I love Jeff Buckley. Who doesn't, right?
The way his voice soars and bleeds and dances....
it is Romeo and Juliet... beautiful tragedy.
The story you know the end to already, but keep hoping
that one day you'll re-read and it will be different.

I always hated that I never saw that voice in person.
That I never witnessed that backward tilt of the head
as something more than human escaped his lips.

Something fuller and enviable.

But then I saw Bibis. Some of you will say this is a
sacrilege of sorts. But I promise you!
I am the singer in a band....and singing is hard.
That push to make the words mean something more than
just a pretty rhyme...its hard! But Bibis has that
Buckley ease...where the notes glide like a porch
swing in the summer. She sings as effortlessly as she
breathes, an exhale of poetry and sincerity.

I LOVE to watch her sing.

I LOVE to watch other people watch her sing. She will
move you like water my friends.
Please take this song as a gift. Spread the word!!!

90 Responses to “BIBIS”

  1. Elise88 Says:

    What a beautiful voice and an amazing talent. To write a song is one thing, to be able to convey it with such emotion is another.

    Bibis, thank you for sharing your music πŸ™‚

    Hilarie & gang, thank you for bringing Bibis' music to SGP. I look forward to hearing more in the future πŸ™‚


  2. Elise88 Says:

    What a beautiful voice and an amazing talent. To write a song is one thing, to be able to convey it with such emotion is another.

    Bibis, thank you for sharing your music πŸ™‚

    Hilarie & gang, thank you for bringing Bibis' music to SGP. I look forward to hearing more in the future πŸ™‚


  3. Hayley Tonner Says:

    Bibis- in case the SGP team doesn’t say it enough – YOU’RE AWESOME!
    Seriously! I can’t wait for more! Thanks for sharing that with us!

  4. VerΓ³nica Says:

    Wow… just one word: AMAZING!!!

    Of course I’ll spread the word, Bibis, you have an incredible voice, and you “feel” the music, and I love your guitar!!!

    Thank you guys for this great gift. Besos.

  5. Naoual Says:

    The way how she sings is amazing. But the feeling that she spread is Wonderful!! I can’t explain it. My heart will spring out of my chest when I hear her sing. There is not many people who could give me that feeling! She is UNIQUE. Thats a special and amazing gift that she has!
    Keep up the good work Bibis shall i say

  6. sparklegirl1 Says:

    So when is the album going to be released?! Seriously that was so good, I got chills and now I can’t wait for the day that I can go out and purchase her music!

    I am truly blown away. Bibis’ has such a unique and wonderful voice. You guys are awesome for sharing this with us. Thank you πŸ™‚


  7. xtricebabyx Says:

    Such an AMAZING voice!!

  8. Missa Says:

    My god, that was beautiful. Wow. I’m going to watch it again (and again).

  9. niamh Says:

    Wow. I’ve actually heard this song before on Bibis’s myspace page, but it’s so much more powerful to actually see performed.

    Something about that song is very gospel-soul-like to me. I don’t know why, but it just seems like the kind of song you could pray to. It reminds me of Church or of some sort of religious experience i’ve had, although i’m not sure what.

    ^ I’ve just read that paragraph back, and it sounds kind of overdramatic, but it’s true :). Hope to hear more from Bibis, i’ll definitely be telling all my friends πŸ˜€

  10. Marianna Says:

    I wish I had found this blog earlier. Hi πŸ™‚

    I am new here! Great job and group of people. Great art in the making, great everything!

    Greetings from Greece and I’ll be back (I wanted it to sound like a promise, it came out like a Van Damme threat…oh well πŸ™‚

    Peace and love

  11. "loic" Says:

    I love her voice, though not too kind to my song, it has a divine melody,continue bibis, thank you for sharing your music ,congratulation

  12. ONE TREE HILL is LOveeeeeee Says:

    WOWZAH such an amazing voice !!
    can’t wait for more πŸ˜€

    ~ sammmmmmmmmmmmmy

  13. ONE TREE HILL is LOveeeeeee Says:

    WOWZAH such an amazing voice !!
    can’t wait for more πŸ˜€

    ~ sammmmmmmmmmmmmy

  14. jenniferfreil Says:

    Amazing, Bibis!

