a pedestrian journey – chapter three.

those i keep close are few in number and great in practice. i’m shy. i’m awkward. and in the past, i have been cold, but since have mostly outgrown such iciness. (such ickiness, too.) there have been those so generous, keepers of chisels that have hammered away my go-away demeanor until i resigned my friendship to them. i love these people dearly. and so, often without knowing it (neither they nor i), they wriggle their way into my words and pictures.

jay moore is just that, a short love letter to my near-and-dear, one i will call S.

i met S. my sophomore year at emerson college. our first night together left us with a photograph of her tongue firmly pressed against my face. while that reads rather loose, i assure you it was comfort. from there on, it was the best of times. and to this day, we’ve yet to experience the worst of times. i doubt we will. we are honest in each others ears. we touch too much. we kiss on the lips. hey, S., i miss your face…

for my thesis in college, a study in postmodern theory, i adapted moulin rouge for the stage, and S. was my satine. looking back, i realize now she was my first muse. so yes, S. is beautiful. she is beautiful in all the ways you would expect, and as much so, in the ways you would not.

lincoln booth knows he is strange, and for that, may pretend that he wants to be lonely. but as i know well, all of us so strange and lonely want a friend. be it a pigeon that harasses our window or our very own harvey bunny. or what is actually needed, a true real person. i knew i wanted lincoln to have a friend. jay moore became that for him.

now jay is not S. quite simply for the reason that S. is my age, and jay (J.) is probably past forty. instead jay is what i imagined S. would butterfly into.

jay is an actress, rather, jay is a movie star. there is a difference, yes?
jay is a movie star second, and a very real person first.
the clothes jay wears fit her perfectly.
jay is a statue. a monument.
jay speaks in compliments.
if jay hurt herself, you would never ever laugh. but she would.
jay is a ten. she thinks she is a seven.
jay is a mama bear.
jay sees things that lincoln doesn’t.
jay keeps it real.
jay knows when you are looking at her.
jay wants you to cut the crap.
jay is the love child of susan sarandon and laura linney. thank god for science. thank god for imagination.

less sunburnt than yesterday, but still yours,

34 Responses to “a pedestrian journey – chapter three.”

  1. Niamh Says:

    Your posts are perfect and i love them :). That is all.

    And you know I have been wondering about Jay, so thank you for the info! I feel like I know her better now :).

    I hope a little birdie points “S” to this post, because it sounds like she deserves to read it.

  2. ¤¤Marion¤¤ Says:

    Hey Nick ,

    Once again a great post , I’m so glad to know Jay more .Curious to see what does a S.Sarandon and L.Linney child look like …
    And now we know more of her relationship with Lincoln.Great.
    Thanks for sharing

  3. Stargazer Says:

    wow … the first part of this reminded me of Andy Warhol and Edie Sedgwick … all the talk of muses, good and bad times and experiences. love it.

    i’m beginning to really appreciate Jay in her own right … i knew she would be a redhead 🙂

    and yes, there is quite a big difference between an actress and a movie star. actresses are a dime a dozen … movie stars, well they’re like a needle in a haystack these days.

    looking forward to the next round of information. *secretly wishing that Kelly would finish his story … but in time, i guess*


  4. Andrea Smith Says:

    Jay sounds like the wise soul in the story. So far, I think she might be my favorite character.

    The fact that she is a movie star but down to earth and keeps everything in perspective. “if jay hurt herself, you would never ever laugh. but she would.” shows a true sense of humor, there is just something about a person/character that is able to laugh at themselves that makes them seem so much more real and unpretentious.

  5. littlechristy32 Says:

    Jay sounds like someone who I would want to have as a friend. Your friend S must be amazing as well.

    Your posts are always awesome to read.

    Thank you for sharing more about these wonderful characters.


  6. sparklegirl1 Says:

    I agree with Andrea, Jay has taken the lead as my favorite character so far. She sounds lovable! And I’m glad she was a part of LB’s life. These updates have been superb!

    Next time, wear sunscreen Gray! 😉


  7. becca16 Says:

    Jay sounds like one heck of a lady. She sounds like her heart is contagious. I sincerely enjoyed hearing about her and getting to delve into your masterpiece and your inspiration behind the people in it once more. Thanks so much.

  8. a-shiningstar Says:

    Jay sounds very likable. I wonder how Lincoln meets Jay? Are they just old friends? Or did he meet her through his photography? And thus became like old friends?

    oh n. gray. I love your blogs. (I love all the other bloggers too. 🙂 Don’t get me wrong…I truly do!) I just really appreciate how simple and straight to the point, easy on the mind…not overly dramatic or anything else. Perhaps this appeals to me this evening because I have had a headache…and do not want to think too much. That and the novel I’m reading (The Handmaid’s Tale) is not so easy to read. It makes you think…which can be good…but not when your head hurts.

    ~(Random) Robin

  9. JaclyneJaye Says:

    Jay sounds quite lovely! and Surandon and Linney…hm good combination! Thank you for another addition, and insight into another great character!

  10. MichelleBell16 Says:

    Nick, thanks for sharing more about Jay with us. I love reading your writing and can’t wait for Pedestrian.

    I hope S sees your post as well 🙂

  11. Stephanie Says:

    I’m so excited to see other characters from this!! I was just asking about supporting characters in the chat, so this makes me happy!

    Awesome post…

  12. valmichleo18 Says:


    thanks for the character introductions, its nice getting to know who they are and what they are about before seeing them on the big screen it makes you feel as if they are one of your friends.


  13. valmichleo18 Says:


    thanks for the character introductions, its nice getting to know who they are and what they are about before seeing them on the big screen it makes you feel as if they are one of your friends.


