Some of the SGP gang’s favorite actors

Well, after a long sunny day of shooting on the short film…
(Yep… Nick and kt got a little sunburned…)

We are sitting around enjoying a couple of freezer pops and shooting the breeze when
the topic comes up of who were a couple of actors that inspired us
to get into this industry? I just happened to have a camera nearby…

Maybe Nick’s is a little tongue in cheek…

88 Responses to “Some of the SGP gang’s favorite actors”

  1. JessQC Says:

    Great vlog!

    Sarah Michelle Gellar?! I bursted out laughing hearing that… No offense to her πŸ™‚

    As a kid, I wanted to be Matilda. Or one of the kids on Barney. Or an Olsen twin.

    Later on, I believe the one movie that got me into cinema was either Moulin Rouge or The Hours. They both made me realize that cinema wasn’t simply about entertainment, that it was more than that.

    Thank you guys; this was truly entertaining! I would love to see you make a musical… and Nick, I believe you could be Eliza πŸ˜‰ Nick Gray’s take on My Fair Lady…

    Jess xoxo

  2. Niamh Says:

    First off, I wish it was as sunny here as it appears to be there! We are a long way off bare-legs-and-skirt weather yet :P. And i love the birds chirping in the background. Wilmington seems totally charming :).

    On the subject of My Fair Lady, who doesn’t love it?! I went to see it in the West End in London, queued all day for tickets and it did not disappoint :P. I would be VERY interested to see Nicholas’s interpretation of Eliza… :P. Since all at SGP seem to be unconcerned by typical gender roles (yes, the short is still dementing me!) perhaps Nicholas could be Eliza and Hilarie could be Henry Higgins. Although, with such a talent for cockney singing, it does seem a shame to waste it… :P.

    I don’t know who Austin could be – Eliza’s father, perhaps? πŸ™‚

    Hope all goes well with the short, seems like you are enjoying yourselves, which is the main thing!

  3. littlechristy32 Says:

    SMG in Cruel Intentions huh Nicholas??? Interesting. I could totally see you as Eliza Doolittle. SGP My Fair Lady would rock.

    Love Funny Girl. Barbra Streisand is amazing.

    Mine is Barbra Streisand in The Way We Were. My mom and I used to watch this repeatedly.

  4. Maygen Says:

    My Fair Lady is a phenomenal musical. I’m a huge fan. Growing up, my mom loved to let me watch it. Because, I too, wasn’t aloud to watch much TV either, but classics were always a gold star, because my ma would watch them too.

    As a kid I always wanted to be Karen Dotrice from Mary Popping. I would have died to sing and dance with Julie Andrews. And the magic in that movie was so inspiring.

    And tease: The Little Mermaid was my favorite cartoon as a kid. I was Ariel every Halloween for 4 years in a row πŸ˜‰ So I would have loved to be Jodi Benson…

    Or even Flounder….

  5. Megan Mary Says:

    I have to agree completely with Hilarie’s ‘Funny Girl’ quote – story of my life. But I remember realizing I wanted to act when I saw ‘The Hand That Rocks the Cradle’ when I was like.. 4 or 5. How is that for twisted?? My family actually let me watch it! But I’m totally serious – I remember thinking “I could do that – I wanna do that!”

  6. calina15 Says:

    oh the sun…
    oh man, i remember watching funny girl, and my fair lady. I think the movie/actress that really got me into the arts was Sound of Music. When I was 4, I remember sitting on my grandmas lap watching the movie for the first time and asking her what “confidence” meant. After hearing the definition I decided that the song “I have confidence” would be the theme song to my life. I sang it as I started my first day of Kindergarten… no lie. Julie Andrews is amazing.

    Well thanks for sharing!

  7. a-shiningstar Says:

    I had to think about it for a bit. But I’m going to say Olivia Newton John in Grease. I remeber when I was in middle school, maybe like 8th grade, singing in my bedroom. I was so conviced that I would/should be Sandy when I was in High School. I was also convinced that the High School drama club would do that show…but alas they did not, and I was not Sandy.

    But I did get to be in The Wizard of Oz! And some other great shows…but the Wizard of Oz was probably my favorite. We had a rake stage, and in Muchkinland the doors opened up from underneath the rake and we were muchkins. Our hands were our feet. It was so much fun being in the Chorus of the show, because I got to be so many different things!

    I miss theater/acting/singing sometimes… :sigh:

    Thanks for sharing with us Hil/Nicholas/Austin! I can’t wait to see The True Love Tale of Boyfriend and Girlfriend. πŸ™‚

    And Yay! KT blogged! πŸ™‚


  8. melt my heart Says:

    Wow, I needed that laugh. Austin and Hilarie’s reaction to Nick’s hilarity = GOLD.

    As for my own, hmm. I recently watched Woody Allen’s “The Purple Rose of Cairo” and thought Mia Farrow was pretty magical. I loved Julia Roberts as Erin Brockovich in the film of the same name. Reese Witherspoon’s June Carter Cash. I guess I tend to gravitate toward powerful female characters (coincidentally 2 out of 3 were real women) and actresses who can carry roles like that.

  9. Charlotte Says:

    always wanted to be a ghost buster, and i hoped that involved wrestling ghosts in mud and getting dirty everyday. or a princess!!

    wait, i havent grown up yet! So maybe sgp inspired me the most.. dont know yet, but thanks! πŸ™‚

  10. Caitlin Says:

    Great vlog! You guys are hilarious!
    This is a tough one for me, but after seeing Les Mis on broadway when I was a teenager I just fell in love with the character of Eponine. She sings my favorite song in the play (on my own) and is just so tragic and forgotten and over shadowed by the heroine.

    Thelma and Louise are also right up there, because they just kick some major you know what! Shooting up the truck driver’s car cause he wouldn’t apologize for being a vulgar you know what; love it!

    Finally, Red (“why do they call you Red?” “Maybe it’s cause I’m Irish”) from Shawshank Redemption, I’ve shown the film to my English the last three years, because it’s just awesome. I love the character of Red, because he’s willing to accept his mistakes. I cry every time when he says at the end “I just want to see my friend and shake his hand…I hope the pacific ocean is as blue as it has been in my dreams.”

