
“hands off the prop table!” in all my days of theater, i’ve surely had a handful of acerbic stage managers throw that exclamation at me. but. with the short film we’re planning on shooting day 1 of tomorrow [but expecting thunderstorms…yikes!], i’m the director, and thus, i get to touch all the props. power is my friend.

in theater, and i don’t believe this is the case with film, the person in charge of acquiring and maintaining the props is professionally called the prop master. i love this title. it’s nice to be a master of something. and if that aforementioned person is a female, she is denoted the prop mistress. that’s supreme. right?


want to know the name of this film? okay. the true-love tale of Boyfriend and Girlfriend. you already know that Hilarie is playing Boyfriend, and yessir, that is her name. so, who’s playing Girlfriend? not telling. instead, i thought i’d give you a peek at some of our props. piece the puzzle…











.cherry pie.





speculate away!


54 Responses to “prop-aganza!”

  1. Sue Says:

    very interesting!!

    I could go for some cherry pie right now.

    Good luck with the filming, Prop Master!


  2. Sue Says:

    very interesting!!

    I could go for some cherry pie right now.

    Good luck with the filming, Prop Master!


  3. calina15 Says:

    oh wow… this is so intriguing!

    hmmm… moustache+rat+tube+bubblegum=an amazing short film.
    I can’t wait! I really have no idea how to speculate. I will let others try and put together the puzzle pieces. I always was good at finishing the puzzles like with only 10 or so pieces left.


  4. a-shiningstar Says:

    Those are some rather interesting props. I believe that Austin plays “girlfriend.” I mean don’t we already know that he is in this short film?
    Maybe Girlfriend will be sporting a moustache…
    Obviously the “Hello My Name is” nametag will be on Hilarie and it will read “Boyfriend” when she works at that abandoned little store which used to be the Dollar Hollar. Perhaps Boyfriend has an affinity for bubblegum and Girlfriend likes cigs. I’m not sure about all the rest I’ll need to think some more…


  5. JaclyneJaye Says:

    Prop master, er mistress, was fun, sometimes maddening when props went missing because actors didnt listen! haha But the title did give a sense of importance and authority.
    I must say, these are a bizarre aray of props…interesting! Rats, tubas, and dollhouses…oh my! Hopefully all goes well with the weather for you guys! Thanks for the props to ponder!

  6. Michelle Says:

    Those are some pretty sweet props! haha I’m really excited to see this short film. Definitely looks intriguing. Hope the weather cooperates for you guys!

  7. Neera Says:

    Very interesting props you have. I’m intrigued. A gator, peacock, rat and a sword are the most perplexing to me. Please, please, please let it be a handlebar mustache. Those are so kickass! The note should have some Captain’s verses by Neruda or some Lord Byron. Just some silly suggestions. Can’t wait to see this!

  8. becca16 Says:

    well i get the gator and the cigarettes but the rest you just lost me haha.

    MY SYNOPSIS: i think maybe someone kills the Gator with the Sword, then finds a Note in his belly with an address to the Dollhouse where the Rat lives and the dollhouse is owned by Boyfriend who wears bright lipstick and chews bubblegum and works at the Dollar Hollar (?) and wears a Nametag but is in love with Girlfriend who sports a mustache which he strokes through with a Jackknife to impress others and stops by the store to buy colored Cigarettes. Then they fall in love at a 4th of July celebration with Cherrypie and Fireworks go off while the band, with a Tuba is playing in the background and peacocks are walking around aimlessly.

    Alright, when your short story is absolutely nothing like this I’m going to laugh for my silliness and love it abundantly. 🙂

  9. Bianca Says:

    awesome props! i love how they’re like, so random lol… i can’t wait to see your guys’ short film/story!!!!