  14. Emily Says:

    Love the writing. Truely inspiring and draws you in, almost as if you must read it. You actually care about the characters and their antics.


  15. Kaitlin Says:

    You had me at Laura Linney…

    And no wonder you’re such a lovely writer…you went to school in Boston!!! Huzzah!

    ~Kaitlin (from Boston)

  16. Karen Says:

    Nicolas, you make this blog uber special. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, creativity and characters with us. I can’t wait to see Pedestrian come to life!


  17. Michelle Says:

    Nick I love your writing…it is so captivating!
    Jay sounds like a strong-willed, wise woman. I can’t wait to see what the other characters are like! This movie is going to be amazing! Thanks for sharing! (:

  18. Neera Says:

    Jay is one of the characters I’m most intrigued by. She sounds…oh I can’t think of an adequate adjective here…lovely. That doesn’t feel adequate enough.

    Anyway, loved this post. Thank you for sharing.

  19. fairytalescenes Says:

    this was as amazing as the others! 🙂

    You are my new favorite writer! ❤

  20. Maygen Says:

    Chapter Three. SOLD!
    Can you stop trying to get into my heart?? I’m taken for Lincoln’s sake! Pedestrian is inching forward in my brain and I just cannot wait until it’s engraved in time. I need a date! haha When filming starts I’ll be the interviewer standing outside the studio, rain and shine =]]
    Just kidding, that’s a little obsessive.
    BUT! Great post Nick,
    interesting as always

  21. Nicole T Says:

    i think i have already fallen in love with Jay.
    and thank you for sharing your first muse with us. =]

    love always,
    Nicole T

  22. Ella Press Says:

    Great, great writing. I love writing myself, and these characters have now grown on me. Being a new follower (just found this blog a few days ago) I din’t know about the ‘pedestrian journey’. I’m loving it, Nick.

    Be proud to be inspiring a seventeen year old girl who is still finding her way…

    Thank you so much,

  23. apatrick930 Says:

    thank you so much for putting your thoughts and words to paper. i’ve been writing for a long time but no one knows that 🙂 you have inspired me so much. this production company deserves kudos for your genuineness… for your willingness to be so raw and really dive into the lives of real people. i love the characters from ‘pedestrian’ because they remind me so much of myself and of people i know. thank you 🙂


  24. "loic" Says:

    this post is very good, although sometimes I do not understand everything because the translator is bizarre by moment.pedestrian is sometimes the best way to discover the things from the outside world, if these simple things of life that we can see even more things are going so fast around us, and that’s a shame, jay may be a butterfly and why would not this well, it’s been so long since I have not put my eyes on a butterfly . For me I prefer to go often because the supporting role for me and my feeling is, they invest more personal than the stars, this is because they need the points so this is where the love of their profession that is more profound at this period their career, I hope my post was not too boring but it is a personal thought and reflection on these little things we get over with time, I know because I’ve got all 40 ans.En sgp I love it and I discovered a world that I did not know, the art world and thank you for that, and still miles apologies if sometimes I make mistakes, but I regret if I had known I would have studied more seriously your Shakespearian language to understand you perfectly, and yes even errors of youth
    thank you for this discovery and reading this post on to projects outside through the eyes as if there was

  25. NatalieR Says:

    Great insight in to J. Thanks for sharing Nick. Have to agree with a few on here that J is slowly becoming my favourite 🙂

    Oh BTW that opening paragraph you wrote about yourself…WOW that hit home. Reminds me of myself to the tee!

  26. Alexwoman Says:

    HI Nick,

    I love reading your writing.
    it’s very exciting !
    thanks for sharing


  27. Nic. Says:

    hey! i’m new to this but have been following our blog and lovin the stuff,your writing is really good and looking forward to any short (or long) films to come! 😀

    Nic, (UK)

  28. laurenmichelle Says:

    nick, i love reading what you write. end of story :]

    oh, and congrats SGP on over 700 followers!!

  29. GJONES Says:

    you guys portray such poetry in your writing, its inspiring.
    SGP is growing in popularity over here in the UK, loving the vlogs, keep keeping us up to date with SGP info.
    Major support for u guys
    Gemma Jones

  30. Ana Says:

    Great stuff! I wonder who you have in mind to play Jay?

  31. strawe berri scott Says:


    you should ask Austin about his ‘S’. Also would you guys chill with making him do all these blog things! I want him back! haha Anyways… if you’re looking for a Mona Mills, you should get up with me…i think i’d be perfect. haha


  32. Alaina Says:

    You write about Jay in a way that makes her endearing to me already!

    I’m going to love this film before I ever see it, and when I do I’ll probably compare it to what i have come to envision as my version.

    It’s weird to actually be ‘observing’ the creation of something that will more than likely become a favorite movie just based on the love that all people involved have for it.


  33. Heather Says:

    I love your writing Nick. Jay sounds to me like a mix between Annie Potts circa Pretty In Pink and Seven from the recent Battlestar Galactica…what a wonderful character.

    I have a couple odd thoughts on who may be able to play her… first Jillian Armenante for the down to earth, but still a "10" type and then I thought maybe Gillian Leigh Andersondue for the sees things LB doesn't and would never want her hurt aspects. I also thought that a different track casting for Mona could be Lauren Ambrose. I have only been following since mid-Feb so these may be kinda out there.
    <> <> darkhowler69

  34. JessQC Says:

    Hadn’t had the time to comment on this post, but you create wonderful characters. Jay sounds like a delightful character and I cannot wait to hear more about her. I’m sure S. would be flattered that she inspired you, once again.

    I love your writing. Reading you is always a pleasure! 🙂

    – Jess

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