    Keep up the great vlogging and blogging; I think you guys are doing a great thing here!

  11. Southern Girl Says:

    Great vlog guys! And great suggestion for a movie I haven’t seen, Austin…thanks!

    As a little kid we didn’t have cable, but old Shirley Temple movies were always on tv on Sunday afternoons…I loved them…especially Bright Eyes. I wanted to be Miss Temple.
    Later I fell in love with Sissy Spacek playing Loretta Lynn in Coal Miner’s Daughter. Showed strength of character in what you can live through/with and what you can acheive in spite of. Hit close to home as I was born a coal miner’s dauther – though not in a holler and not dirt poor, but nonetheless..

  12. Emily Says:

    Ok first off, Funny Girl is like one of the best movies ever, so funny and real. Too bad Fanny Brice was a little before my time.

    As for fave actors, right now; it’s Adrian Brody. Just watched The Pianist and it makes me cry every time.

    PS. Really, Sarah Michelle Gellar?? Totally want to see nick as Eliza Doolittle.

  13. Beth Says:

    julie andrews was one of my mom’s favourites when i was growing up so the sound of music became a classic in my house! i never really understood the full premise of the movie until i was older, but the singing and upbeat energy kept me interested!
    the movie Stepmom with Julia Roberts and Susan Sarandon gets me every time and yet it had become one of my favourite movies!
    can’t wait to see what you guys have in store for us!
    xo Beth

  14. valmichleo18 Says:

    thanks for the lil update, it was good to see you all had a nice day to shoot cant wait to see the finished product. i never really thought too much on who inspired me and got me into loving acting/music/dance but if i had to pick it would be Lucille Ball i loved watching her on “I love Lucy”, and another movie i fell in love with was dirty dancing(the original) i watched that movie so much when i was little that i actually broke the vhs by rewinding it so much. i remember when i was little we had the back of the house that was pretty much not being used so my cousins, my aunt and i would make our own movies but my character was always the one that got hurt or died and they actually broke a mirror on my head but i wish i had joined theater in high school, ok enough of my rambling lol

    thanks again

  15. Kaitlin Says:

    I am not an Ack-Tor, but the first character I saw on screen and pretended it was me…yearned for it to be me would be well…Punky Brewster. However, fast forward a few years, and it was Geena Davis in A League of Their Own. She’s so stoic, and she doesn’t play ball like a girl, and she puts Tom Hanks in his place. And God I love her for that. That was my first taste of a little feminism, at the ripe age of 8.

    Loved the vlog…y’all crack me up. And keep up the Shirley Maclaine love…Ouiser anyone?


  16. Bianca Says:

    hey guys…awesome vlog again!
    one of my favorite actresses is Angelina Jolie in the movie Gia. Her character showed so much strength and in a way inspired me to do better in life…anyways hope to see more vlogs soon =]

  17. Brittney Says:

    SMG in Cruel Intentions, LMAO! Don’t get me wrong I tink SMG is a good actress and all and its a good movie but that movie being “inspiring” is laughable. But I do think that Nick would make a great Liza, I say go for it!

    As for me, my inspiration hands down is Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. There is one moment that gets me every time and it is when Vivian first takes off her wig and that mess of red hair falls down, in that moment she is so vulnerable. It is like she is allowing someone to really see her for the first time in a long time and she is letting Edward into her soul. An Julia plays is amazingly. Every time I see that scene, I think~ I want to be able to do that, to convey every thing I’m thinking and feeling in just a look or by my body language, with no words spoken, I think that is a true mark of a great actor/actress.

    Caitlin, I just want to comment on something you said. If I got the chance to play any role in a musical, Eponine is number 2 only to Elphaba in Wicked. I love that character so much, and I would love to play her.

    Keep up the vlogging, I’m loving every second of it. Oh BTW it looks gorgeous is Wilmington, can not wait til I’m back there, only one month!!

  18. DinaR0cks Says:

    He, this was really funny! Whats ur whole jewish monologe thing hil? I wanna here it haha. I’m curious.

  19. DinaR0cks Says:

    He, this was really funny! Whats ur whole jewish monologe thing hil? I wanna here it haha. I’m curious.

  20. Michelle Says:

    What an awesome vlog! haha Thanks so much for sharing guys<3

    I totally vote for a YouTube video of Nick as Eliza! Hilarie can do one too and be Fanny! That would be magic. I'm the Greatest Star and Don't Rain on My Parade are awesome songs πŸ˜€

    ashiningstar, I was actually going to say the exact same thing about wanting to be Sandy in Grease! Grease was my favorite musical growing up (along with the Broadway version of Beauty and the Beast…Hilarie, you could totally rock Belle) I love musicals and love to sing, and I had this idea that when I got to high school they somehow would put on Grease and I'd work up the courage to audition for Sandy. Unfortunately that didn't happen lol

  21. Neera Says:

    SMG? Really? How…interesting! Eliza Doolittle is a better choice. SMG is brilliant in Cruel Intentions, but haha.

    Yes please do your own youtube version of Eliza Doolittle. It would be awesome!

    Um when I saw Breakfast at Tiffanys I wanted to be Holly Golightly so badly. I loved (and still kinda do) her approach and attitude toward life. Just kinda go with the flow, does what she pleases, it’s refreshing. I absolutely adore Audrey Hepburn. She was a true classy lady :-).

  22. Neera Says:

    SMG? Really? How…interesting! Eliza Doolittle is a better choice. SMG is brilliant in Cruel Intentions, but haha.

    Yes please do your own youtube version of Eliza Doolittle. It would be awesome!

    Um when I saw Breakfast at Tiffanys I wanted to be Holly Golightly so badly. I loved (and still kinda do) her approach and attitude toward life. Just kinda go with the flow, does what she pleases, it’s refreshing. I absolutely adore Audrey Hepburn. She was a true classy lady :-).