  10. littlechristy32 Says:

    So many props, so little time. All of these have the makings of a wonderful short film. I’m not sure what you can do with all of these random items but I’m sure the possibilities are endless. I can’t wait to see it. 🙂

  11. littlechristy32 Says:

    So many props, so little time. All of these have the makings of a wonderful short film. I’m not sure what you can do with all of these random items but I’m sure the possibilities are endless. I can’t wait to see it. 🙂

  12. Liz Says:

    Wow this sounds very interesting! lol… I’m lost by some of the props. I’ll be curious to see how this all comes together and what each prop is about. I also look forward to see who is playing Girlfriend:) I can’t wait to see this…. Good luck shooting tomorrow.


  13. SamR Says:

    ok, i have NOOO idea what your going to do with all these!! but im sure your gonna have an interesting time doing it!
    Anyway, hope everything goes alright and that you have a blast directing! GOOD LUCK

  14. ingmjo Says:

    A gator and a tuba? You can’t go wrong with that! Ha! This short film sounds really interesting. I like the title!

    On a side note: I hope you all are “celebrating” Earth Hour today. At 8.30PM local time, switch off your lights for one hour. Vote Earth!

  15. ingmjo Says:

    A gator and a tuba? You can’t go wrong with that! Ha! This short film sounds really interesting. I like the title!

    On a side note: I hope you all are “celebrating” Earth Hour today. At 8.30PM local time, switch off your lights for one hour. Vote Earth!

  16. Marianne Says:

    Lol a chery pie, a doll house I thnik that this Short film is going to be GREAT !!

    Good luck with evrything!!



  17. ¤¤Marion¤¤ Says:

    These props are really intriguing …
    Becca’s synopsis is totally made of win ! lol

    And , I can say about the peacocks that it has a big symbolism for O’Connor and since Nick loves her … maybe it has something to do with that .

    Can’t wait to see this tale 😉

  18. marie~josephine! Says:

    okay well i think there are to people obviously* boyfriend & girlfriend and they meet at a meeting hence the my name is tag,ware they are desighning a doles house so they are writing all there ideas out on a note paper!
    the boyfriend has just stopped smoking so is constantly chewing gum and the girlfriend is an alegater hunter so he has a sword. The boyfriend also is a hunter of some sort except he hunts rats with penkifes,
    well anyway they fall in love at this confrence and decide to go on a journey but they are spys so they have to ware a disguise
    the boyfriend pretends to be a musicion who plays tube and wares a moustache while the girlfriend is a dancer and wares peakock feathers, and to together they travel the world eating pies and partying with sparkelers!!

    i think my idea is quit plossible 😛
    onlii jokin i have no idea wat its about but i really do think my idea wud make a great movie 😛
    cant wait for it its gonna be ace!

  19. Nicole T Says:

    uhhh a mustache wearing “boyfriend” lives in a dollhouse, talks to peacocks and talking gator heard, and writes notes to “girlfriend” who wears lipstick, eats cherry pie, and smokes cigarettes?
    haha sounds great!

    i’m excited to see this. can’t wait for you guys to film tomorrow! =]

    love always,
    Nicole T

  20. fairytalescenes Says:

    haha. wow. I have NO IDEA! 🙂

    Can’t wait to see it.

  21. Missa Says:

    My head hurts just a little bit… and yet I still can’t wait to see it.

  22. Lonae Says:

    I borrow becca16’s synopsis! :):)
    Waiting for elucidation!


    Lonae (French fan)

  23. Laurene Says:

    hahahaha becca’s synopsis is hilarious. how amazing would that be if it actually came out like that? I can’t really think of anything other than either boyfriend and girlfriend are strolling around greenfield lake when an alligator goes and attacks a peacock and boyfriend draws a sword and slays the gator, as a rat scurries about.

    haha i don’t know. =P

  24. Sue Says:

    Here is what a few of us have been suggesting in CHAT:

    Sue: I think the lipstick could be used for the note too. or girlfriend could wear the lipstick and put a kiss mark on something! MWAH!

    Neera: maybe the note is written in lipstick…..a really short note that is

    Neera: what about the lipstick?

    Sue: I think girlfriend will be chewing the bubble gum, and blowing bubbles! whilst twirling ‘her’ hair!

