Archive for the ‘Nicholas Gray’ Category

Another member of the SGP Team, Levi Boyd

May 22, 2009

Behind the scenes, rarely talked about in public is the business of raising capitol for film projects. Believe me when I tell you that it is a very, very challenging job. A stockbroker friend of mine once told me that “selling oil to the Saudis would be easier”… Levi Boyd has taken on this Herculean task of helping us raise film funds along with (camera shy) Mr. Eddie Jones.

Both have been working with us on getting the SGP Business Model, the Private Placement Memorandum and other various and pertinent Investor tools ready to use,
along with setting up preliminary talks with potential investors.
Without their hard work and dedication this project would be that much harder…
Thank you Levi and Eddie for all your support!!!

on the fringe…

May 21, 2009

so. as kelly twittered earlier today, the week began with some staggering news. my play, population: 8, was accepted into the new york international fringe festival! i found out tuesday morning, and upon hearing so, spent the remainder of the day stupefied. i’m embarrassed to say that my knowledge on the fringe is relatively little, and so details as of now, can only be few. i do know that the festival itself occurs between august 14th-30th, and so i hope our SGP street team representing the manhattan and adjacent boroughs will mark those dates on their calendars. actual show times could be noons, could be midnights. i can also say that the fringe is a really remarkable platform on which i am floored to have the opportunity to showcase my work.

in february, just as our blog was a sprite newborn, i found myself in NYC for a staged reading of population: 8. i had spent the end of the 2008 submitting the play for varying opportunities of the like around the country, and this one, with the process group, was the first that i had received word on. and i was in the humbling company of some other new works by theater wunderkinds like david bar katz and liz duffy adams. the reading itself was a heavy happening that i still carry proudly with me in one or another compartments of my mind. it was the first time that i had heard the play read aloud, and as is the primary purpose of readings, i learned an immense deal about the piece. i also learned a thing or two about being stunned, stunned that the actors that had literally read the play once or twice were able to connect so quickly, thoroughly, and quite marvelously to this work that i had written, stunned that the process group’s producer jennifer makholm had wanted so much to take this little weirdo play and swaddle it so close to her heart, and stunned that the director marc stuart weitz too took on such a keen adoptive interest.

when producer and director asked me if i had any want in pursuing the fringe under their umbrella, i knew that there was only one response to be had. these two were reminiscent of another familiar two that were brightly becoming my friends and mentors, hilarie and kelly. people who, more important than anything else, understand and nurture what it is i want to say. until it happens, it is rare to recognize that that particular factor trumps all else.

briefly. population: 8 is a kind-of-curious, kind-of-lovely drama about the remaining eight residents that roam the land of a small town in north dakota. pepper, ugly, cree, man, ruth, mccoy, frankie, sylvie. you know how i feel about names. i welcome you to use your imagination with regard to their world. i certainly did.

so that’s the good news.
the bad news is that after we finish shooting the webisode on tuesday you might find me on hiatus for a while. this guy’s got some rewriting to do…
details as they come.

susan miller on has been promising me for at least three years that the stars have been aligning in my favor. i guess this year she wasn’t just joshin’.



May 20, 2009

Tell us which Actor or Actress that would best play
your Mother’s role in the movie of your life….

“My Mom, is my American Idol”.
Hilarie Burton 5/20/09

Sogopro Book Club

May 18, 2009

If lost in space…

May 13, 2009

pedestrian OST of the week

April 21, 2009

well. as you’ve all met our musing friend bibis, it promises to be a music-filled week. so. i will continue on that vein with my pedestrian soundtrack of the week. just one of the rad-ilicious things about being in preproduction on a movie is that you hear music that continues to inspire you towards its manifestation…

my pedestrian soundtrack changes from week to week, and sometimes from day to day, based on what i’m listening to. but if i were the zach braff of our cinematic wonder, this is what i’d put together this week. now, i’m not going to tell you where these songs fit into the fold, but i invite you to hypothesize, as you always graciously do…

