A little backstory… Bibis Part 2

So here's the interview portion of our broadcast.
After working at MTV, I learned very quickly how
rare it is to encounter an artist that had talent
AND a presence....an ease in conversation that
makes them approachable and inspires an attachment
from the audience. Does it help that she and I are
already good friends....of course! But I've watched
Bibis maneuver crowds, and interact with strangers
as if they were old friends.

She is the real deal, folks.

Come to town and look her up. Or go to your local
venues and request that they book her. We are a community
here on this little blog.

Lets make our girl a household name!

Thanks for the kind words. They mean so much to all of us!

54 Responses to “A little backstory… Bibis Part 2”

  1. Maygen Says:

    Thank you so much for sharing that with us Hilarie & Bibis. It was a nice start to my day 🙂
    Here you are, still keeping us in the loop, and it means so much to me. I'm really happy that there is all this new talent for us to be introduced too. And Bibis was a wonderful addition to the Southern Gothic team. You two truly are wonderful people.
    Thank You,

  2. sparklegirl1 Says:

    – love backstories
    – love how unique a name Bibis is
    – loved the fun interview, both engaging
    – so excited to hear the final version of all the unique stuff and also the cover (am a sucker for cover songs)

    sorry ’bout the point form…

    thanks for sharing – y’all are awesome.


  3. Kate Says:

    It really makes me happy when you see people who have a huge talent and are still genuinely nice! It honestly makes my day. It humbles me.
    I can’t wait to hear more of Bibis’ songs, i’m excited!

  4. Kate Says:

    It really makes me happy when you see people who have a huge talent and are still genuinely nice! It honestly makes my day. It humbles me.
    I can’t wait to hear more of Bibis’ songs, i’m excited!

  5. ¤¤Marion¤¤ Says:

    Wow , good vlog !

    I can’t wait to hear the cover and Bibis original stuff recorded !
    I’d love to see Bibis live , maybe one day she’ll come to France 🙂 for sure !
    Thank you so much for sharing this , means a lot to let us in that way .


  6. areardon Says:

    nice vlog!

    It was a nice way to start off my day, especially because the rest of my day will be packed with studying :p . SGP has gotten me through my exams! I check it constantly searching for an excuse to procrastinate haha Anyways thanks again for the vlog Hilarie, and I look forward to hearing more of your music Bibis.


  7. Alexwoman Says:

    Thank you so much, so much, so much… for sharing that with us.
    It’s a pleasure to read you every day!
    Besides making us discover of magnificent talent 😉
    I’ll be happy to see still bibis playing us one of these magic songs!


  8. niamh Says:

    If I requested that Bibis played here in Ireland do you think she would come? 😛

    And, by the way, i have had an awful awful awful morning, and this cheered me up 🙂 – so thank you! xx

  9. Bekah Says:

    Thank you very much for sharing!
    It’s kind of funny, Maygen said it was a nice way to start her day, but here, it’s end of Thursday.

    So glad to have you with us Bibis! Can’t wait to here more from you.

    I absolutely love your hair Miss Hilarie! I wasn’t sure if it was different in the vlog where you and Nick first introduced Bibis, due to the lighting, but it looks really beautiful. 🙂

    Love from Guam


  10. Elise88 Says:

    Hey guys, really excited about hearing the songs Bibis records. It’s no secret that most of us here think you are amazing Bibis and will support you all the way!

    Look foward to seeing this ‘Pedestrian’ song too, I’m intrigued…

    (and I must agree, your hair looks great, Hilarie)

    Keep playin’ great music

  11. Elise88 Says:

    Hey guys, really excited about hearing the songs Bibis records. It’s no secret that most of us here think you are amazing Bibis and will support you all the way!

    Look foward to seeing this ‘Pedestrian’ song too, I’m intrigued…

    (and I must agree, your hair looks great, Hilarie)

    Keep playin’ great music

  12. Missa Says:

    I am beyond excited to hear what you guys come up with! I’m sure you’ll have a blast in the studio! Bibis is fantastic so I’m sure it’s going to be amazing.

  13. The Intern Says:

    Looking forward to hearing more!

  14. supermanda Says:

    I love the vlog, so great to see and hear from you guys! Your so candid and engaging.

    I stumbled across SoGoPro earlier this week and LOVE it! I am on here everyday just to see what’s new. I grew up in NC so am very familiar with Wilmington.

    Thanks for this!

    (Hilarie, love the hair too)


  15. Ana Says:

    I’m glad that you guys are going to record some music. I look forward to hearing more this new project.
    BTW Hilarie, the new hair color looks awsome!

  16. littlechristy32 Says:

    Thank you for sharing Bibis with us. I can’t wait to hear what you guys record. I also can’t wait to come to town and find out when and if Bibis is playing cause I totally want to check it out.


  17. littlechristy32 Says:

    Thank you for sharing Bibis with us. I can’t wait to hear what you guys record. I also can’t wait to come to town and find out when and if Bibis is playing cause I totally want to check it out.