  23. buhree Says:

    Not gonna lie, I have an awful propensity to want to work wherever a movie makes it look fun. I’m one of those people where as a kid, my mom had to call me Belle, Ariel, Leisel, Dorthy, and CC. Yeah that’s right, CC Bloom from Beaches. I mean really who wouldn’t want to audition against that crazy handwalking girl? But yes, I always want to work wherever a fun movie takes place. This means that after seeing Mystic Pizza, I had a large desire to pull slices from an oven; after seeing Ten Inch Hero, obviously I wanted to work in a hippy-run sub shop; a classic, The Wedding Singer makes you wanna Drew it up and wait some event tables. Oh I’m seeing a pattern here. Apparently I am destined to work in the food service industry. Yeah, I don’t know how family would like it if I came home one day and told them that it was a new professional goal of mine to work in an eccentric food place. Screw this whole going to college thing, look how fun the movies make it look! There is also of course the option to become one of the awesome singer/dancer people. Hairspray, Girls Just Want to Have Fun, and Barney all suggest to me that singing and dancing on a show would be a blast. I think the ultimate, however, would be to travel in a bus with your best friends and perform at a little club in a band with all the besties for the summer right on the lake, like the 80s classic Satisfaction. Uh oh, I love the movie The Girl Next Door too, well let’s not get started on that…

    thanks and keep on being hilarious,


    p.s. It would probably make my year to see that My Fair Lady remake…

  24. meghan Says:

    Nice update, very interesting actually. After reading the little clues to the short yesterday, I thought to myself “This would be an interesting musical…” and ironically, you all start discussing musicals the next day. Hmmm…I’ve always said I had some form of ESP.

    Wizard of Oz is my go-to movie. Not that I’m inspired per-say, but I’ve been obsessed since I was like 3. Well saying obsessed is kinda an understatement. Anywho, it’s such a classic and really has a great theme throughout. I’ve always wanted to sing like Judy Garland!

  25. Bekah Says:

    Hey guys!
    Great vlog. I wish the weather was like that here. It’s sunny and hot, but not in a relaxing way.
    When I was little I wanted to be Shirley Temple. For about 6 or 7 months, I went to bed every night wearing rollers in my hair so it would be curly. And to top that off, I’d only wear dresses and my tap shoes. It’s safe to say my mom was quite happy when I out-grew that stage.
    I guess now my favorite movie character would be Christine Collins from Changling. Her strength and courage is so inspiring.

    Can’t wait to hear more from you!

    Love from Guam,

  26. Danielle Says:

    I still have to think about the actor yet, but for now, I’m with niamh on the weather topic … seems like spring has arrived there. Though the prognoses for here are hopeful too. They say it’s conna be up to 20 d C. Can’t wait for that to happen. Until then I am REALLY jealous for you guys only wearing skirts and T-Shirts πŸ˜‰ AND, I do love the bird chirping too πŸ™‚

  27. blueaeryn Says:

    My inspirations can be found in the past. Anything with Myrna Loy, Irene Dunne or Maureen O’Hara. These three women went toe-to-toe with some of the biggest male stars in Hollywood’s heyday. And at times they outshone them. They could do slapstick comedy or intense drama and I was mesmorized.

    Myrna Loy was amazing as Nora Charles in the Thin Man series. And her partnership with William Powell also produced an amazing little slipstick called “Love Crazy.” And here is an intereting footnote. Myrna Loy was in a film called “Manhattan Melodrama” with William Powell and Clarke Gable. It was that film that caused John Dillinger, the killer and gangster, to be gunned down in the streets as he was leaving the movie. The police knew he was a huge Myrna Loy fan and would be at the movies to see it.

    Irene Dunn had meaning pairings with some of Hollywood’s elite male actors but the best was with Cary Grant. From tearjerkers like Penny Serenade to slapsticks like “My Favorite Wife” there was an electrcity about them that you saw just pop off the screen.

    And then there is Maureen O’Hara. My dad says I got my red hair because he dreamed that his daughter would have red hair like her. My dad was a huge John Wayne fan and Maureen O’Hara was paired numerous times with him. The classic of course is the Quiet Man or She Wore a Yellow Ribbon.

    But then you really can’t just overlook John Wayne. When I was growing up my parent’s loved “Donovan’s Reef,” which was set in the South Pacific. John Wayne played a former WWII sailor who settled on the island. When I went to Hawaii last year it was all I could think about.

    My inspiration is deeply rooted in the past. Blame my parents and their love of old movies.

    And on the days when I am getting ready for work and I just need that classic noir feel, I pop in Laura with Gene Tierney and Joseph Cotton – a story about a detective trying to solve a murder of a dead woman, and as he learns of her past, he falls in love with the famous portrait that hangs in her apartment. CLASSIC.

    BTW, great vlog and thanks for sharing.

    “Podcaster Denise”

  28. blueaeryn Says:

    My inspirations can be found in the past. Anything with Myrna Loy, Irene Dunne or Maureen O’Hara. These three women went toe-to-toe with some of the biggest male stars in Hollywood’s heyday. And at times they outshone them. They could do slapstick comedy or intense drama and I was mesmorized.

    Myrna Loy was amazing as Nora Charles in the Thin Man series. And her partnership with William Powell also produced an amazing little slipstick called “Love Crazy.” And here is an intereting footnote. Myrna Loy was in a film called “Manhattan Melodrama” with William Powell and Clarke Gable. It was that film that caused John Dillinger, the killer and gangster, to be gunned down in the streets as he was leaving the movie. The police knew he was a huge Myrna Loy fan and would be at the movies to see it.

    Irene Dunn had meaning pairings with some of Hollywood’s elite male actors but the best was with Cary Grant. From tearjerkers like Penny Serenade to slapsticks like “My Favorite Wife” there was an electrcity about them that you saw just pop off the screen.

    And then there is Maureen O’Hara. My dad says I got my red hair because he dreamed that his daughter would have red hair like her. My dad was a huge John Wayne fan and Maureen O’Hara was paired numerous times with him. The classic of course is the Quiet Man or She Wore a Yellow Ribbon.

    But then you really can’t just overlook John Wayne. When I was growing up my parent’s loved “Donovan’s Reef,” which was set in the South Pacific. John Wayne played a former WWII sailor who settled on the island. When I went to Hawaii last year it was all I could think about.

    My inspiration is deeply rooted in the past. Blame my parents and their love of old movies.