    Robin: I dont think I could take it seriously though id crack up laughing

    Sue: I think Hil should definitely wear the handle bar mustache!

    Neera: could be interesting

    Robin: you want to see hilarie in a handle bar mustache? lol

    Sue: what about the sword and the knife? interesting items

    Neera: or girlfriend…I’m not picky lol

    Neera: I hope boyfriend sports a handlebar mustache those are so cool lol

    Robin: haha

    Sue: because the sparklers scared it

    Robin: the peacock spreads its wings nearby

    Neera: chased by a peacock?

    Sue: and a rat runs by!

    Robin: and the gator is in the lake…

    Neera: the gator and peacock are most interesting to me lol

    Sue: Maybe boyfriend and girlfriend could sit, by the lake, under the stars eating Cherry Pie

    Robin: me too…I mean I am actually kind of concerned…are they just going to film a random gator? or is this a trained gator?

    Sue: I think I am most interested in the gator!!

    Robin: oh oh wait there was a cigarette outlet

    Robin: maybe Boyfriend just sells the cigarettes and no one actually smokes them.


  25. "loic" Says:

    i’m very exiting to see the story ,hilary with the captain crochet and the gator

  26. a-shiningstar Says:

    Little note about Sue’s last comment…read from the bottom up for it to make the most sense… 😉


  27. Amber Rae Says:

    ummm yea…lol. this is very very intriguing and I can’t wait until we either get more clues or a clip 🙂

    You guys are gonna be great and awesome.


  28. valmichleo18 Says:

    wow well prop master you have baffled us. some of the props make me think of one movie but its the wrong type of pie lol. hope the weather is not too bad and that you all have a blast shooting, cant wait to watch the finished product.

  29. Lily's Poet Says:

    Ok So we have a lot of completely differents animals/objects, at least two characters and a lot of crazy propositions…

    That’s gonna make an explosive short film. But for now it is very intriguing…Especially I can’t wait to see what will be the role of the gator in the story!

    I don’t know what it is about for now, but for sure you’re great to give us some clues and leave us with our doubts and interrogations.

    Considering what you’ve shown for now, it should be awesome and it is gonna be awesome!!! 🙂


  30. Danielle Says:

    Well, of course it’s a tuba playing gator with a mustache who writes notes in lipstick with his tail! 😉

    He thinks the peacock tastes like bubblegum… but befriends the rat with the nametag because he has a sword. They live in the dollhouse together smoking cigarettes and eating cherry pie. Cue the fireworks!

  31. Emily Says:

    Can’t wait to see how all these seemingly dissimilar items fit together.

  32. laurenmichelle Says:

    so…i’m stumped…but i like what becca said, her synopsis sounds good to me.. hahaha, i cant wait to see how all these props tie into the film!

    have a good first day of filming tomorrow! :] i hope it doesnt rain on you guys!

  33. Ann Says:

    Hey Becca16,
    Your synopsis sounds like a great tale. I say What she says Nick. Great writing Becca

  34. Maygen Says:

    oh, the power of being a stage manager.
    you must understand that we just like to keep things organized. its our asses on the line if you mess up..but hey in broadway, the director gets booted during showtime.. &the stage manager can fire anyone!!

    BUT ANYWAY… i'd like to go into depth on what I think is going on with all those props, but perhaps i'll just keep my thoughts to myself…

  35. Larns Says:

    I have to admit Becca amazingly was able to mention all the possible clues on what this short “could” be about…

    As for me I’ll probably just wait for the finish product and save myself from confusion in trying to connect the dots as to what this film is about haha! CAN’T WAIT!

  36. Niamh Says:

    Ok, so my goal is to come up with something that makes sense, not something that in any way foreshadows your short film!