    Look forward to hearing your album πŸ™‚ which you will, soon.

    Take care, look forward to hearing more of you.

    Jennifer xoxo

  15. Southern Girl Says:

    SGP – thank you for sharing Bibis

    and Bibis, thank you for sharing your beautiful, soulful voice with us

    this kind of talent is what makes music feel so spiritual!


  16. Kaitlin Says:

    Bibis!!! I find myself consistently jealous of women who are able to convey so many emotions with their voice! She’s haunting, and beautiful and sultry simultaneously! I would love to see her on tour with one of my other favorite women in this category KRIS DELMHORST! If you don’t know her, google her…they could be kindred spirits!

    SGP thanks for making us privy to such a lovely artist!


  17. blm133 Says:

    Ok, so I’m blown away by Bibi. When I hear the song, I imagine a story about a millennial with an β€œold soul,” perfectly content with how and why things are they way they are, but on a continuous search for meaning and an understanding of life. She has a powerful, old southern style to her voice … like the soundtrack to a Mark Twain novel; it’s very moving.
    I will admit that I started following SoGo blogspot because I’m a fan of OTH. Now, I follow because I’m a fan of SoGo. I like the honesty and personality that come through each post and you can tell by everyone’s dedication that this is very meaningful to you guys and that makes it all the more interesting to read.
    Hilarie, you’re a genius for using your name, recognition and β€œTV personality” to get your company out there and noticed, especially through the web clips. (Although I did have to laugh when you mentioned wanting to get Bibi β€œin the studio,” it was a very Peyton moment. Obviously you’re not the character you play on TV and that’s what made it funny.)
    Anyway, enough ranting … gotta get back to work. I’m really looking forward to the projects that you and your team put together. You guys have something and I hope to see big things.

    B Miller

  18. caass19 Says:

    Wow SGP strikes again!
    Bibis is ridiculously talented and it goes without sayin gthat her voice is awesome but my fave part was that wherever you think shes going with the melody, it just turns in a completely different direction, proving her unique ability to sound like herself and not fall into any predetermined genre.

    Keep it up! love for SGP!
    (toronto, Canada)

    ps. hil love you and everything you are…you and chad are the main reason i watch one tree hill. leyton forever. πŸ™‚

  19. christinaelle Says:

    HOLY SHIZZZZ I didn’t even let her get to real words. Just her freaking intro had me getting goosebumps!!! Now I must get back to watching it. That is amazing amazing amazing. Tell her she’s amazing. Amazing.

    And Hil, you’re in a band??? What?

    Anyways. AMAZING.

    THANK you!

  20. Bekah Says:

    Oh my.
    That was b-e-a-utiful.
    Thank you so much Miss Hilarie for introducing Bibis to us all, and thank you Bibis for sharing your amazing voice.
    I applaud you.

    Can’t wait to here more!

    Love from Guam

  21. Neera Says:

    I’m enraptured by her voice. It’s…hypnotic. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing her lovely voice with us. This is one artist I can not wait to hear more from.

    Gonna go watch a few dozen times more now.

    Thank you again. This was amazing!

  22. Michelle Says:

    OMG! Bibis-your voice is incredible! it’s soo captivating! you have such an amazing and beautiful talent! Bravo!(: thanks for sharing!

  23. merebelle007 Says:

    your voice is AMAZING! you have a true talent. i can’t wait to hear more from you.

  24. Karen Says:

    Okay, I’m hooked. She kind of reminds me of one of my favorites: Jennifer Knapp. Something in the demeanor, the story structure of the song, I can’t quite put my finger on it but I like it! Lots. Thanks for the gift.

  25. Ella Press Says:

    I think everyone here has said everything already.
    So thank you for blowing our minds away… just that

    xo, Ella

  26. Lovely35 Says:

    An amazing voice and true talend singer!! Bibis thank you for sharing. πŸ™‚

  27. Lovely35 Says:

    An amazing voice and true talend singer!! Bibis thank you for sharing. πŸ™‚

  28. Stargazer Says:

    Wow … her voice is chilling, yet very soothing! It reminds me of when I’m really, really sad and my cat looks up at me with knowing eyes and meows … totally understanding my feelings and wants to make me feel better somehow … that’s what Bibis voice is like. Weird? Yes. True? Yes. Shall I hush now? Yes.