    And on the days when I am getting ready for work and I just need that classic noir feel, I pop in Laura with Gene Tierney and Joseph Cotton – a story about a detective trying to solve a murder of a dead woman, and as he learns of her past, he falls in love with the famous portrait that hangs in her apartment. CLASSIC.

    BTW, great vlog and thanks for sharing.

    “Podcaster Denise”

  29. Michelle Says:

    Great vlog you guys! I am sooo jealous of the weather there…this past weekend, there was a couple inches of snow here!
    When I was little I loved watching Annie with Aileen Quinn. I would go around the house singing all those silly songs from the movie!
    Thanks for sharing! You guys are awesome! (:

  30. ohmanitsann Says:

    Mine would have to be either Audrey Hepburn in Sabrina or Meg Ryan in You’ve Got Mail.

    I grew up with Audrey’s movies and every time I watch one I just have to smile because of her presence on screen. To me, she just screams what an actress is. Also, I’m a sucker for the “Old Hollywood” feel. I grew up thinking, “You know, maybe you don’t have to be the loudest one out there. You get Humphrey Bogart and cooking school in France”. And like Lorelai Gilmore, I am too saving myself for William Holden.

    You’ve Got Mail has to be one of my top five favorite movies. It has everything in it! It has comedy, suspense, and some more laughter. Kathleen Kelly just made me want to own a bookshop and take ballet. Just an amazing movie that I would watch forever.

    Although, Donna Reed did seem to be an excellent mother in It’s A Wonderful Life…

  31. Alaina Says:

    Another great vlog. Seriously, you’ll are very charming in every single one. And you update so often, it’s amazing.

    I miss the weather that you have, I’m a ‘sunshine’ and ‘green grass’ kind of girl, and usually we have more than enough sun here in NM. But random cold spell that brought snow, kind of ruined my spring excitement.

    A character that stood out? Well when I was young, I used to be babysat by my aunts. They ranged in age, and through them I like watched all sorts of things. Soap Operas, cheesy movies, etc, etc. But Julia Roberts has always been a favorite, as Pretty Woman is definitely a favorite film. And, ha, the women on Days of Our Lives have always fascinated me. Especially since they never seem to age, esp Hope Brady.

    The latest character who I admire to no end, is Woman, in Conversations with Other Woman. Helena is great and I don’t think I’ll ever tire of this movie.

    Ah, somehow I always end up spilling my guts here.

    Keep bringing the awesome! πŸ™‚

  32. sparklegirl1 Says:

    Lol, Cruel Intentions. That’s one for the books!!

    Oh Funny Girl β™₯ How amazing was Barbra!!!

    I am with Raq, Julie Andrews in amazing. Stole my heart in Sound of Music.

    Loved the vlog, thanks so much for sharing.


  33. €€Marion€€ Says:

    Great favorites πŸ™‚

    My favorite character would be anything by Toni Collette . Just worship her :). She’s fantastic and so inspiring.
    One character that I really loved was Meryl Streep in Sophie’s Choice , probably the one that made me love movies and cinema !

    Loved the vlog , first it’s nice to see that it’s sunny somewhere in the planet and then because you guys totally rock our lives ! Keep it up

  34. BrwnEyedGirl Says:

    I haven't seen My Fair Lady or Funny Girl. Wow. Obviously i've been missing out. 😦 Hopefully I can find the time to watch them this weekend.

    There isn’t really one role or actress that really stood out to me as a kid. I basically loved every movie- especially musicals. I think I just loved singing in general. My parents have over 40 video tapes of me as kid just singing and dancing around (or doing handstands and cartwheels.. I thought I was pretty awesome. lol). I especially loved Annie, The Sound of Music and Greece. I watched them so much I memorized them.

    When I was little, my little sister and I would act out the parts in almost every movie we watched. My younger sister was blonde so she would always get to be the blonde actress and I would have to be the one with brown hair. So naturally growing up I favored the actresses with dark hair. πŸ™‚

    My favorite actress as a teen was Angelina Jolie. And I think if I had to pick my favorite role she has ever played it would be Lisa Rowe. Lisa is a sociopath who basically grew up in a mental institution. She has been locked in a cage her whole life, yet she lives beyond it- outside the walls and is totally free. She is a very powerful character and I think she is awesome.

    Someone mentioned Shirley Temple… and I just want to say when I was really young (like 4) I had a cassette tape (yeah totally old school) of a bunch the songs she sang. To this day I can still sing β€œAnimal Crackers in my Soup.” πŸ™‚

    β€œAnimal crackers in my soup
    monkies and rabbits loop the loop,
    Gosh, oh gee, but I have fun,
    swallowin' animals one by one.”


    And on another totally random side note…
    Hilarie, I love your boots! ❀ I have 4 pairs of cowboy boots (brown, light brown, black, red) and I love them so much. I don’t care what everyone says, I will always love them. πŸ™‚

  35. Ingrid Says:

    Sarah Michelle Gellar?!? LOL! You people are funny! Great vlog!

    I didn’t watch a bunch of movies growing up, but I do remember watching “The Brothers Lionheart”. This movie was an adaption of the book with the same name, written by Astrid Lindgren. And it’s just this amazing and incredible book, and if you haven’t read it yet, you should. I know it’s often referred to as a children’s book, but it’s just as (if not more) suitable for teens and adults. I still cry my heart out every time I read it, and I’m 22 now. Anyway, enough rambling. I remember really wanting to be like Jonathan. Just because he was such a good person, and I really wanted to be that too, when I grew up.

    Now I’m more inspired by Hedda Gabler(who is a total contrast to Jonathan). She was a woman who refused to do what the society expected of her, and I love that. She was kinda of a manipulative b**** and quite horrible to everyone around her, but I still think she is one of the most interesting and amazing female characters ever written.

    (Having said all this, it does not mean that I want to go ahead and do what Hedda does in the end of the play. ha ha! I’m a very happy person and I love my life!)

    I also love pretty much every character Cate Blanchett has ever played, but who doesn’t? That woman is one great actress!