    Guy walks into the store, and asks for gum. Girl working there reaches behind her and slaps
    a packet down on the counter. She looks at him, he looks at her. He glances at her name tag
    and asks her if that is her real name. She says it is, and would he like anything else? He
    doesn’t know. She thows a packet of cigarettes down on the counter, says they are good for
    indecision, and anyway he might want to resort to them when he finishes his gum. He nods,
    and gets out his wallet, only to discover that he has just three dollars in change. He asks
    if he can write her an IOU, to which she replies that they don’t normally do credit, but she could maybe make an exception for him. He smiles, and scribbles out a note, pushing it across the counter towards her. It reads:

    “IOU: $4.50. Can I pay you back tonight?”

    She raises an eyebrow. He has a thing to go to tonight, he explains, does she want to come
    with him? She wonders why he doesn’t ask a girl he’s known more than five minutes. He decides not to mention that, frankly, he has exhausted any opportunities he may once have had with
    any of the girls in that category. She continues, saying that after all, he could be a serial killer. He assures her that he is not, although he DOES have a sword in his car. It’s a long story, and he’ll tell her tonight if she says yes. She says yes.

    Ten minutes later he is back. He feels it’s only decent to inform her that he might have to
    work part of the night, and by the way, it’s a costume party. She says that’s fine, she’s
    very self-sufficient at social events, and she happens to have a peacock costume lying
    around at home. This does not strike him as at all strange, and he says he’ll see her at

    Will come back with part 2 later, my niece is bawling her head off upstairs, must go and attend to her!

  37. Meaghan Says:

    Niamh has put alot of thought into this blog!!! Her idea sounds great!!

    I cant wait to see what the short is really about!! Good luck filming today.. hopefully the rain storm will pass fast!!!!

  38. laurenmichelle Says:

    gotta love wilmington weather :] looks like the rain cleared out last night! have fun today! :]

  39. laurenmichelle Says:

    gotta love wilmington weather :] looks like the rain cleared out last night! have fun today! :]

  40. Karen Says:

    I have no idea where this film is going…unless maybe Hilarie is playing a person with split personalities i.e. she’s both boyfriend and girlfriend. You never know! Anyhow, I look forward to watching the film. And especially seeing a scene with sparklers and pie.

  41. Niamh Says:

    Ok, folks, am back to pull “Part 2” out of the sky somehow, have another half hour interval of free time!

    That night, he pulls up and as she gets into the car, she sees the sword on his backseat. She wonders if he is secretly descended from the British gentry, or perhaps just works at Medieval Times. It really could go either way.

    She says hello, he tells her she is the prettiest peacock he’s ever seen. When they arrive at their destination, she looks in the rear-view mirror to reapply her lipstick, and says she thinks it is most unfair that she has arrived in such a flamboyant get-up, and all he has done is put on a comedy moustache with his suit. He says he likes to keep it simple, and anyway, he needs to blend in with the other musicians.

    Inside, there is lots of general merriment. Along with several Elvis look-alikes, a few fairies and a couple of pirates, she spots a rat, an alligator and what might be a unicorn. She is pleased to see the animal kingdom so well represented, and thinks perhaps they should all get their photograph taken together later. She shares this, and other random thoughts with him. He reciprocates, and it seems that things are going uncharacteristically well. Given that it’s him, and it’s her, and they’re together, the whole thing should, by rights, be a complete catastrophe.

    But when he leaves her at a table, working her way through some cherry pie, while he picks up his tuba and goes to join the orchestra, she gets the feeling that she is halfway to being utterly charmed.

    He drives her home in the dark, but she’s still carrying a sparkler she picked up at the party. When they get to her doorstep, there is a package there. He takes out his jackknife and cuts away the packanging. Inside is a dollhouse, and she falls to her knees to examine it. She is delighted. It used to live in her grandmother’s parlour, when she was a little girl, and she always wanted to have a house just like it when she grew up. He looks at her tiny terrace, and asks her if he can come in for coffee if he promises to build her one someday. She says ok – but first he has to tell her why the hell he has a sword on his backseat.

    — That’s all folks! Can’t wait to see the actual storyline, as i’m sure it will be far superior to my attempt! xxx.