    Love you guys for constantly sharing with us! All of the new things that I’ve experienced over the last three months have been truly amazing … the music, the literature, Austin’s stream-of-consciousness, Nick’s brilliant (yes I said Brilliant) writing, KT’s amazing Everything and Hilarie, with all of her selfless sharing and quirky-ness! WOW ~ Thank You!!!


  29. Stargazer Says:

    Wow … her voice is chilling, yet very soothing! It reminds me of when I’m really, really sad and my cat looks up at me with knowing eyes and meows … totally understanding my feelings and wants to make me feel better somehow … that’s what Bibis voice is like. Weird? Yes. True? Yes. Shall I hush now? Yes.

    Love you guys for constantly sharing with us! All of the new things that I’ve experienced over the last three months have been truly amazing … the music, the literature, Austin’s stream-of-consciousness, Nick’s brilliant (yes I said Brilliant) writing, KT’s amazing Everything and Hilarie, with all of her selfless sharing and quirky-ness! WOW ~ Thank You!!!


  30. MichelleBell16 Says:

    Hilarie, between your beautiful words and Bibis' amazing voice/song, I'm definitely tearing up over here. Thank you girls so much for sharing this with us. I can't wait to hear more from you, Bibis!

    And Hilarie, when are you going to sing something for us too? πŸ™‚


  31. hollyelizabeth Says:

    Wow-that was amazing! Bibis, you have a gorgeous voice. So glad Hilarie has brought you into the SGP world. Can't wait to hear more from you! πŸ™‚


  32. hollyelizabeth Says:

    Wow-that was amazing! Bibis, you have a gorgeous voice. So glad Hilarie has brought you into the SGP world. Can't wait to hear more from you! πŸ™‚


  33. Says:

    I always love hearing from you Hilarie…. she sounds amazing can’t wait to hear more!

  34. Danielle Says:

    Feels like falling in love over and over again. Very warm and embracing! Thank you for sharing, Bibis! And I’ll def spread the word, Hil!

  35. Danielle Says:

    Feels like falling in love over and over again. Very warm and embracing! Thank you for sharing, Bibis! And I’ll def spread the word, Hil!

  36. Elke Says:

    Really great sound, can’t wait to hear more.

    So after a hard day of work I come home and see I received my t-shirt. I open the envelope read the note and try on the shirt. Fits perfectly but it isn’t signed 😦
    Normally every t-shirt should be signed right?
    Did this already happen to someone else?

    Not that I don’t like it but I was really excited that it had Hilarie’s signature on it.


  37. Elke Says:

    Really great sound, can’t wait to hear more.

    So after a hard day of work I come home and see I received my t-shirt. I open the envelope read the note and try on the shirt. Fits perfectly but it isn’t signed 😦
    Normally every t-shirt should be signed right?
    Did this already happen to someone else?

    Not that I don’t like it but I was really excited that it had Hilarie’s signature on it.


  38. omgpeyton Says:

    Wow, such a soulful voice, great song. I would loveee to hear her cover Stevie Ray Vaughn. She’s got the bluesy feel for it for sure.

  39. omgpeyton Says:

    Wow, such a soulful voice, great song. I would loveee to hear her cover Stevie Ray Vaughn. She’s got the bluesy feel for it for sure.

  40. Sam Says:

    I listened to this song on my space, and thought it was really good then, but think this video is 10 times better! (probly clearer sound?)
    not gonna say anything else cos im rubbish with words and wont be able to do it justice. and i think hilarie described it perfectly anyway.
    Thank you though for sharing this beautiful, amazing voice/ talent!

  41. Sam Says:

    I listened to this song on my space, and thought it was really good then, but think this video is 10 times better! (probly clearer sound?)
    not gonna say anything else cos im rubbish with words and wont be able to do it justice. and i think hilarie described it perfectly anyway.
    Thank you though for sharing this beautiful, amazing voice/ talent!

  42. ebgb22 Says:

    Wow- That is really all I can say, except, when does the CD come out?

  43. A_Shiningstar Says:

    Great things are about to happen to you Bibis. πŸ™‚
    We will be sure to spread the word. πŸ™‚
    Thanks SGP for introducing us to an awesome talented young lady.

