie so into this.. and keeps us updated with daily things. She’s such an amazing person!!!

  47. Elise88 Says:

    I said it in the chat last night and I’ll say it again … THANK YOU sooo much. I really do hope all of you know how much we appreciate what you are doing… and Hilarie, I hope your hand has recovered from all that signing. Your a legend!!

    I am looking forward to my shirt arriving but most of all I’m just glad I could contribute money-wise, even if only $40 for now.

    Hope you guys get some rest πŸ™‚

  48. lifeonjoypiter Says:

    Shirt rolling! After a while doing that could really hurt the muscles in your hands…and you thought signing autographs all day was bad? =P

    Thank you Hilarie, Nick, Kelly, Austin and everyone involved for putting together a great company and production studios. The fans love it and support it all the way, as do I. You all inspire most and have inspired myself and a few of my friends to start up a webshow on youtube. Hopefully one day, we’ll be as big as you all are now. Thank you so much for being a great team.

    Peace, Love, Joy,

    -Samantha Joy

  49. Bellatrix Says:

    It’s nice to see you guys at work for us…you are amazing!
    Thanks again for everything you do. You are the best!
    Can’t wait to get my T-Shirt.


  50. adam Says:

    hey guys.

    ordered a shirt yesterday.. cant wait to get it hehe.

    g’day from Australia btw.

    keep up the good work.


  51. Nora Says:

    Hi Hil!

    Cant wait to get my signed tshirt! =) I really, like all of us appreciate everything you are doing for the fans and what we love most about you, is that you are a very down to earth person…so keep it that way πŸ™‚

    However, YOUHOU!!! James and Mark are coming to Paris next week! I was all exited about hearing that but so disappointed to see you and the whole cast wont come… so got a question:

    WHEN WILL YOU COME to Paris?

    Much love that crosses the Atlantic Ocean ❀


  52. acrosstheuniverse Says:

    wow that is a crazyhuge amount of shirts… very impressive though… and for the record u can totally just skip the rolling on mine an shove it in a bag or something… i know what you’re thinking ‘omg im so relieved we don’t have to roll that one whole shirt to send to adelaide that totally would have broken us…’
    anyway… can’t wait to get my shirt and i TOTALLY appreciate the effort you’re all putting in… and i’d love to help in anyway i can so if u ever hatch a plan to run through traffic and paste sogopro posters on random windshields i will totally run the adelaide leg of the operation… or u know… something less destructive… enjoy the rolling lots of love – zoei xxx

  53. merebelle007 Says:

    this just made me a million times more excited for my t-shirt to come in the mail!

    happy rolling. πŸ˜€

  54. Sue Says:

    Oh wow, you guys are going to deserve a medal after all that packaging – actually scrap that…you are going to deserve a HUGE glass of wine!!!

    Bless you all, πŸ™‚

  55. Sue Says:

    Oh wow, you guys are going to deserve a medal after all that packaging – actually scrap that…you are going to deserve a HUGE glass of wine!!!

    Bless you all, πŸ™‚

  56. Danielle Says:

    WOW!! Those are a looot of Shirts and a looot of work. Just feel like applying for a job to give my support. So, if you guys need help by mid June for a few days I’d be glad to help packing Shirts or whatever πŸ™‚ Consider this a serious application! πŸ™‚

  57. Amaury Says:

    I want to buy this t-shirt but i live in france it’s possible? i hope hilarie and the team packed the gift his own hands? I attend so closely to your adventure. You’re Great.

  58. €€Marion€€ Says:

    Wow !you guys rock our lives πŸ™‚
    So great that you take time to do that ; Thanks

  59. PDJack Says:

    It’s a glamorous life you’ve chosen there, Hil, but we love ya for it πŸ™‚

  60. chelbh Says:

    You all are amazing! I will definitely be ordering mine soon.

    You know what I would love…for you to give us projects. Like the shirt rolling, you shouldn’t have to do that yourselves. I’m sure with a little notice you could get plenty of volunteers to help with that. And for the people not living in Wilmington like myself, I’m willing to make signs and whatnot. lol. Whatever you need…

  61. jojangles Says:

    Well done guys, doing the work yourself you will create more profit, like your thinking…I hope my order was in time for a signed t-shirt (fingers crossed)…I’m so excited either way.
    Love you guys JO xxx

  62. PS.Whatever Says:

    Wow, so many t-shirts.

    You guys are doing such an awesome job with SGP, we are all so very proud to be a part of it all.

    If I lived near, I could of helped roll and stack. lol.

    Keep up the awesome work.


  63. Danielle Says:

    Well, I for one am appreciating this hard work! And I bet they’re not getting paid to fold and ship either! Aren’t there labor laws for that? πŸ˜‰

    Thanks for the fun times! I can’t wait for my shirt! πŸ™‚

  64. Elke Says:

    Wow, you guys are really putting a lot of effort in it.
    Can’t wait to wear my shirt.
    Thanks for the photos and keep up the good work!


  65. GJONES Says:

    Wow, i mean… wow. you guys have worked so hard. Been away for easter and first thing i did was order my t-shirt. Cant wait to wear it.
    Here in the UK, my friends (20yr olds) have just completed their own short film and it is being shown on sunday at a local cinema.
    You guys are a real inspriration, keep up the hard work!!
    Gemma Jones

  66. Pauline Says:

    That’s a lot of shirts !
    we can see that you work really hard on this
    that is what make this company even better
    We all appreciate this so much !!
    thanks for letting us be part of this !
    Pauline from France

  67. Pauline Says:

    That’s a lot of shirts !
    we can see that you work really hard on this
    that is what make this company even better
    We all appreciate this so much !!
    thanks for letting us be part of this !
    Pauline from France

  68. Kaitlan.Olivia Says:

    Oh boy..looks like things are getting CRAZY! LoL
    Thank you so much again for all of the hard work that you guys have been doing.
    We all really appreciate, and the shirts do look GREAT!
    Also THANK YOU so much for allowing us to be apart of this AMAZING group of people! =)

    Much Love,

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