    You should do this again with lines of dialogue from the short, btw, i’m sure you would get some really original interpretations 😀

  42. Stargazer Says:

    Boyfriend is a complete girly-girl. She chews gum balls and still has the dollhouse that was given to her by her late grandmother. While exploring the dollhouse, she found a note inside. All that the note said what that Boyfriend would find her true love in the most
    unexpected place.

    One morning, she went to the local market to get some colored cigarettes. Enter Girlfriend. He is her complete opposite. He’s a moustached man who carries a jackknife where ever he goes and has an affinity with swords. The only one thing that they have in common is their ability to play the tuba.

    Boyfriend eyed his nametag and thought to herself “Hmmm. I think I’ve found my soulmate. He is beautiful and strong and manly. He can take care of me, now that my grandmother is gone.” She built up the courage to ask him
    to the Fourth of July bash down at the fairgrounds. He happily agreed. He had always had a secret little crush on Boyfriend for a long time now.

    When they met up, Boyfriend, in her cherry red lipstick, and Girlfriend, a pack of sparklers in his back pocket, They sat down in the grass and eyed a rat sneaking up to a cherry pie that someone had brought for an evening picnic. Boyfriend and Girlfriend decided not to say anything or shoo it away, saying “Rats need to eat too.”, giggling to themselves.

    After this night, they never spent time apart. You would always see them walking arm in arm where ever they went. A true love story. They married, bought a house, made beautiful music together and had a couple of pets … a gator named Nicholas and a peacock named Kelly.

    YAY … that was fun! Can’t wait to see the final product!


  43. Steph Says:

    Boyfriend does work at a convience store atleast thats what I gathered from them visiting the abandon convience store.. Very interesting.. I’m intrugue espceially by the bubblegum..

  44. BrwnEyedGirl Says:

    I actually thought of 3 different stories instantly (one was extremely close to Becca’s… great minds think a like. lol), but I liked this one the best. It's the least realistic and most intense. My description is way more horror than love story, but I could always add in more romance. 😀

    Boyfriend wears bright lipstick, chews bubblegum and wears a nametag (because she is at work). She is in love with Girlfriend who sports a mustache. Girlfriend shows up at the store to buy cigarettes (colorful ones) and gives Boyfriend a note (from a person they have never meet.. but is “friends” with Boyfriend’s father) inviting them to an animal costume party. They decide to attend. Girlfriend shows up to the large party dressed as a royal alligator (complete with armor and a sword) and Boyfriend as a peacock. After a couple minutes Boyfriend states that she has to go to the bathroom and goes to find the nearest restroom. The bathroom on the main level is currently occupied so she decides to walk upstairs. She walks to the end of the hallway and tries to open a door that is logged shut. She decides to turns the knob the other way and the door immediately opens. She enters the room that leads to hallway with a staircase that leads to nowhere (just the ceiling. these totally exist and are super creepy.. google it). A little freaked out, she takes a couple steps backward but accidently trips on a dollhouse that happens to be an exact replica of the house they are currently in. She gets up off the floor and sprints out of the room, but accidently runs into creepy old woman. She starts to run away when the lady tells her to wait. The old lady pulls a jackknife out of her pocket. Boyfriend is currently so scared she can’t move, but when the lady cuts the tag (and some hair) off her dress and hands it to her, she is revealed. Shaken by the whole incident Boyfriend runs downstairs and walks outside to get some fresh air. She is surprised to see a fireworks show going on. She finds girlfriend sitting on a bench, eating a piece of cherry pie, near a group of musicians (including one playing a tuba). Boyfriend sits down beside him and he gives her a piece of his pie. She grabs a piece of cherry pie and thanks him. Boyfriend briefly mentions her encounter and Girlfriend tells her not to leave his side, that he loves her and will protect her. All of a sudden Boyfriend starts to feel an intense pain in her stomach. Girlfriend helps her inside the house which is now empty (everyone is outside). Girlfriend leads Boyfriend into a room and sits her down on the bed. At this point she is coughing up blood and can’t breathe. Girlfriend is desperate and decides to open her airway with his sword. The solution works for a while until her blood loss and pain is so severe that she dies. Girlfriend goes outside to get some help, but the guests think he has gone mad and killed her (due to the bloody sword in his hand). A man follows him inside the house to the girl and shoots him. The story ends with the camera on the old lady who happens to be practicing some form of black voodoo on the girl (to get revenge for what Boyfriend’s father did to her.. I haven’t decided what it is yet. lol) and a rat coming to feed on their girlfriend and boyfriend’s dead bodies.