  44. gem Says:

    What an amazing voice… it’s wonderful!I was completely hanging on her every word!
    Hil you’re completely right! she’s amazing … and Hil you sing?!really?!
    You have to show us what you got girl!

  45. Maygen Says:

    I'm starting to think I should begin skipping school because by the time I get home in the afternoon, there are already 30 comments, & I feel as though I've missed out 😦

    But, I was really happy you were so quick to catch us on to Bibis, Hilarie. I've been listening to her on myspace for days! & I'm really quite impressed. I'm going to need CDage soon. Her voice is phenomenal and I can only thank you so many times for bring her into our lives.

    Thank you,

  46. Steph Says:

    This is definately what I am into right now.. So It’s perfect.. She has such a beautiful voice. I see why you see her as a muse..

    P.S. got my SoGoPro shirt today so excited to wear it.. and spread the word.. =]

  47. laurenmichelle Says:

    Wow…just wow! Bibis, you have an amazing voice and you are soo insanely talented! I really can’t wait to hear more from you, and I’m so thankful that Hilarie and the rest of the SGP gang shared you with us

    I listened to this earlier before I had to leave for class and I was running late so I couldn’t comment, but all through my biology lab all I was thinking was that I really wanted to listen to this song again! I love it! πŸ™‚

  48. LaurenHeartsOTH Says:

    Bibis, you have the most beautiful voice, it gave me goosebumps! Thank you for sharing your music with us. Can’t wait to hear more.

  49. Alexwoman Says:

    Well well well …. I don’t know what to say just BIBIS I LOVE U !! like Hil say, you have a beautiful voice.
    And you know, I saw Jeff Buckley in concert (Lyon, France) 4-07-95), it’s one of the best memories of my life.
    His voice, is an angel voice, i can hear him again and again.
    I’m agree with you hil, she have this little Buckley’s things, an angel voice ! and she able to convey so many emotions with their voice. It’s amazing…
    Go on Bibis!!!!

    I’ll spread the word


  50. Bellatrix Says:

    Bibis, you are really talented…your voice is amazing. Thanks for sharing this video with us.

    Hilarie, you really have a band? I would like to hear you singing. I heard you in “Our very own” and I think you have a beautiful voice.

  51. idaatje Says:

    Not really my kind of music, but her voice is amazing! And I’m all about voices (female voices especially), so I did enjoy this very much!
    Thanks for sharing πŸ™‚

  52. €€Marion€€ Says:

    Wow , Thank you , that was really beautiful and I hope everything will work out so we can hear more and more of your songs πŸ™‚
    Thanks again for sharing

  53. xo-maris-xo Says:

    Wow! just wow! Bibis you are super talented and you have this powerful voice that is so soulful! I’m excited to hear what you have to sing next!!

    Thank you Bibis and Hilarie for sharing πŸ˜€


  54. HayG07 Says:

    SO… I am pretty sure I need a cd ASAP!! Greatness!! Please share more..

  55. Meaghan Says:

    Bibis you are a very talented woman!!! Thanks SGP for introducing her to us!!

    Hil you’re in a band… when do we get to hear your stuff???

  56. Meaghan Says:

    Bibis you are a very talented woman!!! Thanks SGP for introducing her to us!!

    Hil you’re in a band… when do we get to hear your stuff???

  57. Kendall Says:

    Amazing post Hilarie.

    I too have an amazing love for Jeff Buckley, it’s a shame we’ve lost him.

    I can’t wait to hear more of Bibis!!! πŸ™‚ As a Music Business Major, I have to say this is a very exciting time for music!

  58. Kate Says:

    there are really very few singers well at least that i know of who have a voice that has the ability to carry a song by itself! most songs need a melody or a catchy tune behind the voice but with bibis all you need is her! To sing and entire song with just a light strumming of a guitar and pull it off easily, is hard!

    Im really blown away! SGP has found a lil sumtin sumtin!!:D i was only having a conversation with my friend today about Ray LaMontagne, he too has a one of those voices you cant help but listen to, every slur, rasp, whisper.

    Wow. Really WOW!!