  36. Jeadane naoual Says:

    Hey Guys,

    Great vlog as always!!
    I think nicole kidman is great
    Cate Blanchett
    Kate Winslet
    U hilarie Burton (I ussually never cry for movies,series or anything like that) But since OTH im crying like a baby!
    Anyway I think scarlett johannson or Emily Blunt could play mona mills.

    I`m sure u will make a good decision!
    I can`t wait to see the movie coming out!

    With lots of love

  37. siringe Says:

    My favourite character since I was a little girl was Vivien LeighΒ΄s Scarlett OΒ΄Hara… she was so so great, so powerful, so emotional. I love her and that movie.

  38. Elise88 Says:

    Oh, that vlog had me in stiches. Nicholas' SMG comment was funny enough but the reactions from Austin & Hilarie were just the icing on the cake. I'd be up for a youtube version of it Nicholas πŸ˜‰

    As for meeee – Julie Andrews as Mary Poppins without a doubt. I have always always always wanted to work with kids… so bring in a nanny, some kids & whole bunch of songs and acting and I was hooked as a kid. I wanted to be just like Mary Poppins.
    Now I'm sat in the back garden in England working as a nanny. Who'd of thought. We don't sing songs all day though!!!

    Angelina Jolie as an actress inpires me also. I had never realised just how much she had been through in life until recently, and she fought through it all and is (in my opinion) one of the most inspirational actresses out there.

    Just my two cents.

  39. NatalieR Says:

    OK I love SMG!! πŸ˜€ Grew up watching Buffy and then just followed her career from then on. She’s awesome in Cruel intentions.

    I Love Kate Hudson, Kate Winslet, Nicole Kidman, Sandra Bullock Rocks as well. Any strong Female lead usually becomes a favourite of mine and of course I have to add You Hil,Sophia and Bethany to my list. You guys have been my Favs for a while now and You Hil have been my greatest inspiration since SMG actually!

    Keep on keeping on Peeps! Cant wait to hear more about the short film πŸ™‚

  40. itsssnadine Says:

    haha great vlog. i love it.

    thinking about my favorite actors i have to devide them into two categories.

    1. the ones who inspired me by the roles/characters they played:

    – heath ledger, hands down best actor ever. i mean he rocked in brokeback montain but his joker performance was beyond outstanding. he was so incredibly talented

    – hilary swank in million dollar baby. seriously that woman rocked that movie. she was incredibly in it.

    2. the ones i simply love:

    – sandra bullock. she is half german and she grew up here and she is a freaking hollywood star now. i love her to death. she is so adorable and inspiring plus she speaks german πŸ™‚ i LOVE her

    and then there is
    – ellen page as juno.
    is it wrong that i totally want to be like juno? anyway, i love juno she is probably my favorite fictional character next to peyton sawyer. i would love to be like juno, maybe except the whole pregnancy part but besides that juno is hilarious/smart/honest.

    rock on SGP team!

    ps: the weather looks awesome. i’m kinda jealous πŸ˜‰

  41. Kylie Says:

    Mrs. lovett from Sweeney Todd. I don;t know why but there is just something about that character. I loved Helena Bonham Carter as Mrs. Lovett but the classic Mrs. Lovett is Angela Lansbury.


  42. laurenmichelle Says:

    Hilarie, you should meet my friend Zaharoula, she does a pretty sweet Jewish monologue. It’s absolutely hilarious. But you should show us your Jewish monologue :]

    But as for actors that have inspired me…I absolutely adored Julia Stiles in Save The Last Dance. I remember I immediately had my Mom sign me up for dance classes and I fell in love with dance. So that was pretty awesome.

    And Julie Andrews! I love her! She is seriously amazing, I love Sound of Music and Mary Poppins. I really just love anything with singing in it…haha..Other actors I love are Kate Hudson, Reese Witherspoon and Johnny Depp.

    Loved this vlog :] Yall are hilarious!

  43. Rosa Says:

    When I was a kid I wanted to be Sandy in Grease! I love this film! Really, I had an obsession with this film!
    I can see that I’m not the only one who wanted to be Olivia Newton Jonh πŸ™‚
    nice video!
    thanks for sharing!


  44. Larns Says:

    Hmm… never really get to experience a lot of the “old” hollywood ‘cos I didn’t watch much tv or movie when I was young. But one of the most unforgettable movie and character that I have seen and appreciate was Patch Adams, since then I came to love Robin Williams

    Part of my list would be of course Julia Roberts (who doesn’t?), Sandra Bullock, Meg Ryan, and some other local actors that we have here in RP whom I’ve got so much respect when it come to acting.

  45. eag81 Says:

    Growing up, my most memorable movie character was probably Annie from the 1982 musical with Carol Burnett. I think I watched that movie twice a day from ages 4-8. On a more shallow note, Leo DiCaprio in Romeo and Juliet rocked my world!

  46. Bridgett Terran Says:

    You guys are awesome! Loved the Vlog.

    I had so many favorites/inspirations growing up, my parents tried to expose me to every kind of film/tv/arts but two that just really always stuck out were Audrey Hepburn and Lucille Ball. Their wit and comedic timing; among other things just drew me in every time, can’t get enough of’em.
    Thanks for sharing the Vlog, you guys rock!

  47. melrec Says:

    great vlog. Hilaries reaction to Nick’s was great.

    once the film is done are we going to be able to purchase it? I really hope so.

  48. JaclyneJaye Says:

    haha SMG, would never have guessed that Nick! Hilarie, those boots are too cute! and I agree Barabara is great, as is Shirley and Audrey-loved Funny Face! Julie Andrews makes me want to sing and dance, she is so full of class. Amazing women. My list could go on forever. I think any girl would have loved be Judy Garland and step in to those ruby-red slippers and twist off to Oz, I am not an exception, I too would love to have met the all powerful Oz. Goldie Hawn and Meryl Streep are classics to me, timeless and great in all they do, even together-Death Becomes Her is still one of my faves. I have never been disappointed by Sanddra Bullock, love Practical Magic. Whoopi Goldberg is another who can do anything, and has never disappointed! Kate Hudson I think will follow in her mothers footsteps and be a classic. Kate Winslet is phenomenal, Titanic still number one in my books. Her performances are powerful and truly incredible. And Hilarie too, your performances are amazing! And through SGP you have become so inspirational! There’s so many more, but these are the actresses I could probably watch over and over again in any film, and who do great in any genre.
    Hahaha this vlog was great, too funny! Thanks for sharing! πŸ™‚

  49. Signi Says:

    ANNIE! Without a doubt, the very first movie that ever made me love musicals and theatre was Annie. I watched it every day after school for 2 weeks strait when I was 7 years old. I was always Annie in my mind, which made total sense considering I also had the wild curly red hair, wild sense of adventure, and longing to be totally and utterly loved by my daddy. I even begged our high school play director to put on the production of Annie, so that I could play the lead…she shot it down. And whaddya know…the year after I graduated, which production do you think they put on?? ANNIE! I was devastated.