  18. becca16 Says:

    Oh Lord. I guarantee you my mother has four Allman Brothers cds in her car right now and My dad had Wilson Pickett in the truck. That’s what I listened to on the way to church for 18 years haha.
    I think it’s great what you guys and Bibis are doing. She has such an incredible talent and I cannot wait to hear more.
    Thanks again guys for sharing and caring.
    Oh and facebook yesterday was all about Bibis- Ten of my friends at least had her video posted sharing the love. 🙂


  19. Nicole Says:

    What a great talent and so special to be able to do what you love and have someone recognize you and want to help you get noticed.

    That is the one thing I love about this blog. It started off trying to get the word out about Pedestrian and the Wilmington film industry but along the way has reached out to help others display their talents.

    Great job, guys (&gal). Keep promoting because we are all here watching.


  20. Kaitlin Says:

    Yes, please trick Bibis into doing some more singing for us! At least until that EP gets out! Thanks for the vlog.


  21. Danielle Says:

    Well, I am def going to look her up while being in Wilmington this coming June. And I can tell ya, I am not, repeating, NOT going to leave that town until I have heard Bibis sing 🙂 That’s a promise 😉

  22. Nicole Says:

    Another note — there are a bunch of great “saloons” in Boston that love to play new music and local bands especially places like “The Skellig” in Waltham, Kinvara Pub” in Allston, the Middle East in Cambridge or The Paradise in Boston. We love to go see live music although I am sure that if you were to try and get her a gig here it would be more effective than anyone.

    Also – the House of Blues is also a great place and I could put in a good word since I do know someone there. Let me know if you are interested at all.



  23. Kendall Says:

    I’ve only posted a few comments so far- but I’ve mentioned before I’m a music business major… as such as are encouraged to look for up and coming artists and see what we can do to help out!
    I am also in the Boston area currently, and will absolutely use my knowledge and try to help Bibis get her name out around here.

    Perhaps when more is released to work with from this lovely lady, I can work a little harder to get some of music biz folks to get the word out and get Bibis some gigs!!
    (Aside from being an aspiring music supervisor of some kind, I am so way into marketing and promotional work- so this is going to be fun 🙂

    Take Care! And Keep it up!
    Kendall D.

  24. Neera Says:

    Loved the vlog and getting to know Bibis a little more. I’m so excited to hear more from her.

    Echoing Becca on the facebook thing. I had a hell of a time trying to get the video up; I’m not the most patient person and by the time I was done I had posted it over a dozen times haha. Guess I was a little too enthusiastic about spreading the word about Bibis haha.

    Thank you for sharing!

  25. calina15 Says:

    I am loving Bibis more and more. You are guys awesome!

    I am definitely looking forward to hearing some more music from this creative genius… and I’m so glad she is a part of the Pedestrian team.
    Portland OR has a ton of great places to play. So, if you’re interested in coming to the west coast… I can spread the Bibis love and see if they would be interested in letting you play.
    Sharing is caring!

  26. Sam Says:

    CAN’T WAIT to hear what you guys record. Know its gonna be great! Its great you guys are helping such a great, pure, talented artist get noticed.
    i just found he is legend few days ago- love them!
    and have to agree about the hair hilarie, rockin’ the red!!!

  27. Sam Says:

    CAN’T WAIT to hear what you guys record. Know its gonna be great! Its great you guys are helping such a great, pure, talented artist get noticed.
    i just found he is legend few days ago- love them!
    and have to agree about the hair hilarie, rockin’ the red!!!

  28. Amaury Says:

    Thank you so much for sharing that with us!I like seeing your new videos every day!
    I like your adventure and I love you.
    Thank hil for the VLOG.Looking forward to your words deeply so kind and getting new talents !We had James to us yesterday!!:-)Continue your blog as it I have printing that you are a song which never stops!

  29. Jules Says:

    Come to Raleigh! It’s not far away!

  30. Michelle Says:

    great vlog hil! i love backstories! can’t wait to hear more music from Bibis! (: thanks for sharing.

  31. Liz Says:

    I always love learning about new artists! It’s like my hobby. Bibis your music is awesome. What a great name! I love it! I also love how you guys didn’t listen to the radio…. I hate the radio I stay as far away from it as possible. I grew up listening to oldies and stuff that wasn’t mainstream. That’s what really influenced me as a musician and as a sound designer. I can’t wait to hear more stuff! Enjoy being in the studio. That is my favorite part. I mean come on having to go into “work” and listen to music all day long, what a terrible way to live (kidding of course)

    Best of Luck,


  32. Liz Says:

    I always love learning about new artists! It’s like my hobby. Bibis your music is awesome. What a great name! I love it! I also love how you guys didn’t listen to the radio…. I hate the radio I stay as far away from it as possible. I grew up listening to oldies and stuff that wasn’t mainstream. That’s what really influenced me as a musician and as a sound designer. I can’t wait to hear more stuff! Enjoy being in the studio. That is my favorite part. I mean come on having to go into “work” and listen to music all day long, what a terrible way to live (kidding of course)

    Best of Luck,


  33. a-shiningstar Says:

    Yay! Bibis is going to do music for Pedestrian! A cover? Hilarie got all whispery-ish when she mentioned that part so it makes me more intrigued. Hmmm. Would love to hear more. I just love that you are keeping us all up to date on things.