  59. Kate Says:

    there are really very few singers well at least that i know of who have a voice that has the ability to carry a song by itself! most songs need a melody or a catchy tune behind the voice but with bibis all you need is her! To sing and entire song with just a light strumming of a guitar and pull it off easily, is hard!

    Im really blown away! SGP has found a lil sumtin sumtin!!:D i was only having a conversation with my friend today about Ray LaMontagne, he too has a one of those voices you cant help but listen to, every slur, rasp, whisper.

    Wow. Really WOW!!

  60. Jenn and Brian Says:

    Bibis is an amazing singer. She performed with the Super Kiiids a couple of months ago at City Stage and I remember being blown away by her voice.

    I’m glad to know that she performs at Market Street Saloon…I will definitely go and watch her perform.

  61. Polia Says:

    I was in Wilmington recently.. How did I miss her???
    Thank you SGP for finding and sharing this amazing voice!!!
    I’m now a fan..

  62. DaniielleKnoxx(: Says:

    W-O-W!! That was seriously awesome! As soon as she started singing I just felt so.. Calm.. It was truly inspirational Bibis. Thank you. And thank you Hilarie too for posting it :)! Also, Hilarie? If your in a band, will you be posting some of your work here too? Xx

  63. Liz Says:

    Wow Bibis is awesome love the style of music as well as her voice! I wish I could sing like that. Can’t wait to here more stuff… I definitely wanna see an album I would totally buy it!!

    Take care:)


  64. vally Says:

    im going to mimic every one else by saying that was awesome and it is cant wait to hear more from you Bibis. Hilarie you do have a gift for finding things that are incredible cant wait to see what else you find to share.


  65. fairytalescenes Says:

    holy cow…she gave me chills.

    this was beautiful and amazing.

  66. fairytalescenes Says:

    holy cow…she gave me chills.

    this was beautiful and amazing.

  67. Alexandria Lynn Says:

    okay that was one of the most beautiful sounds i have ever heard. wow. hands down. wow.

  68. JaclyneJaye Says:

    Bibis is absolutely incredible! Such a beautiful voice! Hope to spread the word like a wildfire! Can’t wait to hear more. Thank you so much for sharing with us! πŸ™‚

  69. steph Says:

    Bibis, i really enjoyed this πŸ™‚ Such a beautiful, very haunting and solid song! I love how your voice would get louder and then you’d pull it right back in at the ends of the lines and you’d let your voice just linger so quietly on that last word… quite haunting, but in a good way πŸ™‚ It really affected me.
    It gets me so excited when I see or am with other artists who are just DOING IT. you know? creating something that never existed before regardless of how many people hear or see their work.
    please keep going because i really believe that with a talent like yours there’s really no way you won’t be successful πŸ˜€ and so many people love you already!(including me!)
    Much Love xo.

  70. Ann Says:

    one word Amaaazing….Hil it’s about time you got Bibis up here… And she’s such a sweetie…

  71. Teo Says:

    Wow!.. I love it.. Really nice voice!!.. Sure i’ll be looking for some more of you Bibis!.. Im on a band here in venezuela!.. who knows.. Maybe someday you’ll here my songs!.. and if that happens.. well.. hope you like them! hehe.. and ill like to hear you singing Hilarie.. or know the name of your band!.. You’re doing a great job guys.. Im trying to get one of those SoGoPro t-shirts.. But im afraid is not that simple living here so far.. still i’ll try.. xD.. bye!

  72. Beth Says:

    Great song. Great voice. Great emotion. Great dedication.
    Hilarie and Nick; you have definitely hit the jack pot and i am jealous that you have the ability to see Bibis perform live! Maybe one day we will be able to as well!
    Thanks for sharing!
    xo Beth

  73. Katie Says:

    True talent… you’re right Hilarie her voice does flow seemingly effortlessly and it’s gorgeous. Hope you get her out so everyone can hear her and she can leave her mark with everyone who does. It’s not too often that you find people like her who have true meaning behind words and an amazing voice to back it up. True talent :]

    XOXO Katie

  74. Charlotte Says:

    Woah, i love you bibis! You are such an incredible singer.. can’t wait to hear more!

    Thank you.