    Haha. I guess this is what happens when you are up all night in a haunted cabin. lol. I highly doubt your short film would be anything like this, but I still think it would be a cool story.

    Niamh, I love your story! It’s perfect. 🙂

    I can't wait to read everyone else's ideas. ❤

  45. Deborah Joy -DJ- Says:

    Good speculations. I wouldn't even know where to start.

    And OMG to the above. LOL. That was majorly creepy but really good.

    Those are some great props though. If I think of anything I will surely post.


  46. Deborah Joy -DJ- Says:

    Good speculations. I wouldn't even know where to start.

    And OMG to the above. LOL. That was majorly creepy but really good.

    Those are some great props though. If I think of anything I will surely post.


  47. Prof Paulo Maximo Says:

    I´m trying to figure a rat with a moustache, using a sword to defend a dollhose from the gator…

    Am I in the way? Not sure, though.

    Btw, does Hil read/answer these posts?


  48. chantarelle Says:

    pink victoria? dollhouse, a peacock AND a moustache? who needs to know more, i’m sold!

    i was the propmistress for all our musicals in highschool, OH THE POWER, and OH THE STRESS when something was missing because a prop went into a pocket and accidentally went home with someone.

    hope you have a far more respectful crew who won’t steal your props! which i’m sure you will, with a SGP team 😀

  49. NatalieR Says:

    OKi doki, im very bad with this sorta thing but ill give it a bash. BTW these are extreamly interesting Props, Mr. Prop Master and I think "Prop Mistress" Could be my new Stripper name…Mmmmm haha

    Ok so Girlfriend finds a note from BF in her childhood Dollhouse that tells her to go to the swamps. On the drive there She picks up Bubblegum and a pack of cigarettes. She gets to the swaps only to encounter a huge ass gator whick she manages to escape from in a nearby shed. In there she finds her next clue in the shed writtren on a mirrior in hooker red lipstick. On her way out she grabs a jackknife left there.

    The next morning she meets BF at the nearest street corner. He's wearing a nametag that says "Kiss me Im French" and has a new pet rat named Jack.

    BF is desguised as well and is wearing a cheap fake moustache. BF & GF head off and we see them next at the zoo in the peacock enclosure…cept the only thing is there are NO peacocks!!! The only clues to their disappearence is a bloody sword and a mangled peacock corpse!!

    Being the smarties they are they conclude its for satanic ritual sacrifice…they go home have some cherry pie and sit on the roof and light sparklers and watch the stars come out. In their blissfully happy moment from out of the corner of her eye GF can see the ghopst of peacock past…. End scene CLIFFHANGER Haha

  50. NatalieR Says:

    damn forgot to use the Tuba!! Ok when GF meets BF at the nearest street corner there’s some old guy playing a tuba next to them for money!

  51. Me, Whoever That Is Says:

    Hmm, I think I should de-clutter my mind before I can make an attempt to be imaginative. But the cherry pie for some reason reminded me of the movie Thinner.

  52. Marisa Says:

    Ok, Now I’m excited! hmmmm…


  53. SGPfollower Says:

    Ok, Now I’m excited! hmmmm… (sorry the last post was me, I wasn’t signed in. lol)

  54. SGPfollower Says:

    Ok, Now I’m excited! hmmmm… (sorry the last post was me, I wasn’t signed in. lol)

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