“submarine #3” – starlight mints
“go to work” – oh no oh my
“the boss” – diana ross
“bad education” – tilly and the wall
“bruises” – chairlift
“forever young” – youth group
“anthems for a seventeen-year-old girl” – broken social scene
“in this town” – dangerous muse
“penelope” – pinback
“muleskinner’s blues” – dolly parton
“minor key” – billy bragg and wilco
“swingset chain” – loquat
“relief” – chris garneau
“i’ve been riding with the ghost” – songs: ohia
“dog days are over” – florence and the machine
“i love the rain the most” – joe purdy
“snails” – the format
“never tear us apart” – inxs
“new soul” – yael naim

when i’m a pedestrian. bebopping down the street with my mePod. the song that keeps me strutting…”edge of seventeen” by stevie nicks. just can’t not strut. what’s yours?


SoGoPro Muse at the Market Street Saloon….

April 20, 2009

SoGoPro Team, here is Bibis and friends…
(sorry about the quality of the audio/video…
shooting in saloons…)

p.s. hope to see you guys rocking your SoGoPro shirts on our Flickr site, too!

Our Dear Friend, Kathy Rayle

April 19, 2009

As a former employee of OTH, a one-time subordinate of KT
(on OTH and other films) and one who enjoys too few nights
out with Hilarie, I, Kathy Rayle, now have the distinct pleasure
of being able to walk (unannounced) into the OTH production
office, plop down on the couch and watch all the goings-on.

Any production Hilarie, Kelly and James are involved in
inevitably has an exciting energy (they can’t help it) and
once you’ve experienced it, you have to go back at least
every once in a while. I’ve been off OTH for about 3 years
now, and I am there constantly. Probably more often than
the current staffers prefer.

Doesn’t stop me.

This infectious energy has now carried over into the
Southern Gothic Productions world. Its imminent
success has been apparent from the beginning.
Kelly has included me in the various scripts SGP is
working on . . . and with the promise of all the scripts,
it’s a laughable endeavor trying to decide which one
deserves all of the production company’s total focus.
Each deserves the Full Monty. In reading the different
drafts of their work, I’ve had the privilege of watching
Hilarie and Kelly bring their ideas to life, and then see
how Nick colors the work with his creative brush.

I wasn’t sure if I would be making it back to the production
world, but seeing what Southern Gothic Productions is
doing, there is no way I wouldn’t be a part of it.

I guess I need to ask them first.

Thanks for reading,
Kathy Rayle

vocal cords of love.

April 18, 2009

have you purchased a SoGoPro shirt? prove it. find yourself a lincoln booth and have him snap a shot of you being a pedestrian. or otherwise. baking a cake. dance dance revolution-ing. at the llama farm. being presented with a key to the city. next to zac efron in the 17 again poster at your nearest megaplex. get creative, use that noggin. and if we love it, you’ll see it on the blog.

email us @

i have been making ugly attempts at putting a dent into the editing of the true-love tale of boyfriend and girlfriend. as it turns, computers are still catching up to the technology of the camera we shot on, and so me and that computer, that computer and me, well, we are not friends anymore. i had to throw an elbow. after ten hours of rendering, boy do i hate that word, i started making some cuts only to find myself back at square one with ten more hours of rendering, ugh. new software on the way. kneeling to the apple gods.

soon progress will be made, and we will be casting the narrator for our short, the crystal voice to spin this love yarn.

as it is a story of the south, a southern voice seems appropo, doesn’t it? so our narrator might be something dirty, hard, and angular like deep alabama. or maybe something a bit more fey and peachy like upper crust georgia. or maybe we’ll recruit a french friend, as the french hold the most inherent love tones. or a nice brit. narration always sounds best with an english twist. perhaps hugh grant is available. he knows love. actually.

but before we make our final decision, i thought i’d consult you all. so tell me, kindly, what does love sound like to you?

one of my favorite voices belongs to shirley henderson in miss pettigrew lives for a day.

now tell me yours.


inspired by…

April 17, 2009

have you seen the precocious young youtube phenomenon and her ode to kittens.  if not, see below.  please.  please.  it’s worth it.  if you’re already in the know (and you should be), just skip-to-your-lou to our response to the feline madness…

ENJOY!  Belly-laugh, even.