    Thanks for sharing guys! I laughed a lot.

  50. mynameiskate Says:

    I’ve always found Clint Eastwood and Woody Allen as my inspirations in both: acting and directing. And Meryl Streep as an actress.

    Nick: if you like SMG so much, try watching ‘Southland tales’


  51. Ella Press Says:

    Hliarie, you are one of my favourite actresses, without a doubt! I first saw you on OTH, and imediately fell in love with Peyton (I’m really glad she and Lucas are together! lol). You’ve really inspired me in so many levels, and Peyton as well.
    Just last week I watched The Secret Life of Bees, and I love it, Queen Latifah’s acting was genious.

    One film I love is Calendar Girls. Have any of you seen it? It’s a great real-life based film, starring Helen Mirren and Julie Walters. Their performance in this film is excellent!

    Greeting from Argentina!

  52. CapeFearKid Says:

    Mine has to be the Wizard of Oz. Back in the day it was a yearly March ritual on television and I would wait in anticipation all year to get to see it. I even went out and bought the soundtrack album and with it came this shortened script from the film.
    So when I was 7 I got all the kids in the neighborhood to take on different roles. We got the guy at the local paper factory to give us some really big roll out roles of paper to paint all the backdrops on and we taped them to the ceiling in my basement so we could just quickly roll them down when we had to do set changes.
    I got in really big trouble for taking my dad’s painting drop cloths from his construction company, cutting them up and turning them into curtains for the stage. He was mad for days.
    Everyone learned their lines and for one weekend that winter we put the show on for free for all our families and everyone in the neighborhood. And I, of course, cast myself as The Wiz himself. ” Dont pay any attention to the man behind the curtain!!!!”…that was always one of my fav lines.
    So for me it has to be anything and everything about the Wizard of Oz.
    In later years Ive always loved the George Stevens film classic, GIANT, starring Elizabeth Taylor, Rock Hudson and James Dean, and a very young, Dennis Hopper, among others.
    I think deep down I always wanted to play Dean’s character, Jett Rink. When watching it you also realize how stunningly beautiful Elizabeth Taylor was in it. I’ve always seen it as a true classic in filmmaking.

  53. Alexwoman Says:

    When I was kid E.T. was the film who changed my life !!!
    And now Clint Eastwood makes me cry each time


  54. Sue Says:

    First of all – I'm jealous of your weather. I am currently looking out my window over my front garden and its raining – yes RAINING!!
    Package up the sun please and send it to the UK!! We need it!!

    Second – oh man I laughed so hard with the Sarah Michelle Gellar outburst from Nick !! I had to pause the video!!

    Ok and lastly – my inspirations.

    The first movie I really remember watching and loving was when I was about 8/9 and it was Alaska (directed by Fraser Henson).

    I remember that I wanted to be the little girl (Jessie) played by Thora Birch. When I saw her and the polar bear I wanted to be her and be an actress just like her!!
    That was my early inspiration.

    From then on I have loved many many many films – some musicals, thrillers, rom coms – too many for me to list off but have all inspired me in there own way to do/try something new & exciting.

    Awesome vid guys!

  55. Danielle Says:

    I don’t think that she has influenced me in any way (well, maybe she has, I just haven’t noticed it yet ;)), but I’d have to say that I am just very impressed by the character of Idgie Threadgoode (played by Mary Stuart Masterson) in the movie Fried Green Tomatoes. I like her strong-willed character throughout the whole story. And I do love the story in general. It’s a beautiful story and it shows so many things about life and how we go through it – even in difficult situations.

  56. JInsua15 Says:

    The movie that did it for me was Duck Soup. I love Harpo Marx. He’s one of the funniest people that ever lived. I used to do the classic mirror act with a friend all the time when I was younger. That movie made me want to entertain others. I can’t act, but I love to be the brain behind it. I love making people laugh and it all started with The Marx Brothers for me and of course Lucy. [Never forget Lucy.]

  57. xxpolkaxliemsxx Says:

    aww! hilarie was so cute when she bursted out lauging when nick sayed sarah from cruel intentions!

    aww i love this blog!

  58. marie~josephine! Says:

    haha soo funny nick is so funny1
    you guys should so do a youtube version with him playing eliza doolittle!

    okai so im not really in film buisness and all but i do do some minor acting etc and the film that when i was little the character that i wanted to play was pippi long stockings when i was like four i used to make my granny plait my hair and put freckles on my cheeks i even always carried my toy monkey around!and was constantly howling away the theme tune lol

  59. fairytalescenes Says:

    Hahahaha! I loved the Cruel Intentions mention! πŸ™‚

    I always wanted to be Winonna Ryder’s character in Edward Scissorhands. That was always a really romantic story to me, as strange as it sounds. I never found her acting to be THE BEST or anything, but the role she played really touched me because she finally stood for what she believed in and she gave up the normalcy of her life to save the man(thing) she loved. It was beautiful, even if they didn’t end up together.

  60. truebluestye Says:

    You guys are awesome! And Hilarie you are so contagiously laughing! I love your laugh it charges me πŸ™‚
    So,I never had a favourite character to identify with until i saw One Tree Hill… and then poof πŸ™‚ I feel like I'm kinda Peyton-like πŸ™‚
    I love you more every day,Hil,I'm gonna miss your face on Tv,and you made me so happy today when you commented me twice on myspace,I'm really eager to see you in a new project the sooner the better,and please think about Chad & you working together,you could be the eternal TV/movie classical couple ! You are so good on screen together! I admire you sincerely:)

  61. LaurenHeartsOTH Says:

    Cool blog…& I've really enjoyed reading all the comments.