  75. Nickie Says:

    Amazing. Thanks for posting and exposing us to an awesomely amazing talent!!! I will definitely be spreading the word!!


  76. Arely Says:

    Wow, that was really beautiful. Amazing voice Bibis!
    Thank you Hilarie for bringing her to us. Especially to the people who can’t watch her sing live, but now we sorta can.
    She will work great for the Pedestrian OST. I can just imagine now her music edited in to some beautiful moving scene of Pedestrian.
    You guys are getting us so excited for this movie. πŸ™‚

  77. melt my heart Says:

    She’s AMAZING. Thank you for bringing her to us, Hil. You have great taste, I must say. I practically worship Eisley and it’s all because you mentioned them in some interview a couple of years ago. I hadn’t heard of them before then.

    From what I’ve heard, “Eggshell” is my favorite Bibis song. This one is really beautiful, too, though.

  78. melt my heart Says:

    She’s AMAZING. Thank you for bringing her to us, Hil. You have great taste, I must say. I practically worship Eisley and it’s all because you mentioned them in some interview a couple of years ago. I hadn’t heard of them before then.

    From what I’ve heard, “Eggshell” is my favorite Bibis song. This one is really beautiful, too, though.

  79. melt my heart Says:

    She’s AMAZING. Thank you for bringing her to us, Hil. You have great taste, I must say. I practically worship Eisley and it’s all because you mentioned them in some interview a couple of years ago. I hadn’t heard of them before then.

    From what I’ve heard, “Eggshell” is my favorite Bibis song. This one is really beautiful, too, though.

  80. hope0414dmc Says:

    Bibis you were awesome. Will pray for your success. By the way Hill sorry to hear about your troubles again with myspace she got me to with insults sucks that she’s posin as you. anyways thanks for all your doig with SGP and will be prayin for all of you too.

  81. sania Says:

    Her voice is so beautiful and the way that she sings is really good…
    thanks for share this Hil and Bibis.
    I will listen this many times.

  82. Sue Says:

    This was amazing – I loved it Bibis!

    There is a pub in the UK, in Sheffield to be exact, that would suit you so much. You should come to the UK and play there!!!!! They would love you.

    I always go there to be inspired by the artists.

    Thanks for sharing!

  83. Kendra13 Says:

    Wow what an amazing voice and a great song ❀ it's really powerful, and full of poerty, I absolutaly love it. Continue like that Bibis you're awesome πŸ˜€ And thanks Hilarie for sharing this video with us, and be sure I'll spread the word around me.

    Kendra, from france ^^

  84. Kendra13 Says:

    Wow what an amazing voice and a great song ❀ it's really powerful, and full of poerty, I absolutaly love it. Continue like that Bibis you're awesome πŸ˜€ And thanks Hilarie for sharing this video with us, and be sure I'll spread the word around me.

    Kendra, from france ^^

  85. Lisa from Sparks Says:

    Goose bumps! Chills! Amazing!
    Thank you for sharing this wonderful talent with us.
    Best of luck!

  86. frissy21 Says:

    Absolutely Amazing…I still have goosebumps!!! Bibis, your voice is incredibly moving. Thanks for sharing your talent with us, can’t wait to hear more. Hil, when do we get to hear your wonderful voice as well, you and Bibis should do a little duet. I bet it would be incredible.


  87. NatalieR Says:

    I know im late to comment but I jut had to after hearing that.
    OMG Bibis you are amazing! Your voice chilled me to the bone and gave me goosebumps and that doesnt happen to me often! Cant wait to hear more!

  88. Kaitlan.Olivia Says:

    So I know that im a little late to respond, I have been super busy with school, and have had no free time. I just wanted to say that Bibis- You are FANTASTIC. You voice is beyond beautiful, its almost practically game me the chills which never I can not wait to hear more! πŸ™‚

    Thanks a bunch Nick, Kelly, and Hil for introducing us to such a WONDERFUL Artist.

    ❀ Kait

  89. kimberoo Says:

    Agreed about the Buckley comparison. My best friend saw him play during his last concerts in Europe…I will forever be jealous.

    Bibis sounds really great. Love the intensity of the lyrics combined with that amazing voice. If you can feel the passion, you can feel the music.

  90. rooneyboy16 Says:

    all i can say is wow

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