  34. Sue Says:

    Bibis – you are too cute.

    Please keep us in the loop with her future SUCCESS!

    Also, like Niamh said, If I request Bibis to play in the UK will you please bring her over??

    I’ll be spreading the word about Bibis talent over the pond 🙂

  35. Kendra13 Says:

    I can’t wait to hear the songs you’re gonna record 😀

    And thanks for sharing this with us. I come here everyday, and it’s a real pleasure to see your new vidéo. Thanks again 🙂

  36. Kendra13 Says:

    I can’t wait to hear the songs you’re gonna record 😀

    And thanks for sharing this with us. I come here everyday, and it’s a real pleasure to see your new vidéo. Thanks again 🙂

  37. Lisa from Sparks Says:

    Great interview.
    First off have to say love the new hair color Hilarie. It’s beautiful for spring/summer.
    I’m excited to hear all that Bibis has to offer. Love it so far.
    Can’t wait for Pedestrian, hurry up all ready! =)

  38. JessQC Says:

    I cannot wait to hear more from Bibis. You are an amazing artist!

    Also, if she goes in the studio soon, will we be able to buy CDs? I would love to buy a few, for myself and others!

    Thank you for this interview; Hilarie, you didn’t lose your MTV skills 🙂

  39. JessQC Says:

    I cannot wait to hear more from Bibis. You are an amazing artist!

    Also, if she goes in the studio soon, will we be able to buy CDs? I would love to buy a few, for myself and others!

    Thank you for this interview; Hilarie, you didn’t lose your MTV skills 🙂

  40. ..p.sawyer.fan.. Says:

    Cant wait to hear more from her, how exciting that you guys are bringing music into southern gothic, its amazing!!! if she ever came to Canada then say i would request her to play!

  41. Steph Says:

    I really wanna come hang out with you guys… Like just chill.. You just seems so fun and have interesting stories to tell the both of you.. I’m excited to hear more fomr Bibis… I love your name..


  42. Lily's Poet Says:

    I would love to see Bibis in live! She is really amazing and ‘authentic’ or original, and I love her style! Thanks for sharing this interview 🙂
    Can’t wait to listen her songs reccord in studio and to hear more about her participation in Pedestrian’s music…


  43. Ella Press Says:

    I really look forward to hearing more of Bibis’ original music, as well as the Pedestrian OST 🙂

    Thanks again for sharing this with us,

  44. vally Says:

    cant wait to hear the music you have planned for Pedestrian and the record, it would be nice if you were to play here in my town so after my vacay i may start writing emails.


  45. MichelleBell16 Says:

    Loved the video blog Hilarie and Bibis! You girls are so awesome 🙂 Can't wait to hear more!!

    I'm going back to Wilmington in July and am really excited to hopefully get to see Bibis play live! Definitely spent last night checking out the songs posted on her Myspace pages while I was "doing" work hehe

  46. JaclyneJaye Says:

    Eric Clapton is amazing! I too grew up with the classic rock, driving around with my dad in his classic cars, I loved it.
    I think Im with Dani on this one, really hoping to see Bibis in Wilmington in June! Thanks for this interview! I enjoy hearing about artists background. You both are great! I cant wait to hear more from Bibis!!

  47. Bellatrix Says:

    I really enjoyed the interview. It’s always nice to find out something about an artist’s life and story. Can’t wait to hear the music for Pedestrian.
    I’d really like to see Bibis live, but I don’t think she’s coming to Italy anytime soon 😦

  48. NatalieR Says:

    Nice interview! Its always great to hear backstorys. REALLY Looking forward to hearing more music from Bibis!! 😀

  49. Arely Says:

    Thank you Hilarie and Bibis for another great vlog. Although Hilaire, you are also what you describe Bibis as: how you interact with strangers as if they were old friends.

    Btw, love the new hair colour Hilarie! 🙂

  50. Karen Says:

    Hilarie should get her own music talk show. She’s a great interviewer. Anyhow, I can’t wait to hear Bibis’ EP. She has a beautiful voice.

  51. Karen Says:

    Hilarie should get her own music talk show. She’s a great interviewer. Anyhow, I can’t wait to hear Bibis’ EP. She has a beautiful voice.

  52. Déia Says:

    little blog??? Hilarie..I´m from Brazil and almost everyday I read your blog…Your dedication to all kinds of art is amazing!!! Someday I wanna meet you and maybe work with you in a little production…

  53. Olivia Says:

    You guys are awesome! I am so excited for the new music!

  54. Relaxx247 Says:

    Jammin’ Java – 227 Maple Ave. E. Vienna, VA 22180

    Promise to make it a sell out!

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