    When I was young, and I mean young, like under the age of 10, I always wanted to be 'Baby' from Dirty Dancing! It's probably wrong that I was allowed to watch films more aimed towards adults at such a young age, but I loved it purely for the dancing, honest! I remember being stood in the living room infront of the TV with my two friends, acting out the scene where Johnny, Baby & Penny are dancing to 'Hungry Eyes', and we'd be wiggling our hips and flicking our hair about wearing leotards with our Moms high heel shoes (that were far too big for our tiny feet). Ha. So Cute. & then there was the finale dance, well, we thought that was AWESOME! Actually I still do =).

    A few years ago I decided to buy all of Drew Barrymore's films, I cant remember what triggered this, but I fell in love with her films. I love her older films, after her teenage rebellious period, such as 'Mad Love'. But my favourite has to be '50 First Dates' with Adam Sandler, those two are hilarious together; 'The Wedding Singer' is great too! She does great comedies, and I love a good film that makes me laugh…she has a certain 'feel good factor' about her.

    Also I just have to add THE one and only Hilarie Burton to my list of Idols…quite simply because you are you…inspirational =).

    Much Love,
    Lauren, UK.x

  62. VioletLily Says:

    Aw, that was so funny, once again!
    As a little girl I always wanted to be Sleeping Beauty, I liked to pretend I was a princess…Then my mom made me watch the trilogy Sissi, and I wanted to be Romy Schneider so bad!!! I was totally fascinated by this movie, and it’s been one of my favourites since then. Romy Schneider is one of the actresses I love and admire the most,and the others would be Kate Winslet for sure, she is amazing, and you, Hilarie, becuase not only you are a brillant actress, but you are also down to earth, and kind to your fans just like she is, and this added to all the great work both of you acheive makes you even more special. And I cant wait to see if Mona will become one of my favourites characters, I cant wait…. πŸ™‚

  63. Meaghan Says:

    Just as JessQC I always wanted to be one of the kids on Barney, I always asked my mom to allow me to audition!! That lovely interest lasted until I was in second grade!! Sad but True!!

    Being one of three young kids we didnt have the ability to have us all doing different activities so my interest in acting got pushed aside… that is until I hit high school. Then my interest was pushed aside because I was to shy, I was able to push myself into chorus which allowed me to take part in the musicals without being put in the front

    Recently I have begun to think about acting again, just in community shows… The actress that has truly gotten me thinking about acting again is Hilarie Burton. The way you portray Peyton, the way you allow yourself to show so many different emotions on screen truly inspires me to try and break out of my shell, to put myself out there and to try out for shows! Now I just need to continue building up my confidence and really go for it!!!

    So THANK YOU HILARIE for putting yourself out there for all of us, you truly are an amazing actress!!!!!

  64. ashbee904 Says:

    All time favorite character has to be Sabrina Fairchild! love the move Sabrina! ohhh and Calamity Jane i mean who doesnt love Doris Day!

  65. ashbee904 Says:

    All time favorite character has to be Sabrina Fairchild! love the move Sabrina! ohhh and Calamity Jane i mean who doesnt love Doris Day!

  66. Gina Marie Says:

    Hilaries reaction to Nick saying SMG = Priceless. hahahah

    My first inspiration.. and noone ever understands this haha but, Christina Ricci.. love everything she's ever done.

    when are you guys gonna post the short film?! you keep talking about it! we're getting anxious! haha

    look foward to hearing more,

  67. L.O.V.E Says:

    Funny Vlog πŸ˜€

    I have to say that one of my favorite characters has to be Peyton off OTH πŸ™‚
    And Hilarie, you have a lot to do with that.
    Before I started watching OTH, there was never really a character I could really relate to in the sense of having such a passion for love and music. I mean, of course there have been other characters like that, but never really any of them in High School. And Hilarie, the way you’re able to take words off of a page come alive and really connect with your audience is beyond me, so great job!

    I also love Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music. I remember watching that for the first time at 10 years old and wishing that I would have a huge family like that to perform with! lol And I just love the overall theme of the movie and how music really is powerful enough to bring people, as different as day and night, together. πŸ™‚


  68. Karen Says:

    I can’t remember the first movie that made me want to be a screenwriter. But Natalie Portman’s acting career is a big inspiration, if I could get her to read some of my words on screen that would be pretty awesome. And as far as directors go, David Nutter (Smallville, Roswell) is tops when it comes to crafting great pilot episodes. And for film directing Yimou Zhang’s House of Flying Daggers continues to astonish me.

    When I was kid Punky Brewster rocked!

  69. turnitintolove Says:

    I saw the Broadway production of La Boheme a few years ago. They had the stage manager on stage to start off the scenes after huge, huge scene changes. It really solidified my need to be in a theatre, and the want to be a stage manager.

  70. Dan Says:

    Wonderful VLOG!

    This is my second post, because I had the impulse to comment. I love the character Mary Poppins, and wished she were my nanny in those days. The little mermaid was also one of my favorites of all time when I was litle.

    In recent months, I have discovered OTH has a special place in my heart. The show has inspired me and has given me strength to move forward from my grief. The character Peyton is now one of my favorite character and You “Hilarie” has inspired me in so many ways that I want to say Thank you for all that you are doing. I even named my newborn baby after your character to remind me of how much inspiration you have given me. I wish I could be more outspoken in person, but typing will have to do.

    SGP TEAM, you guys are doing great! I look forward to your new post everyday. Your work is what keeps me motivated to try new things and don’t give up so easily. I wish you guys the best of luck. Thanks so much!!


  71. Alexandria Lynn Says:

    while i must say Kate Winslet in Finding Neverland is amazing I have to go old school Vivien Leigh in Gone With the Wind. The score to that movie is also amazing, yes i am a soundtrack/score kinda girl and proud of it πŸ™‚

  72. Ashley I Says:

    hahah it is fantastic how you, Hilarie&Austin, react to Nick's Sarah Michelle Gellar haha so funny!
    And I have to agree with the person above me, Kate Winslet in Finding Neverland is amazing πŸ™‚

  73. Ashley I Says:

    hahah it is fantastic how you, Hilarie&Austin, react to Nick's Sarah Michelle Gellar haha so funny!
    And I have to agree with the person above me, Kate Winslet in Finding Neverland is amazing πŸ™‚

  74. Bekah Says:

    I love Finding Neverland! it’s one of my favorite movies of all time! Kate Winslet is a phenomenal actress

  75. LovingOTH6 Says:

    I love the character Julia Roberts played in Pretty Woman. People looked at her and saw a hooker but she was so much more. She was this beautiful strong person on the inside. Also, Baby in Dirty Dancing. I mean who wouldn’t want to be that close to Patrick Swayze ;)thanks for the Vlog. You guys are so funny!

  76. Alexandria Lynn Says:

    aww im so glad im not the only finding neverland lover!

  77. Nickie Says:

    I would have to say my favorite would have to be Judy Garland in the Wizard of Oz, I’ve seen that flick so many times (like many I’m sure!) But that is the first movie I can remember watching well besides E.T. and honestly that movie freaked me out when I was like 4, mostly the part at the beginning when E.T. is running through the grass making noises lol. Back to the Wizard of Oz, I’m a Kansas girl, it just seemed to fit, and to be able to sing like Judy Garland would be the icing on the cake!

    I would also have to say Sandra Bullock is also one of my favorites, every role she takes just seems like it would be an amazing character to play!

    Awesome vlog guys!….. Sarah Michelle Gellar HAHA!!!


  78. SGPfollower Says:

    I’d love to see Nick as Sarah Michelle Gellar in Cruel Intentions. That’d be…. interesting.

  79. Keith Says:

    Hey Guys! I’m a producer and by knowing a few cast members from OTH already was able to get into the “know” about SGP. I am not only excited about the “independence” of the company, but how accessible and hands on everything is. I think there is a lot of potential here, especially in the most beautiful town of Wilmington, and would love to help out any way that I can. Not only can I provide support financially, but who knows may have some quirky creative ideas to add. Let me know if I can help or if you may need me at some point in the future. I really believe in what you guys are aiming to accomplish with SGP and hope with enough support can really take off and be a major outlet to “REAL Southern Gothic” in the south.

    My inspiration movie/actor would have to be Robin Williams. His role in “Good Will Hunting” was flawless and emotionally moving. I have never seen a comedian convert to completely opposite extremes like he was able to portray as Sean Maguire in GWH; impeccable performance.


  80. Bekah Says:

    Alexandria Lynn, believe me, you aren’t! I watched it like 10 times in the first 48 hours after I got it!! it’s so magical. πŸ™‚

  81. Alexandria Lynn Says:

    hahah thats great!! and Nickie i totally agree with you about judy garland i was dorthy in a production of the Wizard of Oz and i just kept feeling like I wasnt doing her any justice. Unbelievable talent.

  82. marymargaret Says:

    The movie inspired me was WHERE THE HEART IS with Nathalie Portman character was a photographer. When she took her first picture she was happy. I remember when I took my first picture I was happy and I know I want to do. I like to own my own company one day. Hoping my dreams come true like your guys. Southern Gothic Production is giving hope for myself. I want to thank you guys so much.

    mary margaret πŸ™‚

  83. Liz Says:

    Wow Nick…. Sarah Michelle Geller and Elisa Doolittle those made my day!! I love it:) The first performance by an actress that I really remember is Kate Winslet and Emma Thompson in Sense and Sensibility. I was about 7 or 8 when that film came out. I watched the Oscars for the first time that year. I then went in the bathroom with a piano trophy and pretended to get my own Oscar lol! I am also very inspired by theater. I love it! I really miss being in NYC and seeing Broadway shows. I don’t get to see many plays here in Savannah but at home in VA we go to the Shakespeare theater in DC a lot.

  84. Lexieloo Says:

    One of my favorites is angelina jolies character in Girl interupted..i found her fascinating. I also love Kate Winslets character in eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. Also Gilbert Grape. And I have to say..since 8th grade I’ve loved peyton as she developed. She is an all time favorite character..she has real passion for the things she loves. Sad to see her go. excited to see pedestrians tho. I want more info on it!

  85. Lexieloo Says:

    I forgot to mention Johnny Depp in Finding Neverland, Blow, and Willy Wonka (as well as in Gilbert Grape) I recently saw Milk and Emile Hirsh was incredible as Cleve Jones and I am more impressed all the time by James Franco. Powerful movie!!
    I really enjoy following this blog now!! I would love to hear more about what is going on with Pedestrians and if there are more movies/shows in the works!

  86. Lisa from Sparks Says:

    I loved Lucy. I still love I Love Lucy and will watch the marathons whenever I have the time. When I was 3 years old I would wake m mom in the morning and tell her 2 ones mom 2 ones (the show use to be on channel 11). Lucille Ball was the start of women in comedy as a lead role. I think I loved her because she didn’t care. She would do whatever it took to get the laugh. She is 1 of 3 people that are no longer with us that I’d like to sit down and have a glass of wine with.

  87. Ivanna Says:

    Oh gosh, every time I see one of your ‘vlogs’ I wish I was right there shooting movies and brainstorming ideas with you guys. You are all so incredibly creative and artistic and you seem to have so much fun at work!

    I know my comment is unrelated to the topic but I just wanted to express how much I enjoy reading you.

    Hil, you have such a great personality and energy…

    Nick, you are awesome – I’m glad we are getting to know you through this blog/vlog.

    Austin, I’m actually very intrigued by you and I really enjoy getting a glimpse of your creative side.

    Can’t wait for Pedestrian… And if you ever need help in NC, I’ll gladly come all the way from NYC – your way of showing us your work in progress and making us part of it is extremely inspiring.



  88. mΓ©gane Says:

    SMG is a very good actress ❀
    I am fan since I am 5 years old, It is one of my actresses favourites, and in second position it is Sophia Bush πŸ™‚
    they make me feel an extraordinary emotion.

    (i am sorry for my english but i am french)

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